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  • 中文名:明紅
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1979年2月
  • 畢業院校:雲南大學、河南師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:高校教師
  • 專業方向:極端生境(熱泉、鹽湖、洞穴)微生物資源挖掘及生態功能極端微生物功能基因挖掘及功能研究,原核微生物系統分類學 


1998.09-2002.07 河南師範大學 生物學 本科
2002.09-2005.07 河南師範大學 植物學 碩士研究生
2012.09-2015.12 雲南大學微生物學博士研究生
2005.07- 新鄉醫學院 生命科學技術系 教授
主持國家自然科學基金1項,省廳級科技攻關項目6項,獲得河南省科技進步獎三等獎1項,河南省首屆教材建設獎一等獎1項,河南省教學成果二等獎1項,河南省教育科學研究優秀成果二等獎1項,指導國家級和省級大學生創新實踐項目3項,指導學生獲得全國青年科普創新實驗暨作品大賽二等獎1項,河南省“挑戰杯”大學生課外學術科技作品競賽二等獎和三等獎各1項,全國大學生生命科學聯賽二等獎1項,三等獎3項。先後在Molecular Catalysis、EMT、IJSEM和AOTO等SCI源期刊及國內重要期刊上發表學術論文60餘篇,申請專利1項,參編教材4部。




  • 《生物製品學》科學出版社,編委,河南省首屆教材建設獎一等獎,2021.07
  • 《酶工程》科學出版社,副主編,河南省第二批“十二五”普通高等教育規劃教材,2015.10
  • 河南省生物技術系列精品教材建設的研究與實踐(教材)。河南省教學成果二等獎,2014.01,排名第4
  • 發酵工程實驗教學體系的改革探索.河南省教育科學研究優秀成果二等獎,2013.07,排名第1
  • 新鄉醫學院第十二屆教學競賽二等獎和單項獎,2020.12
  • 新鄉醫學院教學技能競賽二等獎,2020.09
  • 河南省高校青年骨幹教師
  • 2009年獲“新鄉醫學院教學競賽生命科學技術學院選拔賽講師組一等獎”
  • 2009年獲“新鄉醫學院教學競賽優秀獎”
  • 2011年獲“新鄉醫學院教學競賽生命科學技術學院選拔賽講師組一等獎”
  • 2011年獲“新鄉醫學院教學競賽優秀獎”







(1)《伯傑氏手冊》:編委,編寫In Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Actinobacteria:The genus Sinomonas章節。


[1] Zi‑Yu Zhao†, Ting‑Ting Xia†, Jian‑Yu Jiao, Lan Liu, Qing‑Yang Su, Meng‑Meng Li, Ai‑Ping Lv, Yu‑Ting Ouyang, Wen‑Jun Li*, Hong Ming*. Qipengyuania thermophila sp. nov., isolated from a Chinese hot spring, Archives of Microbiology, 2022, 204:305-312.
[2] Bing-fang Yi†, Ting-ting Xia†, Ming-ming Niu, Zi-yu Zhao, Qing-yang Su, Hong Ming*, Guo-xingNie1*. Agromyces agglutinans sp. nov., isolated from saline lake sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2022; 72 DOI 10.1099/ijsem.0.005208.
[3] Caixia Cui, Mengyuan Kong, Tingting Xia, Chenyan Zhou, Hong Ming*. Design and construction of a semi-cycle system of oxygen supplied intensification using hydrogen peroxide for high-performance glucose oxidation, Molecular Catalysis, 2022, 519:112-119.
[4] Caixia Cui, Mengyuan Kong, Yihan Wang, Chenyan Zhou, Hong Ming*. Characterization of poly phosphate kinases for the synthesis of GSH with ATP regeneration from AMP, Enzyme Microb Tech, 2021, 149:109853.
[5] Hong Ming†, Li-jiao Cheng†, Bing-fang Yi, Ting-ting Xia, Ming-ming Niu, Zi-yu Zhao, Bing-bing Liu, Guo-xing Nie*, Cai-xia Cui*. Brachybacterium subflavum sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from the foregut of Grass carp, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2021, 70(6): 004839.
