反寫實主義的攝影流派.他們主張採取冷漠甚至敵對的態度來看待拍攝對象,與要求真實反映社會底層人民生活,並對人民的不幸遭遇給予深切同情的寫實攝影的傳統背道而馳.該派於20世紀70年代在美國興起並流行.它所反映的題材主要是生活在社會各階層的人群和畸形人,特別是中產階級的日常生活. Anti-realism of the photographic genre. They advocate the adoption of theattitudeof indifference or even hostility to look at subjects, and requirements for a true reflection of people's lives the bottom of society, and misfortune for the people's deep sympathy for the realistic photography tradition. Thefactionin the 20th century 70 era and the rise ofpopularityin the United States. it reflects the main theme of living in all levels of society people and deformity, especially the middle class everyday life.