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  • 中文名:數控技術專業英語(第3版)
  • 作者:湯彩萍
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787121208508




Unit 1 What computer?control programmers and operators do
Part A Text(數控就業)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(科技英語的特點)
Unit 2 What is CNC
Part A Text(數控概念)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(被動語態的譯法)
Unit 3 Fundamentals of CNC
Part A Text(數控基礎)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(定語的譯法)
Part D Supplementary Reading(Programming with codes)
Unit 4 Know your machine
Part A Text(數控工具機)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(as的用法)
Unit 5 Understand the motion types
Part A Text(運動類型)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(詞義的正確選擇)
Part D Supplementary Reading(Example program showing three types ofmotion)
Unit 6 Master the forms of compensation
Part A Text(補償形式)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(省譯)
Part D Supplementary Reading(How to program cutter radiuscompensation)
Unit 7 Format your programs
Part A Text(程式結構)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(增譯)
Part D Supplementary Reading(Program structure)
Unit 8 Integrate CAD/ CAM and CNC
Part A Text(CAD/CAM和CNC集成)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(連詞的用法)
Unit 9 High speed machining
Part A Text(高速加工)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(轉譯)
Part D Supplementary Reading(Characteristics of high speedcutting)
Unit 10 Learn the operator′s panel
Part A Text(工具機控制臺的操作)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(用戶說明書的閱讀)
Unit 11 Maintenance and troubleshooting
Part A Text(工具機維護和故障診斷)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(長句的譯法)
Part D Supplementary Reading(Vibration)
Unit 12 Elements of the computer?controlled factory
Part A Text(自動化工廠的要素)
Part B Practice
Part C Grammar and Translation(科技英語翻譯小技巧)
Unit 13 At CIMT
Part A Text(工具機展覽會)
Part B Practice
Part C Writing(如何寫英文求職書)
Part D Supplementary Reading(At a dinner party)
Assessment 1(測試1)
Assessment 2(測試2)
Assessment 3(測試3)
Assessment 4(測試4)
Assessment 5(測試5)
Appendix A Suggested translations(參考譯文)
Appendix B List of G codes and M codes(G代碼和M代碼表)
Appendix C Technical vocabulary(專業辭彙表)
Appendix D Abbreviations(縮略語)


