



  • 書名:普通高等教育十一五國家級規劃教材·大學實用英語2
  • 作者:趙增虎
  • ISBN:9787313062093
  • 頁數:98
  • 定價:24.00元
  • 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2010-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16




◆主題教學 同步配套
◆設計合理 任務驅動
每個單元分為warming up,Passages,Practice,Reader's Notes和useful websites五大部分。遵循外語閱讀教學閱讀理論,以動機為先導,以興趣為動力,以學生為中心,強調自主學習和任務型學習,突出快速閱讀能力和跨文化交際能力的培養。特別是導入了“快速掃視法”,有效訓練眼與腦的協調能力,提高閱讀速度和效果。
◆語言優美 原汁原味
◆計時訓練 循序漸進
引入國際上流行的施道弗閱讀效率計算公式。依據《火學英語課程教學要求》,設定每冊、每單元、每篇材料的參考閱讀時長(Target reading time),讓學生閱讀後將自己的Actual readingtime,Reading rate,Comprehension rate等填入“快速閱讀測試自我評價表”和“閱讀效率進展表”,以使學生及時掌握學習進展情況,在自學自測中循序漸進、逐級提升。


Unit One Family Life
Passage 1 Precious First Born: Mothers Admit They Really Do Favour First Child
Passage 2 A Promise of Flowers
Passage 3 Chinese Culture: Role of Family
Passage 4 What I Want for You A Letter Obama Wrote to His Daughter
Unit Two Culture and Education
Passage 1 A Decline in IQ of the Generations after 1990s?
Passage 2 China Announces Plans for Universal Health Care
Passage 3 UCLA Course Teaches High School Students Language of Their Parents and Grandparents
Passage 4 Flu Drugs 'Unhelpful' in Children
Unit Three sports and Leisure
Passage 1 Golf Set to Join Olympics
Passage 2 The Early History of Wimbledon
Passage 3 Mutu's Case Tests Sport's Private courts
Passage 4 Does Exercise Really Keep Us Healthy?
Unit Four Travel and Entertainment
Passage 1 Worth the Walk
Passage 2 Beijing: Need to Know
Passage 3 Americans on Vacation
Passage 4 Essential (Healthy) Travel Tips
Unit Five Mass Media
Passage 1 Teens, Television, and Depression
Passage 2 Internet
Passage 3 E-book
Passage 4 British Daily Papers
Unit Six Wealth and Health
Passage 1 Swine Flu Kills Dozens in Britain
Passage 2 Experts Criticize Tobacco Control System
Passage 3 Drinking Blamed for Oral Cancer Rise
Passage 4 Ten Facts about Women's Health
Unit Seven Animal World
Passage 1 Chimpanzees 'Hunt Using Spears'
Passage 2 Extinction Hits 'Whole Families'
Passage 3 Wood Harvest Puts Pandas at Risk
Passage 4 Animal Emotions
Unit Eight Social Ethics
Passage 1 SINDIs——The 21st Century Divorced Women
Passage 2 Christian Attitudes to Same-sex Marriage
Passage 3 "Moral Vacuum" in Science Lessons
Passage 4 How to Save the Teens Why Do Some Teens Behave Recklessly?
附錄1 參考答案
附錄2 快速閱讀測試自我評價表
附錄3 閱讀效率進展表


