

《實用英語綜合教程(2)(非英語專業用)》第二版曾獲2002年全國高等學校優秀教材一等獎。《實用英語》系列教材是一套專科層次的公共英語教材,是教育部規劃的高職高專英語教材。本套教材1995年正式出版發行,1999年至2000年進行了第一次修訂。為了更加有利於學生英語套用能力的培養,結合這幾年《實用英語》的教學使用反饋,修訂組以教育部2000年頒發的《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求(試行)》為依據,對《實用英語》進行了第二次修訂。 與第二版相比,《實用英語綜合教程2》(第三版)每冊由原來的10個單元改為8個單元,對技能訓練部分的項目作了少量調整,並調換了部分單元的課文。修訂後的《實用英語》按照《基本要求》中的辭彙重新對《綜合教程》課文的分課辭彙表進行了標記和增刪。


  • 書名:教育部高職高專規劃教材•實用英語綜合教程2
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:201頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:26.00
  • 作者:教育部實用英語教材編寫組 教育部《實用英語》教材編寫組
  • 出版日期:2006年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7040152096
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社




Unit 1 Text A: What's New 1
Text B: Searching for a Uniform Sign Language 9
Skills Development and Practice 15
·Reading Skills - Distinguishing Facts from Opinions 15
·Translation Practice -省略譯 16
·Guided Writing 16
·Listening and Speaking 18

Unit 2 Text A: Surveys, Surveys and More Surveys 22
Text B: Advertising 29
Skills Development and Practice 34
·Reading Skills - Cause and Effect 34
·Translation Practice -正反譯 35
·Guided Writing - Cause and Effect 36
·Listening and Speaking 40

Unit 3 Text A: Public Relations 43
Text B: The Interview 52
Skills Development and Practice 58
·Reading Skills - Comparison and Contrast 58
·Translation Practice -正反譯 59
·Guided Writing - Comparison and Contrast 60
·Listening and Speaking 63

Unit 4 Text A: What Is Culture? 67
Text B: Food and Culture 74
Skills Development and Practice 79
·Reading Skills - Exemplification 79
·Translation Practice -分譯(1) 80
·Guided Writing - Exemplification 81
·Listening and Speaking 83

Unit 5 Text A: My Advice to Students: Get a Sound, Broad Education 88
Text B: How Does Education Promote Success? 97
Skills Development and Practice 103
·Reading Skills - Classification 103
·Translation Practice -分譯(2) 104
·Guided Writing - Classification 105
·Listening and Speaking 107

Unit 6 Text A: Should Cyberpolice Guard the Net? 111
4 teenagers give their opinions about it.
Text B: Does IT Help Us Learn More? 119
Skills Development and Practice 126
·Reading Skills - Definition 126
·Translation Practice -合譯 127
·Guided Writing - Definition 128
·Listening and Speaking 130

Unit 7 Text A: Do Animals Have a Culture? 134
Text B: Animal Learning: Pavlov and Beyond 141
Skills Development and Practice 146
·Reading Skills - Process 146
·Translation Practice -被動句的翻譯 ( 1 ) 147
·Guided Writing - Process 148
·Listening and Speaking 149、

Unit 8 Text A: A Friend on the Line 153
Text B: Sorry Sir, Sorry, Sorry 161
Skills Development and Practice 166
·Reading Skills - Time Sequence 166
·Translation Practice -被動句的翻譯 (2) 167
·Guided Writing- Time Sequence 168
·Listening and Speaking 170



4 Thirdly, make a little extra effort with your appearance. Is your hair tidy? Your shirt freshly pressed? Your dress clean? Shoes polished? So, your preparations complete, you have arrived at the office on time and are waiting to be called for the interview. If you are feeling a little nervous, take a few deep breaths and let them out slowly. Read through your curriculum vitae again so that it is fresh in your mind.
5 When the interviewer or a secretary invites you in, try to show courtesy in your appearance and manner. Stand until you are invited to sit and then sit straight in the chair, do not lounge. Relax and smile.
6 The interviewer will begin by asking you questions about yourself, your curriculum vitae and even perhaps what you hope the future holds. Answer the questions simply, directly and honestly. Do not show impatience if you feel the interviewer is repeating things or asking questions that have no relevance to the matter in hand. He or she probably just wants to know if you have opinions of your own, and whether you can speak sensibly and coherently. Look straight at the interviewer when you answer questions and if asked about your family or school speak with loyalty and affection. Call the interviewer "Sir" or "Madam" or use a name if you have been asked to do so. Keep your certificates and other documents until they are asked for. If you failed an exam or had a job before do not be afraid to talk about it. If you are asked what salary you expect, state the figure mentioned in the advertisement you replied to.
7 If you sense that the interview is coming to an end, be ready with your queries. The interviewer may ask you if you have any questions but if you are not asked, wait for a suitable moment. You have as much right to be concerned about your future work as the interviewer has about your ability to do the job. Do not lay undue emphasis on questions about holidays, days off, lunch breaks, sports facilities, etc. Ask first of all about promotion prospects, other examinations you can take to get ahead and so on.
8 When the interview is at an end, stand up, wish the interviewer "Good morning" or "Good afternoon", and walk out.




