

《新編外貿英語口語教程(第三版)》是2014年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是廖 瑛 。


  • 書名:新編外貿英語口語教程(第三版)
  • 作者:廖 瑛 
  • ISBN:9787566310897
  • 定價:33.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014.7
  • 開本:148mm×210mm /
  • 版次/印次:3/1
  • 字數/頁數:446千字




Unit I Daily Expressions
日 常 用 語
Lesson 1 Greetings and Farewells(打招呼與告別)3
Lesson 2 Making Introduction(介紹)11
Lesson 3 Requests and Help(請求與幫助)17
Lesson 4 Apologies and Regrets(道歉與遺憾)25
Lesson 5 Congratulations and Good Wishes(祝賀與希望)31
Unit II Receiving Foreign Guests
接 待 外 商
Lesson 6 A Welcome at the Airport(機場迎接)39
Lesson 7 Entry Visa(入境驗證)51
Lesson 8 Going Through the Customs(通過海關)61
Lesson 9 Driving to the Hotel(送往旅館)73
Unit III Business Services
商 務 服 務
Lesson 10 Reserving Rooms(預訂房間)87
Lesson 11 Room Services(客房服務)99
Lesson 12 Currency Exchange(貨幣兌換)111
Lesson 13 Dining Hall Service(餐飲服務)121
Lesson 14 The Barber’s Service(理髮服務)133
Lesson 15 Post and Telecommunication Service
Lesson 16 Shopping Service(購物服務)157
Lesson 17 Medical Service(醫療服務)177
Unit IV Business Activities
商 務 活 動
Lesson 18 Appointment and Visiting(約會與拜訪)195
Lesson 19 Giving a Banquet(設宴招待)207
Lesson 20 A Dance Party(舉辦舞會)221
Lesson 21 At the Export Commodities Fair
Unit V Business Negotiations
商 務 談 判
Lesson 22 Preliminary Talk(初次會談)249
Lesson 23 Inquiry and Offer(詢價與報盤)263
Lesson 24 Counter-Offer & Counter-Counter-Offer
Lesson 25 Acceptance and Order(接受與訂貨)291
Lesson 26 Payment and Delivery(付款與交貨)303
Lesson 27 Packing and Shipment(包裝與裝運)319
Lesson 28 Inspection and Insurance(商檢與保險)337
Lesson 29 Agency and Contract(代理與契約)353
Lesson 30 Claims and Settlement(索賠與理賠)369
Lesson 31 Joint Venture(合資企業)383
Unit VI Cultural Visits
觀 光 旅 游
Lesson 32 Making a Sightseeing Plan(制訂遊覽計畫)399
Lesson 33 Visiting an Ancient Palace(參觀古代宮殿)409
Lesson 34 Visiting a Natural Park(參觀自然公園)421
Lesson 35 Introducing Sites of Interest(介紹名勝古蹟)431
Lesson 36 Saying Good-bye and Seeing Off(告別與送行)459


