Lijun Wang, Chenlian Ye, Hengyi Xu, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, Hua Wei*.Development of anSD-PMA mPCR assay with internal amplification control for rapid and sensitivedetection of viable Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus infood products.Food control,57: 314-320, 2015.
Zhihong Zhang, Wenting Liu, Hengyi Xu, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Nagendra P. Shah, Hua Wei*.Propidium monoazidecombined with real-time PCR for selective detection of viable Staphylococcusaureus in milk powder and meat products.Journal of Dairy Science, 98(3): 1625-1633, 2015.
Xingxing Chen, Xiaoli Wu, Min Gan, Feng Xu, LihuaHe, Dong Yang, Hengyi Xu, Nagendra P.Shah, Hua Wei*.Rapid detection ofStaphylococcus aureus in dairy and meat foods by combination of capture withsilica-coated magnetic nanoparticles and thermophilic helicase-dependentisothermal amplification.Journalof Dairy Science, 98(3):1563-1570, 2015.
Lin Yang, Huijuan Kuang, Wanyi Zhang, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, Hengyi Xu and Hua Wei*.Size dependentbiodistribution and toxicokinetics of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in mice.Nanoscale, 7(2): 625-636, 2015.
Renhui Huang, Xueying Tao, Cuixiang Wan, ShengjieLi, Hengyi Xu, Feng Xu,, N. P. Shah., and Hua Wei*. In vitro probioticcharacteristics ofLactobacillusplantarumZDY 2013 and its modulatory effect on gut microbiota of mice.Journal of dairy science, 98(9), 5850-5861, 2015.
Mingfang Pan, Qinglong Wu, Xueying Tao, CuixiangWan, Nagendra P. Shah, and Hua Wei*, Fermentation of Allium chinense Bulbs WithLactobacillus plantarumZDY 2013Shows Enhanced Biofunctionalities, and Nutritional and Chemical Properties,Journal of Food Science, 80(10): M2272-M2278., 2015.
XiaominYu, Xiaoli Wu, Liang Qiu, Dengyuan Wang, Min Gan, Xingxing Chen, Hua Wei*, and F. Xu. 2015. Analysis of the intestinal microbial community structure of healthy and long-living elderly residents in Gaotian Village of Liuyang City. Applied microbiology and biotechnology,2015, 99:9085–9095.
Renhui Huang, Mingfang Pan, Cuixiang Wan, NagendraP. Shah, Xueying Tao, Hua Wei*, Physiological and transcriptional response aswel las cross protection ofLactobacillusplantarumZDY2013 under acid stress, Journal of Dairy Science,doi:10.3168/jds.2015-9993,2015.
Zhihong Zhang, Lixia Feng, Hengyi Xu, Chengwei Liu,Nagendra P. Shah, Hua Wei*.Detection of viable enterotoxin-producingBacillus cereusand analysis oftoxigenicity from ready-to-eat foods and infant formula milk powder by multiplexPCR. Journal of Dairy Science, doi:10.3168/jds.2015-10147, 2015.
Daofeng Liu, Yanmei Huang, Shuying Wang, Kun Liu, Minghui Chen, Yonghua Xiong, Wanchun Yang, Weihua Lai. A modified lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of trace aflatoxin M1 based on immunomagnetic nanobeads with different antibody concentrations. Food Control, 2015, 51: 218-224
Daofeng Liu, Yanmei Huang, Minghui Chen, Shuying Wang, Kun Liu, Weihua Lai*. Rapid detection method for aflatoxin B1 in soybean sauce based on fluorescent microspheres probe, Food Control, 2015, 50: 659-662
Shan Shan, Lai Weihua*, Xiong Yonghua, Wei Hua, Xu Henyi. Novel strategies to enhance lateral flow immunoassay sensitivity for detecting foodborne pathogens. J Agric Food Chem, 2015, 63(3): 745-753.
