

作者: 龍應貴
論文題名: 英文題名:Risk Control of Large Firms' International Accounts Receivable by Analyzing Changhong' s Huge Bad Accounts
作者機構: 西南科技大學經濟管理學院,四川綿陽621010
題名、責任者附註: LONG Ying-gui (School of Economics and Business Administration, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, Sichuan, China)
語種: Chinese 漢語
分類: 中圖分類:F270
期刊收錄: 0
作者簡介: 龍應貴(1965-),男,經濟學碩士,講師。研究方向:國際商務與合作。
來源: 西南科技大學學報:哲學社會科學版, Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology,2007,001
標識號: ISSN:1672-4860CN:51-1660/C
中文關鍵字: 長虹 大企業 國際應收帳款 風險控制
英文關鍵字: Changhong; large firms; international accounts receivable; risk control
中文摘要 隨著國際市場的激烈競爭,賒銷貿易成為大企業維持和擴大市場份額的重要手段,但是它導致國際應收帳款的呆帳風險加大,致使許多企業陷入經營困境。本文首先介紹了長虹被APEX公司欺詐的過程,然後剖析了導致我國企業面臨國際應收帳款風險的原因,最後就控制國際應收帳款風險提出了一些個人見解。
英文摘要 [Along with the intense competition in the international markets, sales on the basis of open account becomes an important measure to hold and expand the market share, but it will cause higher risk of bad account for international accounts receivable, which put the large firms in China into operational difficulties. Taking the example of how Changhong Co. , Ltd. was cheated by APEX, the reasons for the risk of international accounts receivable faced by China' s large firms were explored. In the third part some suggestions were given on lowering down the risk of international accounts receivable.]


