The mystical energy field revered by the Jedi is known to travel through family trees, and several Knights and Masters of note can point to connections of blood as well as the Force. Jedi Knight Stass Allie was cousin to Adi Gallia, a member of the Jedi Council during the twilight years of the Republic. She bore a basic physicalresemblanceto the Jedi Master, and dressed in garb of the same cultural roots. During theseparatistcrisis that threatened the Republic, Stass Allie advised the highest levels of Palpatine's government, and also fought valiantly during the first skirmishes that would ignite the devastating Clone Wars. 據悉絕地所信奉的神秘能量場可以通過家族傳承。一些著名的武士和大師之間不僅有原力聯繫,還有血緣關係。絕地武士斯塔絲·阿利是阿迪·加利亞的表妹,後者在共和國垂暮之年是絕地委員會成員。斯塔絲·阿利和這位絕地大師有基本相似的體貌特徵,而且她們的穿著打扮也有同樣的文化根源。在威脅到共和國存亡的分離主義危機期間,斯塔絲·阿利是帕爾帕廷政府最高層的顧問。她還勇敢地參加了打擊分離勢力的第一場戰鬥,正是這場戰鬥點燃了複製人戰爭的殘酷戰火。 During the Clone Wars, Allie was made a member of the Jedi Council, serving on that venerated committee onCoruscant. After the fall of Saleucami in the Outer Rim Sieges, Allie was reassigned to the planet to lead mop-up operations with a contingent of clone troopers. While she was on a speeder bike patrol, Order 66 was enacted. Her clone troopers identified her as a traitor to the Republic and blasted her speeder. Her vehicleexploded, killing her instantly, and thewreckagetumbled against the bleak Saleucami landscape in a fiery crash. 在複製人戰爭期間,阿利加入了那個以科洛桑為基地的崇高委員會,成為絕地委員會的一員。薩魯卡邁星球在外環圍攻戰中被攻克後,阿利被派往該星球指揮一支複製人分遣隊執行掃蕩任務。當她坐在飛行摩托上巡邏時,66號指令發布了。她的複製人士兵將她視為共和國的叛徒,向她的摩托開火。她的座駕爆炸,當場奪走她的生命。殘骸發出可怕的撞擊聲,在薩魯卡邁淒涼的表面翻滾。斯塔絲·阿利
Her cool blue eyes and herSwayingTholothheaddresspointed to her familial connection to Master Gallia, but Stass Allie had only ascended to the level of Jedi Knight by the time the Clone Wars began. Though an experienced warrior and field agent of note -- her accomplishments included the fracturing of Lojrak Shrag's salt cartel on Cona -- she would increasingly concentrate on the healing arts practiced by the Circle of Jedi Healers. 漂亮的藍眼睛和飄逸的索洛思頭飾表明了斯塔絲·阿利和加利亞大師之間的血緣關係,但到複製人戰爭爆發時,阿利還只是一名絕地武士。雖然阿利是一位經驗豐富的戰士和有名的外勤偵察員——她的戰績包括粉碎洛伊拉克·施拉格在科納星球的私鹽卡特爾——但是她越來越注重學習絕地醫師團體使用的醫術。 Stass Allie was stationed on Coruscant during the bold Separatist strike against the capital. She worked with Shaak Ti to provide protection for Palpatine, but failed in preventing Grievous from kidnapping the Supreme Chancellor. 當大月旦的分離勢力向首都發動進攻時,斯塔絲·阿利就駐守在科洛桑。她和莎克·蒂一起保護帕爾帕廷,但還是沒能阻止格里弗斯綁架最高議長。
Stass Allie's wardrobe consists of recycled elements from Adi Gallia's costume in Episode I. Adi Gallia does appear in the Council sequences of Episode II, though no new footage of that character was shot -- the Council backgrounds consisted of Episode I archival footage. Stass Allie, played by Lily Nyamwasa, is seen in Palpatine's office and in the Geonosian execution arena. Nyamwasa returned for Episode III, to film the council sessions. Pickup photography of a small holographic Allie was shot with Tayce Bayliss. A third performer, Nina Fallon, played Allie for her speeder bike sequence on Saleucami. 斯塔絲·阿利的服飾包含了是阿迪·加利亞在《第一集》中的服裝元素。阿迪·加利亞在《第二集》的絕地委員會鏡頭中確實也出現了,但其實沒有為這個角色拍攝新的鏡頭——絕地委員會的背景里包含了《第一集》的存檔鏡頭。在帕爾帕廷的辦公室和吉奧諾西斯的行刑角斗場,可以看見由莉莉·尼亞姆瓦薩扮演的斯塔絲·阿利。尼亞姆瓦薩在《第三集》中繼續出演,拍攝絕地委員會開會的鏡頭。補拍阿利的小型全息像時,扮演者是塔斯·貝利斯。第三位扮演者——尼娜·法倫——在薩魯卡邁的飛行摩托鏡頭裡扮演阿利。