斯白露,博士,北京師範大學系統科學學院教授,腦與智慧型機器人實驗室主任,博士生導師,國家優秀青年研究者,中國科學院“百人計畫”入選者。代表成果發表在Nature Neuroscience、IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、Neural Networks、Neurocomputing、Hippocampus、PLOS Computational Biology、Frontiers in Neurorobotics等國際期刊上。
- 中文名:斯白露
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:中國河北省
- 畢業院校:德國不萊梅大學認知科學中心自然科學博士學位
- 職業:教師
- 主要成就:中國科學院“百人計畫”入選者
- 職稱:教授
- 職務:博士生導師
1992-09--1995-06 河北省石家莊市第一中學
1995-09--1999-07 北方工業大學 工學學士
1999-09--2002-07 中國科學院計算技術研究所 工學碩士
2002-10--2007-09 德國不萊梅大學認知科學中心 自然科學博士
2008-03--2011-07 義大利國際高等研究院認知神經科學部 博士後
2011-10--2013-06 以色列魏茲曼研究院神經生物學系 博士後
2013-12--2018 中國科學院瀋陽自動化研究所 機器人學國家重點實驗室研究員
2018至今 北京師範大學 系統科學學院 教授
2014--2015 中國科學院智慧型信息處理實驗室開放課題 深度強化學習
2008--2011 歐盟第七框架計畫項目:空間腦
2009--2011 挪威高性能計算NOTUR項目:內嗅皮層格線細胞的計算模型
2002--2004 德國科學基金會項目:動態環境中移動機器人的協作
- [1] Taiping Zeng, Fengzen Tang, Daxiong Ji, and Bailu Si. NeuroBayesSLAM: Neurobiologically inspired bayesian integration of multisensory information for robot navigation. Neural Networks, 126:21–35, 2020. (SCI, IF=5.535, 神經科學頂刊)
- [2] Taiping Zeng and Bailu Si. Video data for the cognitive mapping process of NeuroBayesSLAM system. Data in Brief, 30:105637, 2020. (Elsevier數據期刊)
- [3] Dongye Zhao, Zheng Zhang, Hong Lu, Sen Cheng, Bailu Si, and Xisheng Feng. Learning cognitive map representations for navigation by sensory-motor integration. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, pages 1–14, 2020. (SCI, IF=11.079, 控制論頂刊)
- [4] Dongye Zhao, Fengzhen Tang, Bailu Si, and Xisheng Feng. Learning joint space–time–frequency features for EEG decoding on small labeled data. Neural Networks, 114:67–77, 2019. (SCI, IF=5.535, 神經科學頂刊)
- [5] Wenchuan Qiao, Zheng Fang, and Bailu Si. A sampling-based multi-tree fusion algorithm for frontier detection. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 16(4):1729881419865427, 2019. (SCI, IF=1.482)
- [6] David Hunt, Daniele Linaro, Bailu Si, Sandro Romani, and Nelson Spruston. A novel pyramidal cell type promotes sharp-wave synchronization in the hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience, 21:985–995, 2018. (SCI, IF=20.071, 神經科學頂刊)
- [7] Yazhou Hu and Bailu Si. A reinforcement learning neural network for robotic manipulator control. Neural Computation, 21:1983–2004, 2018. (SCI, IF=2.505)
- [8] Jiang Zhu, Daxiong Ji, Zhiwei Xu, and Bailu Si. Combined optimization of waveform and quantization thresholds for multistatic radar systems. IET Signal Processing, 12(5):559–565, 2018. (SCI, IF=1.692)
- [9] Fengzhen Tang, Lukas Adam, and Bailu Si. Group feature selection with multiclass support vector machine. Neurocomputing, 317:42–49, 2018. (SCI, IF=4.438, 人工智慧頂刊)
- [10] Sanming Song, J. Michael Herrmann, Bailu Si, Kaizhou Liu, and Xisheng Feng. Two-dimensional forward-looking sonar image registration by maximization of peripheral mutual information. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 14(6):1729881417746270, 2017. (SCI, IF=1.482)
- [11] Taiping Zeng and Bailu Si. Cognitive mapping based on conjunctive representations of space and movement. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 11:61, 2017. (SCI, IF=2.574)
- [12] Eugenio Urdapilleta, Bailu Si, and Alessandro Treves. Self-organization of modular activity of grid cells. Hippocampus, 27(11):1204–1213, 2017. (SCI, IF=3.404)
- [13] Sanming Song, Bailu Si, J Michael Herrmann, and Xisheng Feng. Local autoencoding for parameter estimation in a hidden potts-markov random field. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 25(5):2324–2336, 2016. (SCI, IF=9.340, 圖像處理頂刊)
- [14] Bailu Si, Sandro Romani, and Misha Tsodyks. Continuous attractor network model for conjunctive position-by-velocity tuning of grid cells. PLoS Computational Biology, 10(4):e1003558, 2014. (SCI, IF=4.7, 數學與計算生物學頂刊)
- [15] Bailu Si and Alessandro Treves. A model for the differentiation between grid and conjunctive units in medial entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus, 23(12):1410–1424, 2013. (SCI, IF=3.404)
