

拉達·米契爾,姓名(英文):Radha Mitchell ,出生在墨爾本,童年時期雙親離婚。母親先做過模特,後來成為設計師。父親是電影製作人。她是一個素食主義者,並且練習瑜伽,出演過肥皂劇。1997年離開肥皂劇拍攝,開始參演電影。


  • 中文名:拉達·米切爾
  • 外文名:Radha-Louise Mitchell
  • 國籍:澳大利亞
  • 星座:天蠍
  • 身高:167 cm
  • 出生地:澳大利亞墨爾本
  • 出生日期:1973年11月12日
  • 職業:演員
  • 代表作品:未來戰警、紅寡婦、寂靜嶺2


Mitchell has appeared twice in "Neighbours" (1985): briefly in 1994 as Cassandra Rushmore, a parachute instructor; and in the more substantial role of student Catherine O'Brien 1996-1997. Has lived in Los Angeles, California, since 1997. Vegetarian and practices yoga. Woody Allen called her cellular phone personally to offer her the title role in Melinda and Melinda (2004). Radha was convinced that it was a prank until the script was delivered to her. Full given name, Radha-Rani, is the name of the true love/main consort of the god Krishna in Hindu mythology, followed by the word for queen (Rani - from various Indian languages). Her mother, who modeled on the Italian catwalk in the 1960s, had become enamored of India in the early '70s.


紅寡婦/血玫瑰 Red Widow(2013)....Marta Walraven
寂靜嶺2 Silent Hill: Revelation 3D(2012)....Rose Da Silva
殺出狂人鎮(2010)The Crazies .... Judy Dutton
未來戰警(2009) Surrogates.... Peters
The Waiting City (2009) .... Fiona Simmons
What We Take from Each Other (2008) .... Thief Of Hearts
亨利·普爾駕到(2009) Henry Poole Is Here (2008).... Dawn Stupek
黃石的孩子 Escape from Huang Shi (2008).... Lee Pearson
... aka "Escape from Huang Shi" - Singapore (English title)
親密如賊 The Code /Thick as Thieves(2008)
女伯爵 The Countess (2008)
愛情盛宴 Feast of Love (2007).... Diana Croce
邪鱷禁區 Rogue (2007) .... Kate Ryan
Silent Hill 寂靜嶺 【2006】 .... Rose Da Silva
Mozart and the Whale 莫扎特與鯨魚 【2005】 .... Isabelle Sorenson
Finding Neverland 尋找夢幻島 【2004】 .... Mary Ansell Barrie
Melinda and Melinda 雙生美蓮達 【2004】 .... Melinda Robicheaux
Man on Fire 怒火救援 【2004】 .... Lisa
... aka "My Bodyguard" - Japan (English title)
Visitors 鬼府來客 【2003】 .... Georgia Perry/Young Carolyn
Phone Booth電話亭【2002】 .... Kelly Shepard
Four Reasons (2002).... Girl
Dead Heat (2002) .... Charlotte
... aka "I Fought the Law" - Canada (English title) (working title), UK (DVD title)
Nobody's Baby (2001) .... Shauna Louise
Uprising 起義 【2001 】 (TV) .... Mira Fuchrer
Pitch Black 星際傳奇 【2000】
When Strangers Appear 陌路殺機 【2001】 .... Beth
... aka "The Shearer's Breakfast" - Australia, USA (working title)
... aka "Wild Stranger" - Japan (English title) (video title)
Nobody's Baby (2001) .... Shauna Louise
Ten Tiny Love Stories (2001)
... aka "Women Remember Men" - USA (alternative title)
Cowboys and Angels 天使之吻 【2000】 .... Jo Jo
... aka "Kissed by an Angel" - USA (MIFED title)
Everything Put Together 破碎之夢 【2000】 .... Angie
High Art 高潮藝術 【1998】 .... Syd
Love and Other Catastrophes 愛情爬蟲類 【1996】 .... Danni
制 片
Everything Put Together 破碎之夢 【2000】
The Waiting City (2009) (executive producer)
Four Reasons (2002)
Four Reasons(2002) (writer)


