1. 國家自然科學基金重點項目:江河源高寒濕地-大氣間水熱交換及其對區域氣候變化影響研究(41530529,201601-202012,420.0萬元),項目負責人
2. 中國科學院重點部署項目:黃河源區凍土變化的水文效應之課題“黃河源區水文氣象要素變化特徵與趨勢”(KZZD-EW-13,201305-201612,245.0萬元),課題負責人
3. 國家自然科學基金項目:黃河源區地面觀測土壤濕度升空間尺度轉換研究(41375022,201401-201712,101.0萬元),項目負責人
4. 歐盟框架七國際合作項目:COordinating Earth observation data validation for RE-analysis for CLIMAte ServiceS(313085,201301-201512,8.0萬歐元),參加
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:黃河源區高時間解析度土壤濕度產品的製作研究(41175027,201201-201512,86.0萬元),項目負責人
6. 歐空局-中國科技部“龍計畫”III期項目(ESA-MOST Dragon Programme II):ESA-MOST Dragon Programme III: Calibration /Validation of SMOS and SAR-based soil moisture products over the Tibetan Plateau (201201-201512,衛星遙感數據共享和人員交流),課題負責人
7. 歐盟框架七國際合作項目-PEOPLE-IRSES項目:Land-Atmosphere Interactions in China (LAIC)(230838,200901-201112,5.0萬歐元),主要參加人
8. 歐空局-中國科技部“龍計畫”II期項目(ESA-MOST Dragon Programme II): Drought monitoring, prediction and adaptation under climatic changes(200801-201112,數據共享和人員交流),主要參加人
9. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:黃河源區表層土壤溫度濕度衛星微波遙感研究(國家自然科學基金委,40775022,2008-2010年,48.0萬元),項目負責人
10. 中科院知識創新工程重要方向項目:黃河源區陸面過程對水資源變化的影響研究(中國科學院,KZCX2-YW-328,2009-2011年,115.0萬元),項目負責人
11. 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973)項目:全球變暖背景下東亞能量和水分循環變異及其對我國極端氣候的影響第2研究課題專題(中國科技部,2009CB421402,2009-2013,30.0萬元),參加
12. 歐盟框架七國際合作項目:Coordinated Asia-European long-term Observing system of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau hydro-meteorological processes and the Asian-monsoon systEm with Ground satellite Image data and numerical Simulations(CEOP-AEGIS)(200701-201212,5.0萬歐元),主要參加人
13. 歐空局-中國科技部“龍計畫”I期項目(ESA-MOST Dragon Programme I)項目: Drought monitoring and prediction over China (200412-200712,衛星遙感數據共享和人員交流),主要參加人
14. 中科院“百人計畫”項目:衛星遙感和數值模式模擬在青藏高原及周邊地區陸面過程研究中的套用(中科院,2004406,2004-2008年,200.0+70.0萬元),項目負責人
15. 中科院“創新團隊國際合作夥伴計畫”項目:乾旱區內陸河流域水問題基礎研究(中國科學院,CXTD-Z2005-2,2004-2008年,85.0萬元),項目負責人
1. Zhou J,J Wen, X Wang, D Jia, JL Chen. Analysis of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Monsoon Evolution and Its Linkages with Soil Moisture. Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/rs8060493, 8(6), 493, 2016. (SCI)
2. Chen JL,J Wen, H Tian. Representativeness of the ground observational sites and up-scaling of the point soil moisture measurements. Journal of Hydrology, 533, 62-73, 2016. (SCI)
3. Lai X,J Wen, SX Cen, X Huang, H Tian, XK Shi. Spatial and Temporal Soil Moisture Variations over China from Simulations and Observations. Advances in Meteorology, doi:10.1155/2016/4587687, Article ID: 4587687, 1-15, 2016. (SCIE)
4. Liu R, JWen, X Wang, Y Zhang. Evapotranspiration estimated by using datasets from the Chinese FengYun-2D geostationary meteorological satellite over the Yellow River source area. Advances in Space Research, 55(1), 60-71, 2015. (SCI&EI)
5. 康悅,文軍,張堂堂,田輝,陳昊.衛星遙感數據評估黃土高原陸面乾濕程度研究.地球物理學報, 57(8),2473-2483,2014. (SCI)
6. Lv SN,JWen, YJ Zeng, HT Tian, ZB Su. An improved two-layer algorithm for estimating effective soil temperature in microwave radiometry using in situ temperature and soil moisture measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 152, 356-363, 2014. (SCI)
7. Wen J, ZB Su, TT Zhang, H Tian, YJ Zeng, R Liu, Y Kang, R van der Velde. New evidence for the links between the local water cycle and the underground wet sand layer of a mega-dune in the Badain Jaran Desert, China. Journal of Arid Land, 6(4), 371-377, doi: 10.1007/s40333-014-0062-0, 2014. (SCI)
