



  • 軟體名稱:新天地時尚
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:13.2MB
  • 軟體語言:英文
  • 價格:免費


新天地時尚 時尚·格新·天地 新天地時尚毗鄰馬當路,位於自忠路及與復興南路之間,與上海新天地通過天橋相連。新天地時尚是瑞安房地產的最新商業作品,它不同於一般的shopping mall,其延續的不僅是上海新天地的建築風格,更是創新、引領時尚理念的延續。 該商場地上地下各兩層,共四層,捷運10號線和13號線新天地站的出口大廳直接通向商場。建築形式上它沿用了上海新天地一貫的中西合璧,新舊結合的風格,將上- 海新天地的街景引入室內。 不同於普通商場的定位,新天地時尚旨在成為孕育中國設計師的搖籃,為中外設計師構建零距離對話平台。除了國際知名品牌商戶外,還有新生亞洲設計師品牌,汲取上- 海新天地的靈感,成為世界時尚與潮流。更重要的還有,這裡提供了一系列個性化定製服務,為消費者一對一打造“型格”。 時尚·革新·天地。“格”是全新“格調”,全新“格局”;每個時尚品牌體現的是獨立“型格”,為時尚界“革新”樹立一種前所未有的“風格”。要知曉上海這座城- 市的時尚潮流指數,就可以在新天地時尚找到答案。 Style Redefines Everything --- Xintiandi Style is Coming Soon Xintiandi Style located at Zi Zhong Road and South Fu Xing Road, next to Madang Road and connected to the South Block of Xintiandi. Xintiandi Style is the latest masterpiece from Shui On Land, it does not only preserve the architectural design of Shanghai Xintiandi but also extends its innovation and style. The mall has 4 levels in total with 2 underground and 2 above ground and connected with the Xintiandi Station of Metro Line 10 and 13. Similar to the architectural design of Shanghai Xintiandi: a combination of East and West, Old and New, Xintiandi Style continues the legend of Shanghai Xintiandi. Xintiandi Style is different from normal shopping malls, it aims at providing a platform to nurture Chinese designers and allow them to communicate with world-class international designers. Apart from the international fashion brands in our mall, Asian designer brands are coming to Xintiandi Style and ready to start a new fashion era in Shanghai. If you want to know what is hot in the city now, come to Xintiandi Style and you will get the answer!修改了系統的兼容性,新版本可支持ios3.0及以上版本的設備;


需要iOS 3.0 或更高版本。與 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。


