



  • 書名:新大學英語•綜合教程3:學生用書
  • 作者:劉建達 沈金華
  • 出版日期:2012年7月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787307091368
  • 外文名:New College English Integrated Course Ⅲ
  • 出版社:武漢大學出版社
  • 頁數:224頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:35.70




Unit 1 Advertising
PartⅠ Active Reading
Text A Advertising in China
PartⅡ Further Reading
Text B Types of Advertising
PartⅢ Language Skills
Translation Skills & Practice
Writing Skills & Practice
Unit 2 Jobs
PartⅠ Active Reading
Text A Work? Nice If You Can Get It
PartⅡ Further Reading
Text B The Three Most Common Resume Mistakes
PartⅢ Language Skills
Translation Skills & Practice
Writing Skills & Practice
Unit 3 Entertainment
PartⅠ Active Reading
Text A Why Is Music Importantl
PartⅡ Further Reading
Text B The Psychology of Entertainmenz
PartⅢ Language Skills
Translation Skills & Practice
Writing Skills & Practice
Unit 4 Process and Cycles
PartⅠ Active Reading
Text A A Man's Life Cycle
PartⅡ Further Reading
Text B Mastering the Writing Process
PartⅢ Language Skills
Translation Skills & Practice
Writing Skills & Practice
Unit 5 Family and Generations
PartⅠ Active Reading
Text A A Legend in Our Family
PartⅡ Further Reading
Text B The Disappearing Generation Gap
PartⅢ Language Skills
Translation Skills & Practice
Writing Skills & Practice
Unit 6 Friends and Romance
PartⅠ Active Reading
Text A Cauliflower Love
PartⅡ Further Reading
Text B The Nuts and Bolts of Male Friendship
PartⅢ Language Skills
Translation Skills & Practice
Writing Skills & Practice
Unit 7 Environment and Resoures
PartⅠ Active Reading
Text A Investigating Recent Changes in Weather Patterns
PartⅡ Further Reading
Text B Endangered Stripes
PartⅢ Language Skills
Translation Skills & Practice
Writing Skills & Practice
Unit 8 History and Government
PartⅠ Active Reading
Text A American History of the Gold Rush of 1848
PartⅡ Further Reading
Text B Don't Vote if You Didn't Do Your Homework
PartⅢ Language Skills
Translation Skills & Practice
Writing Skills & Practice
Alphabetical List of Words
Phrases and Expressions