8. Zhang TT,J Wen, ZG Wei, R van der Velde, ZC Li, R Liu, SN Lv, H Chen. Land-atmospheric water and energy cycle of winter wheat, Loess Plateau, China. International Journal of Climatology, 34, 3044-3053, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3891, 2014. (SCI)
9. Wen J,X Lai, XK Shi, XD Pan. Numerical Simulations of Fractional Vegetation Coverage Influences on the Convective Environment over the Source Region of the Yellow River. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 120(1-2), DOI:10.1007/s00703-013-0241-0, 1-10, 2013. (SCI)
10. Su ZB,J Wen. The Tibetan Plateau observatory of plateau scale soil moisture and soil temperature (Tibet-Obs) for quantifying uncertainties in coarse resolution satellite and model products. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15, 7, 2303–2316, 2011. (SCI)
11. Shi XK,J Wen. Application and improvement of an adaptive ensemble Kalman filter for soil moisture data assimilation. Science China, 53 (11), 1700–1708, 2010. (SCI)
12. Liu R,J Wen, X Wang, L Wang, H Tian, TT Zhang, XK Shi, JH Zhang, and SN Lu. Actual daily evapotranspiration estimated from MERIS and AATSR data over the Chinese Loess Plateau. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14, 47–58, 2010. (SCI)
13. Wen J, L Wang, ZG Wei. An Overview of the LOess Plateau Mesa Region Land Surface Process Field EXperiment Series (LOPEXs), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13(6), 945-951, 2009 .(SCIE)
14. Zhang TT, J Wen, ZB Su, R van der Velde, J Timmermans, R Liu, YY Liu, ZC Li. Soil moisture mapping over Chinese Loess Plateau Using ENVISAT/ASAR data. Advances in Space Research. . 43, 1111-1117, 2009. (SCI&EI)
15. Wen J, ZG Wei, SH Lu, SQ Chen, YH Ao, L Liang. The Characteristics of Land Surface Energy and Water Exchange over the Loess Plateau Mesa in China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24(2), 301-310, 2007. (SCIE)
16. Wen J, TJ Jackson, R Bindlish, and ZB Su. Evaluation of the Oceansat Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer Data and Its Potential for Soil Moisture Retrieval. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(18), 3781–3796, 2006. (SCI & EI)
17. Wen J, TJ Jackson, R Bindlish, AY Hsu, ZB Su. Retrieval of soil moisture and vegetation water content using SSM/I data over a corn and soybean region. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6 (6), 854-863, 2005. (SCI)
18. Wen J ZB Su. An analytical algorithm on the determination of Leaf Area Index from TRRM/TMI data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(6), 1223–1234, 2004. (SCI & EI)
19. Wen J, ZB Su. A time series based method for estimating relative soil moisture with ERS wind scatterometer data. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(7), 1397, doi: 10.1029/2002GL016557, 2003. (SCI & EI)
20. Wen J, ZB Su, and YM Ma. Determination of land surface temperature and soil moisture from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission/Microwave Imager remote sensing data. Journal of Geophysics Research, 108(D2), 4038, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002176, 2003. (SCI)
文軍,王欣,張堂堂,康悅.自記式雨量筒漏斗口的防堵罩.實用新型專利,中華人民共和國知識產權局,專利號:ZL 2013 2 0706359.1,公告日:2014.4.30
文軍王作亮 王欣 任生霞 趙林 鄭東海 康悅 田輝 張堂堂一種自記式凍土含冰量測量裝置,發明專利,中華人民共和國知識產權局,申請或專利號:201510571901.0,發文序號:2015091100425730