[6] Hong Ming#*, Ming-Ming Niu#, Li-Jiao Cheng, Yan-Min Zhang, Bing-Fang Yi, Ting-Ting Xia, Meng Li, Guo-Xing Nie*. Isoptericola halalbus sp. nov., a halotolerant actinobacterium isolated from saline lake sediment, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2020, 70(8):4661-4667.
[7] Hong Ming#*, Zhuo-Li Zhao#, Wei-Li Ji, Chen-Long Ding, Li-Jiao Cheng, Ming-Ming Niu, Meng Li, Bing-Fang Yi, Ting-Ting Xia, Guo-Xing Nie*. Thermus thermamylovorans sp. nov., isolated from a hot spring, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2020, 70(3):1729-1737.
[8] Hong Ming#*, Li-Jiao Cheng#, Cheng-Long Ding, Ming-ming Niu, Zhuo-Li Zhao, Wei-Li Ji, Ling-Yu Zhang, Yan-min Zhang, Xiao-Lin Meng, Guo-Xing Nie*, Paracoccus luteus sp. nov., isolated from the intestine of Grass carp. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,2020.01;70(1):543-549.
[9] Hong Ming#*, Wei-li Ji#, Li M, Zhao ZL, Cheng LJ, Niu MM, Zhang LY, Wang Y, Nie GX*. Halomonas lactosivorans sp. nov., isolated from a salt-lake sample. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2020.05;70(5):3504-3512.
[10] Ming H#, Ji WL#, Li S, Zhao ZL, Zhang LY, Meng XL, Zhou EM, Nie GX*, Li WJ* Laceyella thermophila sp. nov., a thermophilic bacterium isolated from hot spring. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2017.08, 67(8):2953-2958.
[11] Ming H#, Duan YY#, Yin YR, Meng XL, Li S, Zhou EM, Huang JR, Nie GX*, Li WJ* Crenalkalicoccus roseus gen. nov., sp. nov., thermophilic bacterium isolated from alkaline hot springs. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2016,66 (6):2319-2326.
[12] Ming H, Duan YY, Guo QQ, Yin YR, Zhou EM, Liu L, Li S, Nie GX, Li WJ. Meiothermus roseus sp. nov., a thermophilic bacterium isolated from a geothermal area. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015, 108:897-905.
[13] Ming H, Yin YR, Li S, Nie GX, Yu TT, Zhou EM, Liu L, Dong L, Nie GX*, Li WJ*. Thermus caliditerrae sp. nov., a novel thermophilic species isolated from a geothermal area. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2014, 64:650-656.
[14]Ming H, Nie GX, Jiang HC, Yu TT, Zhou EM, Feng HG, Tang SK, Li WJ*. Paenibacillus friguresistentia sp. nov., a novel psychrotroph isolated from a peat bog in Heilongjiang, Northern China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2012,102(2):297-305.
[15] Huang JR, Ming H, Li S, Zhao ZL, Meng XL, Zhang JX, Tang Z, Li WJ*, Nie GX*. Amycolatopsis xuchangensis sp. nov. and Amycolatopsis jiguanensissp. nov., isolated from soil. Antonie van leeuwenhoek, 2016(Revised version)
[16]Huang JR, Ming H, Li S, Meng XL, Zhang JX, Thi-Nhan Khieu, Tang Z, Li WJ*, Nie GX*. Agromyces insulae sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from a soil sample. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2016, 66, 2002-2007.
[17] Ming H, Ren WZ, Zhang F, Yin YR, Zhou EM, Hu QW, Nie GX*, Li WJ*. Characterization of a halo-thermo-stable and SDS-tolerant xylanase from halophilicNocardiopsisterrae YIM 90036. Int J Biol Macromol. (under review)
[18] Guo QQ, Ming H, Meng XL, Duan YY, Gao R, Zhang JX, Huang JR, Li WJ*, Nie GX*. Rhodococcus agglutinans sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from a soil sample. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015, 107(5):1271-80.
[19] Guo QQ, Ming H, Meng XL, Huang JR, Duan YY, Li SH, Li S, Zhang JX, Li WJ, Nie GX*. Sinomonas halotolerans sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from a soil sample. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015, 108:897-905.
[20] Duan YY, Ming H, Dong L, Yin YR, Meng XL, Zhou EM, Zhang JX, Nie GX* and Li WJ*. Cecembia rubra sp. nov., a thermophilic bacterium isolated from a hot spring sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2015, 65(7):2118-23.
