1996年-2000年 湖北大學物電學院獲學士
2006年至今 湖北大學物電學院教師
日本東北大學(Tohoku University)金屬材料研究所訪問學者。
1. C. Mao, L.F. Xu*, Vyacheslav V. Marchenkov*, Tatyana V. Dyachkova, Alexander P. Tyutyunnik, Yurii G. Zainulin, C.P. Yang. “Microstructure and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics by quenching after sintering in low vacuum and thermobaric treatment at
9 GPa”. Ceramics International 44 (2018) 20069–20074.
2. L.F. Xu*, T.C. Yua, X. Feng, C.P. Yang, Y. Chen, W. Chen, J. Zhou. “Dimension dependence of thickness resonance behavior of piezoelectric fiber composites”. Materials Chemistry and Physics 218 (2018) 34–38.
3. L.F. Xu*, C. Mao, Vyacheslav V. Marchenkov, K. Sun,
Tatyana V. Dyachkova, Alexander P. Tyutyunnik, Yurii G. Zainulin, C.P. Yang, S.H. Liang*. “Influence of sintering atmosphere and thermobaric treatment (TBT) on dielectric behaviors of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics”. Physics Letters A 382 (2018) 2861–2867.
4. K. Sun, L.F. Xu*, C. Mao, X. Feng, J.Y. Liang, H.B. Xiao, R.L. Wang, D.W. Shi, C.P. Yang*. “Preferential orientation and relaxation behaviors of CaCu3Ti4O12 thin films in a low frequency range”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 704 (2017) 676–682.
5. L.F. Xu∗, K. Sun, X. Feng, H.B. Xiao, R.L. Wang, C.P. Yang*. “Abnormal capacitance voltage behaviors of bismuth-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics”. International Journal of Modern Physics B 31 (2017) 1750133.
6. L.F. Xu*, X. Feng, K. Sun, Z.Y. Liang, Q. Xu, J.Y. Liang, C.P. Yang. “Adjustability of resonance frequency by external magnetic field and bias electric field of sandwich magnetoelectric PZT/NFO/PZT composites”. Applied Physics A 123 (2017) 497.
7. L.F. Xu*, K. Sun, W. Chen, J. Zhou, C.P. Yang, R.L. Wang, Y. Chen. “Square cross-section piezoelectric fiber composites: structure and ferroelectric properties”. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27 (2016) 3033–3038.
8. L.F. Xu, A. Ito*, T. Goto. “High-speed deposition of tetragonal-ZrO2-dispersed SiO2 nanocomposite films by laser chemical vapor deposition”. Materials Letters 154 (2015) 85–89.
9. L.F. Xu, T. Cheng, R.L. Wang, H.B. Xiao, G.Z. Liu. C.P. Yang*. “Microstructure and dielectric properties of Ca1–3/2xBixCu3Ti4O12 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20) ceramics”. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 25 (2014) 817–823.
10. T. Cheng, L.F. Xu*, P.B. Qi, C.P. Yang, R.L. Wang, H.B. Xiao. “Tunable dielectric behaviors of magnetic field of PZT5/NiFe2O4 ceramic particle magnetoelectric composites at room temperature”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 602 (2014) 269–274.
11. H.B. Xiao, L.F. Xu, R.L. Wang, C.P. Yang*. Interstitial copper defect induced reconstruction of a new "CuO4" quadrilateral in CaCu3Ti4O12: A first-principles study. Physica B-Condensed Matter 9 (2017) 123–127.
12. J. Yang, C.P. Yang*, X.J. Luo, D.W. Shi, H.B. Xiao, L.F. Xu, K. Baerner. Complex permittivity and relaxation processes in CaCu3Ti(4-x)MnxO12. Ceramics International 42 (2016) 10866–10871.
13. H.B. Xiao, C.P. Yang*, R.L. Wang, L.F. Xu, G.Z. Liu, V.V. Marchenkov. First-principles study of martensitic transformation and magnetic properties of carbon doped Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler alloys. Physics Letters A 41 (2016) 3414–3420.
14. Y.Q. Wu, S.P. Guo, S.Y. Yu, H. Cheng, R.L. Wang*, H.B. Xiao, L.F. Xu, R. Xiong, Y. Liu, Z.C. Xia*, C.P Yang*. Premartensitic transition and relevant magnetic effects in Ni50Mn34In15.5Al0.5 alloy. Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 26068.
15. D. W. Shi, S. S. Chen, D. Liu, L. F. Xu, H. B. Xiao, C. P. Yang, and K. Y. Wang, "Influence of oxygen vacancies on the EPIR effect in Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3 ceramics," Current Applied Physics, 15 (2015) 864–869.
1、 國家自然科學青年基金項目,鈦酸銅鈣薄膜的介電弛豫和介電反常微觀機制研究、2015/01-2017/12、主持。
2、 武漢理工大學矽酸鹽建築材料國家重點實驗室開放課題,新型水泥基壓電
5、 國家自然科學基金面上項目,稀⼟摻雜錳氧化物的龐電致電阻效應和電流誘導相變、2008/01-2010/12、參加。
6、 國家自然科學基金,稀土摻雜錳氧化物的龐電致電阻效應和電流誘導相變、 2007/01-2009/12、參加。
7、 政府間科技合作項目,極端條件對摻雜錳氧化物本徵及界面電阻的調節作用、2010/12-2012/12、參加。
1、高鵬; 楊昌平; 徐玲芳; 宮華揚; 劉迪, 複合隔膜及其製備方法,授權, 2015.6.24,
2、楊昌平; 李開冰; 石大為; 徐玲芳; 姚嘉寧,
3、石大為; 楊昌平; 高鵬; 徐玲芳; 王瑞龍; 宮華揚, 電解液及其超級電容器, 授權,2015.5.13,
4、徐卓; 楊昌平; 石大為; 黃秋安; 徐玲芳, 氧化鋅壓敏陶瓷及其製備方法和氧化鋅壓敏電阻及其製備方法,授權,2015.4.29