- [16] Federico Stella, Bailu Si, Emilio Kropff, and Alessandro Treves. Grid cells on the ball. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (P03013), 2013. (SCI, IF=2.215)
- [17] Federico Stella, Bailu Si, Emilio Kropff, and Alessandro Treves. Grid maps for spaceflight, anyone? they are for free! Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(5):566–567, 2013. (SCI, IF=17.333, 神經科學頂刊)
- [18] Bailu Si, Emilio Kropff, and Alessandro Treves. Grid alignment in entorhinal cortex. Biological Cybernetics, 106(8-9):483–506, 2012. (SCI, IF=1.716)
- [19] Federico Stella, Erika Cerasti, Bailu Si, Karel Jezek, and Alessandro Treves. Self-organization of multiple spatial and context memories in the hippocampus. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 36(7), 2012. (SCI, IF=8.330, 神經科學頂刊)
- [20] Bailu Si and Alessandro Treves. The role of competitive learning in the generation of DG fields from EC inputs. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 3(2):177–187, 2009. (SCI, IF=3.925)
- [1] Taiping Zeng and Bailu Si. Mobile robot exploration based on rapidly-exploring random trees and dynamic window approach. In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), 2019.
- [2] Dongye Zhao, Bailu Si, and Fengzhen Tang. Unsupervised feature learning for visual place recognition in changing environments. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2019.
- [3] Simon C Smith, Richard Dharmadi, Bailu Si, and J Michael Herrmann. Deep recurrent neural networks for self-organising robot control. In Workshop on Robust Artificial Intelligence for Neurorobotics. 2019.
- [4] Wenchuan Qiao, Zheng Fang, and Bailu Si. Sample-based frontier detection for autonomous robot exploration. In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pages 1165–1170, 2018.
- [5] Guanwen Huang, Bailu Si, and Fengzhen Tang. Model learning based on grid cell representations. In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pages 1032–1037. 2017.
- [6] Fengzhen Tang, Bailu Si, and Daxiong Ji. A prey-predator model for efficient robot tracking. In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3568–3574. 2017.
- [7] Sanming Song, Bailu Si, Xisheng Feng, and Kaizhou Liu. Label field initialization for MRF-based sonar image segmentation by selective autoencoding. In OCEANS 2016-Shanghai, pages 1–5. 2016.
- [8] Sanming Song, Bailu Si, Xisheng Feng, and J. Michael Herrmann. Prior parameter estimation for ising-mrf-based sonar image segmentation by local center-encoding. In OCEANS, 2015. Proceedings of MTS/IEEE. 2015.
- [9] Shuang Liu, Bailu Si, and Yang Lin. Self-organization of hippocampal representations in large environments. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2015.
- [10] Bailu Si, J. Michael Herrmann, and Klaus Pawelzik. Gain-based exploration: From multi-armed bandits to partially observable environments. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Computation, pages 177–182. 2007.
- [11] Bailu Si, Klaus Pawelzik, and J. Michael Herrmann. Robot exploration by subjectively maximizing objective information gain. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pages 862–867. 2004.
- [1] 斯白露,高文,盧漢清,曾煒,段立娟. 基於感興趣區域的圖像檢索方法. 高技術通訊, 13(5):13–18, 2003.
- [2] 斯白露,羅壹凡. 空間記憶與類腦導航研究進展. 人工智慧 , (14):16–31, 2020.
- [3] 桂旻,斯白露. 基於海馬體位置細胞的空間定位神經網路模型. 計算機仿真, 36(7):269–272, 2019.
遼寧省“十百千工程” “千人”層次人選
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
PLOS Computational Biology
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Cognitive Neurodynamics
Biological Cybernetics
36th European Conference on Visual Perception
IJCAI-13 Workshop on Intelligence Science
5th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics
International Workshop on Brain and Artificial Intelligence 2016
8th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems
International Conference on Brain Informatics 2017
國際理論物理中心 (ICTP)訪問科學家(2016-2021)