

《新空間大學英語系列·綜合教程3》是“新空間大學英語”系列教材的主幹教材之一。全套教材共四冊,可供四個學期使用。《新空間大學英語系列·綜合教程3》以精選課文為主要語言輸入渠道,配以各種練習和課堂活動,形式各異,內容豐富,信息量充足,便於學生將學習過程中獲得的語言知識系統化,並達到熟練運用英語的目的。 每冊12課。每課圍繞課文設定熱身活動、生詞表、注釋、課後練習和補充練習。


  • 書名:新空間大學英語系列•綜合教程3
  • 出版社:西安交通大學出版社
  • 頁數:178頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:西安交通大學出版社
  • 作者:李經偉
  • 出版日期:2008年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7560527191, 9787560527192




Unit 1 What Makes a Leader
Unit 2 The Soul of a Champion:A Letter to Michael Jordan
Unit 3 Christmas Day in the Morning
Unit 4 The Keys to Good Business in the Future
Unit 5 The American Dream
Unit 6 Tust No One?
Unit 7 Why Marriages Fail
Unit 8 If It Comes Back
Unit 9 The Quick Fix Society
Unit 10 The Myths of Scinece
Unit 11 How English Glorifies Maleness
Unit 12 Air Battle over London, 1940
New Words
Phrases and Expressions


Thank you for winning six NBA titles and earning hundreds of millions of dollars. If you ask why I thank you when obviously you did it for yourself, not for me, I will respond: That is exactly why I thank you. I can see the pride you take in your achievements, in being the greatest ever in your field, but I wonder if you realize all that you have to be proud of.
Most people, unfortunately, do not push themselves to excel and the problem is not a lack of capacity. Over a period of 20 years as a teacher, I have observed many talented students who squander their gifts. It is hard work for a man to actualize his potential. Thomas Edison defined genius as 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Many of us—perhaps most do not wish to perspire that profusely. But you, Michael, do not share such a reluctance.
When the teen-age boy, cut from his high school basketball team, practices hours every day before school, he displays his work ethic. When the University of North Carolina hero "busts his butt" at Bobby Knight's drill-instructor-style practice sessions in order to win the Olympic gold medal, he reaffirms that commitment. When the greatest player in the history of basketball continues, at age 35, to out-hustle far younger players——on defense as well as offense——and to lead his aging team to yet another championship, he surpasses the meaning of such concepts as "dedicated" and "perseverance"; he sets an example and a standard for which, perhaps, mankind has not yet developed a vocabulary. i5 Most of us, unlike you, are mere mortals; we cannot fly. But we can aspire. We can push ourselves to the limit of our ability and achieve the highest level possible to us. When I see you playing in a championship game with a fever that would keep most men in bed——when I see that, physically, you are almost too weak to stand but you still push yourself to score 38 points and hit the game winning shot——it moves me to ask. What can I achieve if I dedicate myself similarly to my own work and life?