[21] Dong L, Ming H, Zhou EM, Yin YR, Liu L, Feng HG, Xian WD, Nie GX, Li WJ*. Crenobacter luteus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a hot spring. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. ,2015, 65(1): 214-219.
[22] Yu TT, Ming H, Yao JC, Zhou EM, Park DJ, Hozzein WN, Kim CJ, Wadaan MA, Li WJ*.Thermus amyloliquefaciens sp. nov., isolated from a hot spring sediment sample. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. ,2015, 65(8):2491-2495.
[23] Duan YY, Ming H, Dong L, Yin YR, Zhang Y, Zhou EM, Liu L, Nie GX* and Li WJ*. Streptomyces calidiresistens sp. nov., isolated from a hot spring sediment. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2014,106:189-196.
[24] Dong L, Ming H, Liu L, Zhou EM, Yin YR, Duan YY, Nie GX, Feng HG, Li WJ*. Zhizhongheella caldifontis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Comamonadaceae. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2014, 105:755-761.
[25] Dong L, Ming H, Yin YR, Duan YY, Zhou EM, Nie GX, Feng HG, Liu L, Li WJ*. Roseomonas alkaliterrae sp. nov., isolated from an alkali geothermal soil sample in Tengchong, Yunnan, south-west China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2014, 105:899-905.
[26] Kang YQ, Ming H, Gonoi T, Chen Y, Cao Y, Wang YY, Cheng J, Koga T, Mikami Y, Li WJ*. Gordonia iterans sp. nov., isolated from a patient with pneumonia. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. , 2014, 64:3520-3525.
[27] Nie GX, Ming H, Li S, Zhou EM, Cheng J, Yu TT, Zhang J, Feng HG, Tang SK,Li WJ*.Geodermatophilus nigrescens sp. nov., isolated from dry-hot valley. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2012, 101(4):811-817.
[28] Nie GX, Ming H, Zhang J, Feng HG, Li S, Yu TT, Zhou EM, Li WJ*. Kineococcus glutineturens sp. nov., isolated from soil in Yunnan, south-west China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2012, 102(2):239-246.
[29] Nie GX, Ming H, Tang SK, Tang X, Cheng J, Li WJ*. Pseudonocardia yuanmoensis sp.nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from soil in Yunnan, south-west China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2012, 101(4):753-760.
[30] NieGX, Ming H, Li S, Zhou EM, Cheng J, Tang X, Feng HG, Tang SK,Li WJ*. Amycolatopsis dongchuanensis sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from dry-hot valley in Yunnan, south-west China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,2012, 62: 2650-2656.
[31] 鮮文東,明紅,李文均*. 高溫放線菌科最新研究進展,微生物學報,2015,55(1):1-11.
[32] Liu L, Zhou EM, Jiao JY, Manikprabhu D, Ming H, Huang MJ, Yin YR, Li WJ*. Hymenobacter mucosus sp. nov., isolated from a soil sample in karst cave. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,2015, in press: doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.000550.
[33] Liu L, Zhou EM, Jiao JY, Manikprabhu D, Ming H, Liu WH, Hozzein WN, Shu WS and Li WJ*. Hymenobacter latericoloratus sp. nov. and Hymenobacter luteus sp. nov., isolated from freshwater sediment.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015, 107, 165-172.
[34] Jiao JY, Liu L, Zhou EM, Wei DQ, Ming H, Xian WD, Chang-Guo Yuan, Jing-Mei Zhong, Wen-Jun Li*. Actinomaduraamylolytica sp. nov. and Actinomadura cellulosilytica sp. nov., isolated from geothermally heated soil.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015,108(1):75-83.
[35] Zhou EM, Yu TT, Liu L, Ming H, Yin YR, Dong L, Tseng M, Nie GX, Li WJ*.Geothermomicrobium terrae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Thermoactinomycetaceae. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,2014, 64, 2998–3004.
[36] Yin YR, Zhang F, Hu QW, Xian WD, Hozzein WN, Zhou EM, Ming H, Nie GX, Li WJ*. Heterologous expression and characterization of a novel halotolerant, thermostable, and alkali-stable GH6 endoglucanase from Thermobifida halotolerans.Biotechnology letters, 2015, 37(4):857-862.