MinghuiChen,Zhibiao Yu, Daofeng Liu, Tao Peng, Kun Liu, Shuying Wang, YonghuaXiong, Hua Wei, Hengyi Xu, Weihua Lai. Dual gold nanoparticlelateral flow immunoassay for sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7.Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 876: 71-76
Xi Cui, Youju Huang, Jingyun Wang, Lei Zhang,Yun Rong, Weihua Lai, Tao Chen. A remarkablesensitivity enhancement in a gold nanoparticle-based lateralflow immunoassayfor the detection of Escherichia coliO157:H7. RSC Advances, 2015, 5:45092–45097
Lei Zhang, Youju Huang,Jingyun Wang, Yun Rong,Weihua Lai, Jiawei Zhang, Tao Chen. HierarchicalFlowerlike Gold Nanoparticles Labeled Immunochromatography Test Strip forHighly Sensitive Detection ofEscherichia coliO157:H7. Langmuir, 2015,31: 5537−5544
Jingyun Wang,Minghui Chen, Zhichao Sheng, Daofeng Liu, Songsong Wua, Weihua Lai.Development of Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Signal-Amplifying Systemfor Ultrasensitive Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Milk.RSC Advances, 2015,5:62300-62305
Yajie Yang, Chaohui Li, Wei Wang, Tingting Dong, YonghuaXiong, Jun Shen, Weihua Lai. Fluorescent ImmunochromatographicAssay for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Human Prealbumin in Serum. Anal.Methods, 2015,7: 8683-8688
Shiqi Xia, Zhibiao Yu, Daofeng Liu, Chaolian Xu, Weihua Lai.Developing a novel immunochromatographic test strip with gold magneticbifunctional nanobeads (GMBN) for efficient detection ofSalmonellacholeraesuisin milk. Food Control, 2016, 59: 507-512
Xiaolin Huang, Rui Chen, Hengyi Xu*,Weihua Lai, and Yonghua Xiong*. Nanospherical brush as catalase container forenhancing the detection sensitivity of competitive plasmonic ELISA. AnalyticalChemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04518.(IF=5.63)
Rui Chen, Xiaolin Huang, Hengyi Xu,Yonghua Xiong*, and Yanbin Li. Plasmonic ELISA using nanospherical brushes as acatalase container for colorimetric detection of ultralow concentrations ofListeria monocytogenes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (51):28632–28639.(IF=6.72)
XiaolinHuang, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Hengyi Xu*, Weihua Lai, Yonghua Xiong*.Membrane-basedlateral flow immunochromatographic strip with nanoparticles as reporters fordetection: A review.Biosensorsand Bioelectronics 2016, 75:166–180.(IF=6.4)
Xiaolin Huang, Zhaodi Xu, Yan Mao,Yanwei Ji, Hengyi Xu*, Yonghua Xiong*, Yanbin Li. Gold nanoparticle-baseddynamic light scattering immunoassay for ultrasensitive detection of Listeriamonocytogenes in lettuces. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015, 66,184-190.(IF=6.4)
Yan Mao,Xiaolin Huang, Sicheng Xiong, Hengyi Xu*, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong*.Large-volumeimmunomagnetic separation combined with multiplex PCR assay for simultaneousdetection ofListeria monocytogenesandListeria ivanoviiin lettuce.Food Control. 2016. 59:601-608.
Yanwei Ji,Meiling Ren, Yanping Li, Zhibing Huang, Mei Shu, Hongwei Yang, Yonghua Xiong*,Yang Xu*.Detection of aflatoxin B1withimmunochromatographic test strips: Enhanced signal sensitivity using goldnanoflowers.Talanta 2015,142:206–212.
