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  • 中文名:旅遊英語口語
  • 出版時間:2010年4月1日
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787308074599




Chapter 1 Preparation for the Tour旅行準備
Unit 1 Collecting Information收集信息
Unit 2 The Plan for the Tour旅行計畫
Unit 3 Booking a Plane Ticket預訂機票
Unit 4 Reserving a Hotel賓館訂房
Unit 5 Packing the Baggage整理行李
Chapter 2 Starting the Tour旅程開始
Unit 1 At the Airport在機場
Unit 2 Having Dinner on the Plane機上用餐
Unit 3 Airsickness暈機
Unit 4 Declarations at Customs行李報關
Unit 5 Safety Inspection安全檢查
Chapter 3 Registration入住賓館
Unit 1 Check—in登記入住
Unit 2 Cleaning the Room打掃房間
Unit 3 Wake.up Call喚醒服務
Unit 4 Laundry Service洗衣服務
Unit 5 Complaining about Service抱怨服務
Chapter 4 Having Delicious Food享用美食
Unit 1 Booking a Table預訂餐桌
Unit 2 Ordering Chinese Food點中餐
Unit 3 Ordering Western Food點西餐
Unit 4 Paying the Bill埋單
Unit 5 Complaining about the Food抱怨食物
Chapter 5 Transportation交通
Unit 1 Traveling By Bus乘公共汽車
Unit 2 Traveling By Taxi打計程車
Unit 3 TravelingByTrain乘火車
Unit 4 Traveling By Ship乘船
Unit 5 Renting a Car租車
Chapter 6 Sightseeing Abroad國外觀光
Unit 1 Traveling in Europe歐洲之行
Unit 2 TravelinginAsia andAfrica亞非之行
Unit 3 Traveling in America美洲之行
Unit 4 Traveling inAustrafia澳洲之行
Unit 5 Foreign Customs外國風俗
Chapter 7 Sightseeing in China國內觀光
Unit 1 At the Beach海濱之旅
Unit 2 Natural Scenery Tour遊山玩水
Unit 3 Views ofthe Cit)r城市景色
Unit 4 Places ofInterest名勝古蹟
Unit 5 Chinese Customs中國民俗
Chapter 8 Shopping購物
Unit 1 Buying Presents購買禮品
Unit 2 Choosing Goods選擇商品
Unit 3 Bargaining討價還價
Unit 4 Paying the Bill付款
Unit 5 Asking for Follow-up Service要求提供售後服務
Chapter 9 Entertainment during the Tour旅途娛樂
Unit 1 Drinking in the Bar酒吧風情
unit 2 In the Dance Hall舞廳跳舞
Unit 3 Seeing a Movie看電影
Unit 4 Enjoying the theater欣賞戲劇
Unit 5 Enjoying Music欣賞音樂
Chapter 10 Tour Services旅遊服務
Unit 1 At a Barber Shop在理髮店
Unit 2 At a Beauty Salon在美容院
Unit 3 At the Gas Station在加油站
Unit 4 At the Bank在銀行
Unit 5 At the P。st Office在郵局
Chapter 11 Dealing with Troubles解決麻煩
Unit 1 At the Lost and Found Office在失物招領處
Unit 2 Seeing a Doctor生病就醫
Unit 3 Asking the Way問路
Unit 4 Traffic Accidents車禍
Unit 5 Asking the Police for Help向警察求助


