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  • 中文名:文剛
  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師 
  • 專業方向:飲用水水源水質安全保障 


2002.09-2006.07:哈爾濱工業大學 本科
2006.09-2008.07:哈爾濱工業大學 碩士
2008.09-2012.11哈爾濱工業大學 博士


2023-2027 國家自然科學基金面上基金(52370018),課題負責人,在研
2023-2026 陝西省重點科技創新團隊(2023-CX-TD-32) ,團隊負責人,在研
2022-2026 國家重點研發計畫課題(2022YFC3203602),課題負責人,在研
2020-2023 國家自然科學基金面上基金(51978557),課題負責人,在研
2020-2022 陝西省重點產業創新鏈項目(2020ZDLSF06-05),課題負責人,在研
2019-2022 陝西高校青年創新團隊建設項目,團隊負責人,在研
2018-2020 陝西省傑出青年科學基金(2018JC-026) ,課題負責人,結題
2017~2020 國家自然科學基金面上基金(51678472),課題負責人,結題
2018-2023 陝西省特支計畫青年拔尖人才項目,課題負責人,在研
2014-2016 國家自然科學基金青年基金(51308438),課題負責人,結題
2014-2016 教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(20136120120002),課題負責人,結題
2016-2017 中國博士後基金-等資助(2015M 580821) ,課題負責人,結題
2016-2017 中國博士後基金特別資助(2016T90896),課題負責人,結題
2016-2017 陝西省青年科技新星項目(2016KJXX-65) ,課題負責人,結題


1.Jingru Han, Ruihua Cao, Kai Li, Shuo Wang, Gang Ji, Huining Xu, Jingyi Wang, Tinglin Huang, Gang Wen*. Change of algal organic matter under different dissolved oxygen and pressure conditions and its related disinfection by-products formation potential in metalimnetic oxygen minimum. Water Research, 2022,226, 119216.
2.Xiangqian Xu, Ruihua Cao, Kai Li, Qiqi Wan, Gehui Wu. Yuzhao Lin, Tinglin Huang, Gang Wen*. The protective role and mechanism of melanin for Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus against chlorine-based disinfectants. Water Research, 2022,223, 119039.
3.Gang Wen*, Zhiting Liang, Xiangqian Xu, Ruihua Cao, Qiqi Wan, Gang Ji, Wei Lin, Jingyi Wang, Jingjing Yang, Tinglin Huang. Inactivation of fungal spores in water using ozone: Kinetics, influencing factors and mechanisms, Water Research, 2020, 116218.
4.Huan Zhang, Xiangqian Xu, Lili Tan, Zhiting Liang, Ruihua Cao, Qiqi Wan, Huining Xu, Jingyi Wang, Tinglin Huang, Gang Wen*. Theaggregation of Aspergillus spores and the impact on their inactivation by chlorine-based disinfectants. Water Research, 2021, 204, 117629
5. Qigi Wan, Gang Wen*, Ruihua Cao, Hui Zhao, Xiangqian Xu, Yuancheng Xia, Gehui Wu, Wei Lin, Jingyi Wang, Tinglin Huang. Simultaneouslyenhance the inactivation and inhibit the photoreactivation of fungal spores by the combination of UV-LEDs and chlorine:Kinetics and mechanisms, Water Research, 2020, 116143.
6. Qiqi Wan, Gang Wen*, Ruihua Cao, Xiangqian Xu, Hui Zhao, Kai Li, Jingyi Wang, Tinglin Huang, Comparison of UV-LEDs and LPUV on inactivation and subsequent reactivation of waterborne fungal spores, Water Research, 2020, 173, 115553.
7. Gang Wen*, Tong Wang, Kai Li, Hanyue Wang, Jingyi Wang, Tinglin Huang, Aerobic denitrification performance of strain Acinetobacter johnsonii WGX-9 using different natural organic matter as carbon source: Effect of molecular weight, Water Research, 2019, 164: 114956.
8. Gang Wen*, Xiaoli Deng, Qiqi Wan, Xiangqian Xu, Tinglin Huang, Photoreactivation of fungal spores in water following UV disinfection and their control using UV-based advanced oxidation processes, Water Research, 2019, 148: 1-9.
9. Gang Wen, Xiangqian Xu, Ting-Lin Huang*, Hong Zhu, Jun Ma. Inactivation of three genera of dominant fungal spores in groundwater using chlorine dioxide: Effectiveness, influencing factors, and mechanisms, Water Research, 2017, 125: 132-140.
10. Gang Wen, Stefan Kotzsch, Marius Vital Thomas Egli*, Jun Ma. BioMig-A Method to Evaluate the Potential Release of Compounds from and the Formation of Biofilms on Polymeric Materials in Contact with Drinking Water Environmental Science and Technology 2015 49(19): 11659-11669.


2022年 國家級高層次青年人才
2023年 國家—流課程《水分析化學》課程負責人
2021年 寶鋼優秀教師獎
2018年 陝西省傑出青年基金獲得者
2016年 陝西省青年科技新星(陝西百名優秀青年科技新星)
2020年 陝西技術發明二等獎
2017年 中國產學研合作創新成果二等獎


“Water Science and Technology”編輯