Jun Shen, Yaofeng Zhou, Fen Fu, HengyiXu*, Jiaofeng Lv, Yonghua Xiong*, AndrewWang. Immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitive detection ofhepatitis B virus surface antigen using highly luminescent quantum dot-beads.Talanta. 2015,142(1),145-149(IF=3.54)
Minliang Chen, Xuelan Chen*, Fang Wan,Bin Zhang, Jincong Chen and Yonghua Xiong*. Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 onl-arginine overproduction Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 on l-arginineoverproduction in Corynebacterium crenatum. Micraobial Cell Factories. 2015,14(1): 1-10. (IF=4.22)
Ying Xiong, Zhui Tu, XiaolinHuang,aBing Xie, Yonghua Xiong* and Yang Xu. Magnetic Beads CarryingPoly(AcrylicAcid) Brushes as “Nanobody Containers” for ImmunoaffinityPurification of Aflatoxin B1from Corn Samples. RSC advances. 2015,5, 77380–77387. (IF=3.84)
Hong Duan, Xuelan Chen, Wei Xu, JinhuaFu, Yonghua Xiong* and Andrew Wang. Quantum-Dot submicrobead-basedimmunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitive detection ofzearalenone. Talanta. 2015,132,145-149. (IF=3.54)
WanCuiXiang,WangXian-Zhuo, Guo Jian-Jun,YuanLing. Screening of non-pigmentedAureobasidium pullulansstrain P1012 forhigh-yield pullulan production. Source: Modern Food Science and Technology,2015 31(1):101-106,
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HuijuanKuang, Lin Yang, Nagendra P. Shah, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Lijun Wang,HengyiXu*(corresponding author), HuaWei*. Synergisticin vitroandin vivoantimicrobial effect of amixture of ZnO nanoparticles andLactobacillusfermentation liquor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016. DOI:10.1007/s00253-015-7221-x. (SCI, 2014IF=3.337)
LijunWang, Xiaomin Yu,Hengyi Xu*(correspondingauthor), Zoraida P. Aguilar and Hua Wei*. Effect of skim milk coatedinulin-alginate encapsulation beads on viability and gene expression ofLactobacillus plantarumduringfreeze-drying. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2015.12.001.(SCI, 2014 IF=2.416)
HuijuanKuang#, Bei Gan#, Liang Guo, Zoraida P. Aguilar,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author). Determination ofBenzodiazepines in Beef by Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction and High-PerformanceLiquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Letters. 2016. DOI:10.1080/00032719.2015.1076830. (SCI, 2014 IF=1.03)
LinYang#, Zoraida P. Aguilar#, Feng Qu, Hong Xu,HengyiXu*(corresponding author),Hua Wei*. Enhanced antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles-Lonicera Japonicathunb combo. IET Nanobiotechnology. 2016. DOI: 10.1049/iet-nbt.2015.0027 (SCI,2014 IF=1.5)
Xiaolin Huang, Zoraida P. Aguilar,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Weihua Lai andYonghua Xiong*. Membrane-based Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Strip withNanoparticles as Reporters for Detection: A Review. Biosensors andBioelectronics. 2015. 75 (2016), 166-180. DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.08.032 (SCI,2014 IF=6.409)
JunShen, Yaofeng Zhou, Fen Fu,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Jiaofeng Lv,Yonghua Xiong*, Andrew Wang. Immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitivedetection of hepatitis B virus surface antigen using highly luminescent quantumdot-beads. Talanta. 2015. 142(9), 145-149. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.04.058.(SCI, 2014 IF=3.545)
LijunWang, Chenlian Ye,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Zoraida P. Aguilar, YonghuaXiong, Weihua Lai, Hua Wei*. Development of an SD-PMA-mPCR assay with internalamplification control for rapid and sensitive detection of viableSalmonellaspp.,Shigellaspp. andStaphylococcusaureusin food products. Food Control. 2015. 57(11), 314-320.DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.04.016. (SCI, 2014 IF=2.806)
Xiaolin Huang#, Zhaodi Xu#, Yan Mao,Yanwei Ji,Hengyi Xu*(correspondingauthor), Yonghua Xiong* and Yanbin Li.Gold nanoparticle-based dynamic lightscattering immunoassay for ultrasensitive detection ofLlisteria monocytogenesin lettuces. Biosensors andBioelectronics.2015. 66(2015), 184-190.DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2014.11.016. (SCI, 2014 IF=6.409)
Lin Yang# , Huijuan Kuang# , WanyiZhang# , Zoraida P. Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author) and Hua Wei*.Size dependentbiodistribution and toxicokinetics of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in mice.Nanoscale.2015, 7, 625-636.DOI: 10.1039/C4NR05061D. (SCI, 2014IF=7.394)
Minliang Chen, Xuelan Chen*, Fang Wan, Bin Zhang, Jincong Chenand Yonghua Xiong*. Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 on l-arginine overproductioninCorynebacterium crenatum. Microbial Cell Factory, 2015, 14:119-129
Hong Duan, Xuelan Chen, Wei Xu, Jinhua Fu, Yonghua Xiong*,Andrew Wang. Quantum-DoT submicrobead-based immunochromatographic assay forquantitative and sensitive detection of zearalenone. Talanta, 2015, 132:126–131
XueYing Tao, JaeYoung Choi, YangSu Kim, SeokHeeLee, SaesByeol An, Pang Ying, JongHoon Kim, WooJin Kim, YeonHo Je*.Bombyx morinucleopolyhedrovirus bacmidenabling rapid generation of recombinant virus by in vitro transposition.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.25(3):386-92, 2015.
