



  • 中文名:景奉水
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校淮南礦業學院,山東礦業學院 
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:研究員


2014-10~現在, 中國科學院自動化研究所, 研究員
2004-10~2014-09,中國科學院自動化研究所, 副研究員
2002-07~2004-09,中科院自動化所, 助研
1994-07~1999-02,山東農業大學, 助教、講師


景奉水, 山東章丘人。1991年畢業於淮南礦業學院,獲安全技術與工程專業學士學位;1994年畢業於山東礦業學院,獲得安全技術與工程專業碩士學位。1994-1999任教於山東農業大學,助教、講師。2002年畢業於中科院自動化所獲控制理論與控制工程專業博士學位。2002年起中科院自動化所助研、副研究員。2003年8月-2005年8月,北京市朝陽區科委掛職副主任。2005.3-2009.3年中科院自動化所科技處副處長。
研發的弧焊機器人系統,具備了關節糾偏和焊縫跟蹤等先進功能,並在奇瑞汽車製造公司的焊接生產線上示範套用;相關成果發表在SCI期刊Optical Engineering上。並作為第一起草人完成工業機器人標準3項,其中1項為國家標準。
參與研發多機器人協調大型船體分段對接控制系統,提出了全驅動和欠驅動兩種模式下多機器人運動規劃方法,證明了對接平台與參加機器人數目的無關性,負責開發了船體對接總控軟體。系統完成後,一直在渤海造船廠套用,使得船體分段合攏對接時間從每次平均2周時間縮短到了30分鐘;相關成果以第一作者長文發表在SCI期刊IEEE Transaction on SMC上。





( 1 )開放式機器人控制器平台,發明,2002,專利號: ZL00129523.3
( 2 )開放式工業機器人視覺控制平台,發明,2006,專利號: ZL01141591.6
( 3 )具有視覺焊縫自動跟蹤功能的弧焊機器人控制平台,發明,2005,專利號: ZL02158340.4
( 4 )高壓輸電線路自動巡檢機器人單體,發明,2008,專利號: ZL200310118302.0
( 5 )一種煤礦井下人員定位與瓦斯濃度動態監測系統,實用新型,2008,專利號: ZL200720103513.0
( 6 )一種5自由度立體視覺監控裝置,發明,2007,專利號: ZL200410068998.5
( 7 )具有絕對碼盤讀取功能的多軸運動控制卡,發明,2012,第 1 作者,專利號: ZL201010244933.7
( 8 )System and method for robot trajectory generation with continuous accelerations,發明,2013,第 1 作者,專利號: 8600554(US PATENT)
( 9 )機器人的視覺實時糾偏系統和糾偏方法,發明,2014,第 1 作者,專利號: ZL201210027078.3
( 10 )機器人手眼系統結構光平面參數標定裝置及方法,發明,2015,第 1 作者,專利號: ZL201210440064.4
( 11 )加速度連續的機器人軌跡生成系統和方法,發明,2015,第 1 作者,專利號: ZL201080003743.4
( 12 )一種用於增量式碼盤性能的提高系統及其方法,發明,2015,第 1 作者,專利號: ZL201310176703.5


(1)Research on Trajectory Planning of On-The-Fly Observing for the Active Feed Receiver in FAST,in Proceedings of Chinese Control Conference,Hanzhou China, July 2015,2015,通訊作者
(2)The Study on Fine Adjustment of Focus Cabin Suspension of FAST Based on The Quadric Error Model of Receiver,in Proceedings of Chinese Control Conference,Hanzhou China, July 2015,2015,通訊作者
(3)High-precision NURBS Interpolation algorithm based on the bisection method,in Proceedings of Chinese Control Conference,Hanzhou China, July 2015,2015,通訊作者
(4)Optimal State Estimation for Discrete-time Systems with Delayed Measurements,in Proceedings of Chinese Control Conference, Nanjing China, July 2014, pp. 9022-9026,2014,通訊作者
(5)Iterated Extended Kalman Filter for Time-delay Systems with Multi-sample-rate Measurements,in Proceeding of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Shenyang China, June 2014, pp. 4523-4527,2014,通訊作者
(6) Experiment Study on the Motion Planning and Control of Focus Cabin of FAST,Proceedings of the 32th Chinese Control Conference,2013,通訊作者
(7)Modeling, control and software implemention of atronomical tracking of the focus cabin of FAST,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics,2013,通訊作者
(8) Line-feature-based calibration method of structured light plane parameters for robot hand-eye system,Optical Engeering,2013,通訊作者
(9)Dynamic modeling and vibration mode analysis for an industrial robot with rigid links and flexible joints,The 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2012 CCDC),2012,通訊作者
(10)Residual vibration suppression using off-line learning input shaping method for a flexible joint robot.,The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, (WCICA 2012),2012,通訊作者
(11)Experimental validation of a trajectory planning method with continuous acceleration implemented on a DSP-Based motion controller.,The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA 2012),2012,通訊作者
(12)A Robot Trajectory Planning Method with Continuous Accelerations,Proceedings of the IET International Conference on Advanced Technology of Design and Manufacture ( ATDM 2010) ,2010,第1作者
(13)A Design of Multi-axis Motion Controller for Welding Robot Based on DSP,Proceedings of the IET International Conference on Advanced Technology of Design and Manufacture ( ATDM 2010) ,2010,第2作者
(14)Anti-crosswind autolanding of UAVs based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control,AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (AIAA GNC 2010),2010,第4作者
(15)Automatic Takeoff of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control,Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics,2009,第2作者
(16)Image-based visual servoing for power transmission line inspection robot,International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control,2009,第4作者
(17)Nonlinear Robust Control Method for Active Vibration Isolation Using a Stewart Platform,Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok,2009,第4作者
(18)Autolanding of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles based on Active Disturbance Rejection Contro,IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS 2009),2009,第4作者
(19)Kinematic analysis of a flexible six-dof parallel mechanism,IIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part B,Vol.36,No.2, 379-389,2006,2006,第1作者
(20)Unsupervised learning of categories from sets of partially matching image features for power line inspection robot,In Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neutal Networks(IJCNN 2008), Hong Kong, China , 2596-2603,2002,第3作者
(21)船體分段位姿找正對接系統 —一個多機器人協調作業系統的實現,自動化學報,2002,第1作者


( 1 )機器人外部軸控制, 主持,國家級,2012-01--2015-12
( 2 )500米口徑天文望遠鏡饋源支撐整體控制系統項目, 主持,國家級,2014-10--2015-12
( 3 )基於多元信息融合的FAST饋源實時高精度控制研究, 主持,國家級,2016-01--2019-12
( 4 )焊接機器人系統的研製, 主持,院級,2015-01--2016-12


