外文名稱 Cowboys and Angels
更多外文片名:Kissed by an Angel…..(USA) (MIFED title)
編劇:Gregory C. Haynes
亞當·崔斯 Adam Trese….Danny
米婭·科施娜 Mia Kirshner….Candice
拉妲·米契爾 Radha Mitchell….Jo Jo
製作人 Produced by:
Kathryn Arnold….producer
Elaine Dabbas….associate producer
Gregory B. Peck….producer
原創音樂 Original Music:
Frank Fitzpatrick
剪輯 Film Editing:羅科·德維利爾斯Rocco DeVilliers
藝術指導 Production Designer:Katherine G. Vallin
美術設計 Art Direction by:Terry Hayes
服裝設計 Costume Design by:Luke Reichle
副導演/助理導演 Assistant Director:
Mike Brewster….additional second second assistant director (as Michael Brewster)
Travis Hodges….second assistant director
Cecily Jordan….second second assistant director (as Cecily T. Jordan)
Richard Murken….first assistant director
影片類型:愛情/ 喜劇
片長:USA:97 min
美國USA 2000年4月15日……(Los Angeles Independent Film Festival)
挪威Norway 2002年7月24日……(video premiere)對白語言:英語
MPAA評級:Rated PG for thematic elements and a scene of violence.
級別:Australia:PG/ USA:PG
攝製格式:35 mm
洗印格式:35 mm
製作公司:Smokin' Dawgs
R.S. Entertainment Inc.[美國]
Screen Media Films LLC[美國] (2003) (USA) (video)
Showcase Entertainment Inc.[美國] (2001) (non-USA) (all media)
Redman Movies and Stories[美國] grip and lighting equipment
Actors Gang Studio[美國] casting
Chateau Beyond[美國] catering
Crique Optics[美國] the producers wish to thank
David's Bridal[美國] the producers wish to thank
Eastman Agency[美國] the director wishes to thank (as Stacy at Eastman Agency)
Enterprise Rent-A-Carthe producers wish to thank
Entertainment Partners Inc.[美國] payroll services (as Entertainment Partners)
Homestead Village[美國] the producers wish to thank
Keystone Learning Systems[美國] the producers wish to thank
L.A. Eyeworks[美國] the producers wish to thank (as Los Angeles Eyeworks)
Lisle Moore Productions[美國] additional sound services
Little America[美國] the producers wish to thank
Magic Film and Video Works[美國] negative cutting (as Magic Film & Video)
McCarty Agency[美國] the director wishes to thank (as Michelle at McCarty Agency)
Morrison & Foersterproduction counsel
Moving Picturesthe producers wish to thank
Nikethe producers wish to thank
Otto Nemenz International Inc.camera equipment provided by
Pomann Sound[美國] sound services
RDG Transfer Inc.[美國] telecine transfers (as RDG Transfer)
Ray-Ban[美國] the producers wish to thank
Robert Funk Couture[美國] the producers wish to thank
Sound Trax Studios[美國] sound services
The Crew[美國] the director wishes to thank (as John Colby,Jim Teal & 'The Crew')
The Fourth Circle LLC[美國] post-production accounting
Title House Digital[美國] titles and optical effects
Utah Film Commission[美國] the producers wish to thank
所屬專輯:Kellyjackie & Royals
