



  • 中文名:攝影造型
  • 領域:攝影
作者獲得攝影藝術作品表現力和藝術作品完整性的方法和手段.用以揭示作品表面現象的實質,創作某種藝術現象.內容包括:線條構圖、光線和亮度處理、色調處理等.線條構圖是將畫面的全部線條因素按作者意圖以藝術的角度協調在一起而構成.光線和亮度處理包括:畫面上光亮物體的分布;拍攝對像明暗層次及反差的運用;拍攝對像的平面表現手法及景深的運用;對空間媒質感覺的運用等.色調處理是根據形成畫面亮度的主光亮度,在不同位置和角度上對拍攝對像配以強光或弱光,以形成畫面和表現主體的明暗色調對比和反差.彩色攝影時,還要考慮顏色的色調及色度的配合.現實主義攝影藝術中,攝影造型不僅可以達到照片的外在表現力,還可以揭示其內在的本質.By access to photographic works of art expression and artistic works, the integrity of the ways and means. To reveal the substance of superficial work, creative kind of an artistic phenomenon.Include: lines, composition, light and brightness processing, color processing.Linecomposition is will screen all the lines factor is based on author's intentions with an artistic point of view constitute coordination. light and brightness processing, including: the distribution of luminous objects on the screen; shot right as the brightness level and contrast of the application; shooting on the plane as the technique of expression and the use of depth of field; media perception of space be used. color processing is based on the formation of the main beam brightness of the screen brightness in different locations and angles on the film accompanied by bright light or dim light as the right to form and performance of the main body of the light and dark images compare and contrast colors. color photography, but also considerthe colorhue and color matching. Realism, photography art, photography modeling can be achieved not only external expressive photos, you can also reveal its inner nature.