XueYing Tao, JaeYoung Choi, WooJin Kim,SaesByeol An, Qing Liu, SongEun Kim, SeokHee Lee, JongHoon Kim, SooDong Woo,ByungRae Jin, YeonHo Je*. TheAutographa californicamultiple nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF11 isessential for BV production and ODV envelopment.Journal of Virology. 89 (1):373-383, 2015.
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Xu W, Xiong Y, Lai W, et al. A homogeneousimmunosensor for AFB1 detection based on FRET between different-sized quantumdots.[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 56(12):144–150.(IF=6.054)
Ren, MeilingXu, Hengyi Huang, XiaolinKuang, Min Xiong, YonghuaXu, Hong Xu, Yang Chen, Hongyu Wang,Andrew.Immunochromatographic Assay for Ultrasensitive Detection of Aflatoxin B1in Maize by Highly Luminescent Quantum Dot Beads[J]. ACS applied materials& interfaces(IF=5.9)
Shan S, Lai W, Xiong Y, et al. NovelStrategies To Enhance Lateral Flow Immunoassay Sensitivity for DetectingFoodborne Pathogens[J]. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2015.(IF=3.107)
Duan H, Chen X, Xu W, et al. Quantum-DoTsubmicrobead-based immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitivedetection of zearalenone.[J]. Talanta, 2015:126–131.(IF=3.511)
Liu D, Huang Y, Chen M, et al. Rapiddetection method for aflatoxin B 1 in soybean sauce based on fluorescent microspheresprobe[J]. Food Control, 2015, 50: 659-662.(IF=2.819)
Shengjie Li, Tingtao Chen, Feng Xu,SuqinDong, Hengyi Xu, YhonghuaXiong*, Hua Wei*. The beneficial effect oftheexopolysaccharides from Bifidobacterium bifidum WBIN03 on themicrobialdiversityin the mice intestine. Journal of the Science of Food andAgriculture.2014.(SCI,2011 IF=1.436)
Lijun Wang, Ping Li, Zhihong Zhang, QiChen,Zoraida P.Aguilar, Hengyi Xu*, Lin Yang, Feng Xu, Weihua Lai, YonghuaXiong andHua Wei*.Rapid and accurate detection of viable E.coli O157:H7 in milkusing acombined IMS, sodium deoxycholate, PMA andreal-time quantitative PCRprocess.Food Control. 2014. 36 (2014), 119-125. DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.08.011.(SCI, 2011 IF=2.738)
Zhihong Zhang, Lijun Wang, HengyiXu*,Zoraida P. Aguilar,Chengwei Liu, Bei Gan, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, FengXuand Hua Wei*. Detectionof non-emetic and emetic Bacillus cereusbypropidiummonoazide multiplex PCR (PMA-mPCR) with internal amplificationcontrol.FoodControl. 2014.35 (2014), 401-406. DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.07.035.(SCI,2012 IF=2.738)
一種富集分離幽門螺桿菌的方法. 專利號:ZL201310219396.4.
大腸桿菌O157:H7富集和快速檢測方法專利號:ZL 201310350229.3.
單核增李斯特菌富集和快速檢測方法專利號: ZL 201310350228.9.
鼠傷寒沙門氏菌的快速分離方法專利號: ZL 201310350230.6.
蠟樣芽孢桿菌的快速分離新方法. 專利號:ZL201310219397.9.
肺炎鏈球菌在複雜基質中的分離方法. 專利號:ZL201310219419.1.
