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  • 中文名:徐迪
  • 性別:女
  • 教學職稱:南京理工大學環境與生物工程學院講師
  • 研究方向:微生物間的相互作用


2013.11-2019.04 慕尼黑工業大學,生物學,博士
2017.12-2018.11 慕尼黑工業大學,工業微生物系,實驗研究助理
2010.09-2013.07 南昌大學,微生物學,碩士
2006.09-2010.07 南昌大學,食品科學與工程,學士


1.Di Xu, Jürgen Behr, Andreas J. Geißler, Julia Bechtner, Christina Ludwig, Rudi F. Vogel. Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis reveals the lifestyle of Lactobacillus hordei in the presence of Sacchromyces cerevisiae. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2019, 294(2019):18-26.
2.Di Xu, Julia Bechtner, Jürgen Behr, Lara Eisenbach, Andreas J. Geißler, Rudi F. Vogel. Lifestyle of Lactobacillus hordei isolated from water kefir based on genomic analysis and physiological characterization. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2018, 290(2019):141-149.
3.Di Xu, Lea Fels, Daniel Wefers, Frank Jakob, Rudi F. Vogel.Lactobacillus hordei dextrans induce Saccharomyces cerevisiae aggregation and network formation on hydrophilic surfaces. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018, 115(2018):236-242.
4.Julia Bechtner,Di Xu, Jürgen Behr, Christina Ludwig and Rudi F. Vogel. Proteomic analysis of Lactobacillus nagelii in the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from water kefir and comparison with Lactobacillus hordei. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019, 10(325):1-15.
5.Di Xu, Xing Ming, Min Gan, Xiaoli Wu, Yang Dong, Dengyuan Wang, Hua Wei, Feng Xu. Rapid detection of Cronobacter spp. in powdered infant formula by thermophilic helicase-dependent isothermal amplification combined with silica-coated magnetic particles separation. Journal of Immunological Methods. 2018, 462(2018):54-58.
6.Di Xu, Xiaoli Wu, Bo Li, Peng Li, Xing Ming, Tingtao Chen, Hua Wei, Feng Xu. Rapid detection of Campylobacter jejuni using fluorescent microspheres as label for immunochromatographic strip test. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2013, 22(2):585-591.
7.Miaomiao Hu, Xiaoli Wu, Meng Luo, Hua Wei, Di Xu, Feng Xu. Lactobacillus rhamnosus FLRH93 protects against intestinal damage in mice induced by 5-fluorouracil. Journal of Dairy Science. 2020, 103(6):5003-5018.
8.Puyuan Tian, Di Xu, Zhixiang Huang, Fanjing Meng, Jinheng Fu, Hua Wei, Tingtao Chen. Evaluation of truncated G protein delivered by live attenuated Salmonella as a vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus. Microbial Pathogenesis. 2018, 115(2018):299-303.
9. Feng Xu, Di Xu, Xing Ming, Hengyi Xu, Bo Li, Peng Li, Zoraida P Aguilar, Tingtao Chen, Xiaoli Wu, Hua Wei. Quantum dot-based immunochromatography test strip for rapid detection of Campylobacter jejuni. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2013, 13(7):4552-4559.
10.Fuqing Huang, Fen Zhang, Di Xu, Zhihong Zhang, Feng Xu, Xueying Tao, Liang Qiu, Hua Wei. Enterococcus faecium WEFA23 from infants lessens high-fat-diet-induced hyperlipidemia via cholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase gene by altering the composition of gut microbiota in rats. Journal of Dairy Science. 2018, 101(9):7757-7767.


長雙歧桿菌粘附抑制蛋白Aip在防治腹瀉中的套用. 魏華, 徐鋒, 彭珍, 譚強來,徐迪,熊勇華. 2015, 中國, 專利號CN101884782B.


1. 國家863計畫專題項目:具有高黏附、拮抗和抗炎症能力的雙歧桿菌的高效篩選的功能基因的定位研究,2008-2011,參與;


1. Di Xu, Jürgen Behr, Rudi F. Vogel. Physical interaction between Lactobacillus hordei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from water kefir.-towards a reconstruction of complex ecosystems. Food Microbiology 2016 Conference. Dublin. Poster.
2. Di Xu, Jürgen Behr, Rudi F. Vogel. Interaction between Lactobacillus hordei, Lactobacillus nageliii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1st Munich Metabolomics Meeting. 2017.08. Munich.
3. 徐迪, 徐鋒, 王力均, 魏華. 螢光微球免疫層析試紙條技術在快速檢測空腸彎曲菌中的套用. 第八屆全國免疫學會,2012.10. 重慶,分會場報告.


