



  • 書名:教育碩士綜合英語教程
  • 作者:郭強 
  • 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年10月14日 
  • 定價:42 元 
  • ISBN:9787313158574 


Unit OneBasic Education
Reading 1The Importance of Basic Education
Reading 2The Trouble with Grit
Unit TwoLiberal Education
Reading 1The Search for American Liberal Education
Reading 2The Future of Liberal Education and the Hegemony of Market Values
Unit ThreeUndergraduate Education
Reading 1Undergraduate Research Experiences
Reading 2Curriculum to Career
Unit FourCreativity
Reading 1The Creativity Imperative
Reading 2Creativity in the World of Work
Unit FiveTeaching and Learning
Reading 1Teaching and Learning at the Research University
Reading 2Understanding Great Teaching
Unit SixTechnology in Education
Reading 1Harnessing Technology to Improve Liberal Learning
Reading 2MOOCS
Unit SevenQuality in Education
Reading 1Redesigning Regional Accreditation
Reading 2Institutions, Accreditors and the Federal Government
Unit EightFaculty Development
Reading 1A New Generation of Faculty: Similar Core Values in a Different World
Reading 2What Does It Mean to Be a TeacherScholar?
Unit NineCommunity Colleges
Reading 1Community Colleges: The Often Rocky Path to the American Dream
Reading 2A Prescription for the Emerging World: The Global Potential of the Community
College Model
Unit TenInternationalization in Education
Reading 1What Can Global Learners Do?
Reading 2Developing a Global Perspective for Personal and Social Responsibility
Unit ElevenUniversity Governance
Reading 1Divided We Govern
Reading 2Too Big to Fail: The Role of ForProfit Colleges and Universities in American
Higher Education
Unit TwelveEducational Reforms
Reading 1Change in Higher Education
Reading 2Interview with Carol Geary Schneider
Reference for Paragraph Translation