人外周血中造血幹細胞的分離方法. 專利號:ZL201310219434.6.
直接分離CD4+和CD8+淋巴細胞的方法. 專利號:ZL201310219459.6.
一種便於觀察的磁珠分離器。 專利號:ZL201220080441.3.
抗輪狀病毒雞卵黃免役球蛋白產品。專利號: ZL98107254.2.
抗幽門螺桿菌雞卵黃免役球蛋白的產品及其套用。專利號: ZL99117588.3.
申請專利 :
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植物乳桿菌微生態製劑. 申請號:201510204886.6.
一種製備高多糖優酪乳的方法. 申請號:201510204909.3.
一種泡菜製作方法. 申請號:201510204364.6.
一株抗衰老的黏膜乳桿菌. 申請號: 201510866389.2.
一株延緩衰老的植物乳桿菌. 申請號: 201510866376.5.
一種基於藥食同源補腦養血提高抵抗力的配方驢奶粉. 申請號201310693299.9.
一種基於藥食同源的添加益生元益生菌奶片. 申請號:201310693300.8.
具有降血糖功能的益生菌中草藥複合物製劑. 申請號:201310693316.9.
一種調理腸道菌群的配方驢奶粉. 申請號:201310694001.6.
一種提高免疫力的配方驢奶粉. 申請號:201310693239.7.
一種基於藥食同源的驢奶粉配方. 申請號:201310694005.4.
高效純化量子點與IgG類單克隆抗體偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637480.8.
一種高效純化水溶性納米銀顆粒鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637210.4.
純化水溶性氧化鐵納米粒子鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637574.5.
純化水溶性納米銀顆粒鼠源性IgG類單抗偶聯物方法. 申請號:201310638004.8.
純化水溶性納米氧化鐵鼠源性IgG類單抗偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637575.X.
純化量子點與鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637586.8
生薑膳食纖維功能食品. 申請號:201310546615.X.
一種增加生薑香氣成分的方法. 申請號:201310555286.5.
一種提高生薑抗氧化活性的方法. 申請號:201310546526.5.
一種生薑防腐劑或抑菌劑. 申請號:201310546840.3.
一種改善生薑感官品質的方法. 申請號:201310546653.5.
一種結合物聯網數據傳輸系統的螢光微球免疫層析定量檢測儀. 申請號:201310445710.0.
一種結合物聯網數據傳輸系統的膠體金免疫層析定量檢測儀. 申請號:201310446973.3.
空腸彎曲菌的快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219556.5.
蠟樣芽孢桿菌的快速分離新方法. 申請號:201310219397.9.
磁分離小腸結腸炎耶爾森氏菌YE的方法. 申請號:201310219456.2.
結核分枝桿菌的快速磁分離方法. 申請號:201310219471.7.
肺炎鏈球菌在複雜基質中的分離方法. 申請號:201310219419.1.
一種高效快速的富集分離副溶血性弧菌方法. 申請號:201310219540.4.
微量循環腫瘤細胞的分離方法. 申請號:201310219229.X.
人外周血中自然殺傷細胞的快速富集分離方法. 申請號:201310219539.1.
人外周血中造血幹細胞的分離方法. 申請號:201310219434.6.
樹突狀細胞的快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219557.X.
一種富集分離人外周血CD34+和CD91+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219417.2.
利用磁珠分離人外周血中CD4+和CD25+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219433.1.
直接分離CD4+和CD8+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219459.6.
耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219460.9.
金黃色葡萄球菌分離的方法. 申請號:201310219458.1.
一種富集分離單核增生李斯特菌的方法. 申請號:201310219416.8.
磁珠分離大腸桿菌O157的方法. 申請號:201310219420.4.
一種獲取哺乳期大鼠鼠奶的方法. 申請號:201310075680.9.
一種快速自動檢測水中細菌的系統. 申請號:201210569060.6.
水中細菌快速檢測裝置[實用新型]. 申請號:201220722367.0.
NanoparticleBased Immunological Stimulation(United States Patent Application 20120189700).Application Number: 13/350849.
InternationalFilingDate: 16.01.2012. International Application No.: PCT/US2012/021402. Pub.No.:WO/2012/099805.