[37] Yu TT, Yin YR, Zhang YG, Yao JC, Klenk HP, Wang HF, Ming H, Zhou EM, Li WJ*. Meiothermus terrae sp. nov. isolated from a geothermally heated soil sample in Tengchong, Yunnan, south-west China. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol, 2014, 64, 794-798.
[38] Cole JK, Gieler BA, Heisler DL, Palisoc MM, Williams AJ, Dohnalkova AC, Ming H, Yu TT, Dodsworth JA, Li WJ, Hedlund BP. Kallotenue papyrolyticum gen. nov., sp. nov., a cellulolytic and filamentous thermophile isolated from Great Boiling Spring that represents a novel lineage (Kallotenualesord. nov., Kallotenuaceae fam. nov.) within the class Chloroflexia. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol, 2013, 63(12): 4675-4682.
[39] Yu TT, Yao JC, Ming H, Yin YR, Zhou EM, Liu MJ, Tang SK, Li WJ*. Thermus tengchongensissp. nov., isolated from a geothermally heated soil sample in Tengchong, Yunnan, south-west China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,2013, 103(3): 513-518.
[40] Ren WZ, Zhang F, Yang XY, Tang SK, Ming H, Zhou EM, Yin YR, Li WJ*. Purification and Properties of a SDS-resistant Xylanase from halophilic Streptomonospora sp. YIM 90494. Cellulose, 2013, 20 (4): 1947-1955.
[41] Yu TT, Zhou EM, Yin YR, Yao JC, Ming H, Dong L, Li S, Nie GX, Li WJ*. Vulcaniibacterium tengchongense gen. nov., sp. nov. isolated from a geothermally heated soil sample, and reclassification of Lysobacter thermophilus Wei et al 2012 as Vulcaniibacterium thermophilum comb. nov. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2013, 104(3):369-376.
[42] Yu TT, Yao JC, Yin YR, Yang LL, Tang SK, Ming H, Zhou EM, Li WJ*. Rehaibacterium terrae gen. nov., sp. nov. isolated from a geothermally heated soil sample in Tengchong, Yunnan, south-west China. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol, 2013, 63(12): 4058-4063.
[43] Nie GX, Wang B, Wang JL, Ming H, Zheng JL, Li XJ*, Kong XH, Molecular cloning, sequence analysis and structure prediction of rBAT in Cyprinus carpio L. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(32):8060-8069.
[44] Tang X, Zhou Y, Zhang J, Ming H, Nie GX, Yang LL, Tang SK, Li WJ*. Description of Actinokineospora soli sp. nov., a mesophilic actinomycete isolated from soil in Yunnan, south-western China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2012, 62(8):1845-1849.
[45] Zhou EM, Yang LL, Song ZJ, Yu TT, Nie GX, Ming H, Zhou Y, Tang SK, Li WJ*. Thermocatellispora tengchongensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Streptosporangiaceae. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2012, 62: 2417-2423.
[46] Zhou EM, Tang SK, Sjøholm C, Song ZQ, Yu TT, Yang LL, Ming H, Nie GX, Li WJ*.Thermoactinospora rubragen. nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic actinomycete isolated from Tengchong, Yunnan province, south-west China,Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2012, 102(1):177-185.
[47] Yu TT, Zhang BH, Yao JC, Tang SK, Zhou EM, Yin YR, Wei DQ, Ming H, Li WJ*.Lihuaxuella thermophila gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a geothermal soil sample in Tengchong, Yunnan, south-west China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2012, 102(4):711-718.
[48] Wei DQ,Yu TT, Yao JC,Zhou EM, Song ZQ, Yin YR, Ming H, Tang SK,Li WJ*.Lysobacter thermophilussp. nov., isolated from a geothermal soil sample in Tengchong, south-west China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2012, 102(4):643-651.
[49] 張敬,何偉宏,唐蜀昆,周恩民,明紅,李帥,聶國興李文均*,雲南乾熱環境可培養高溫放線菌多樣性及產纖維素酶活性評價,微生物學通報,2013,40:1109-1120
[50] 明紅,段艷艷,周恩民,鮮文東,劉蘭,董雷,聶國興李文均*,騰衝熱泉中可培養耐高溫原核微生物多樣性的研究,第六屆微生物資源學術研討會,會議論文, 2014.11.29-30,中國廈門.5


