【英文篇名】 Reinterpretation of the Item 402 in the Contract Law
【作者中文名】 徐滌宇; 胡東海;
【作者英文名】 XU Di-yu1; HU Dong-hai2(1.School of Law; Hunan University; Changsha 410082; China; 2.School of Law; South-central Financial and Political University; Wuhan 430060; China);
【作者單位】 湖南大學法學院; 中南財經政法大學法學院 湖南長沙; 湖北武漢;
【文獻出處】 佛山科學技術學院學報(社會科學版), Journal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition) 2007年 03期
【關鍵字】 第402條; 仲裁條款; 漏洞補充; 仲裁管轄權;
【英文關鍵字】 the item 402; arbitrary terms; compensation for the loopholes; arbitrary administration;
【英文摘要】 In the perspective of Entity Law,the item 402 of Contract Law,when in enforcement,has a loophole which should be compensated by means of intentional expansion.What's more,to realize the compensation for the loopholes in the process of arbitration,we will encounter obstac les. In order to solve this problem,arbitrary regulations should be amended.
【DOI】 SUN:FSKS.0.2007-03-001
所有權的類型及其立法結構 《物權法草案》所有權立法之批評 徐滌宇 中外法學2006/01
【作者中文名】 徐滌宇;
【作者單位】 中南財經政法大學法學院 教授法學博士;
【文獻出處】 中外法學, Peking University Law Journal 2006年 01期
【英文摘要】 As to the principle of abstraction, the positive analysis is merely concerned about a positive and neutral interpretation of its function, and not about value judgment; however, with purpose of enhancing its persuasion in the level of value, the teleology demonstrates further the legitimation of that principle, through emphasizing its function of protecting safety of transaction. This article brings forward that, in view of teleology, accepting juristic act of real right and its principle of abstraction, be...
【英文摘要】 ness, and makes a historical positive analysis on the real origin and gradual development of the theory of abstractness in the modern law. Through a historical review, this text thinks that the principle of abstractness, dominated by different ideologies in law, embodies different legal policies. The principle of abstractness in the German law was primitively the result of abstractive thinking of jurists. Originally, it was not designed according to functionalism or teleology, but the result of explanation ...
【DOI】 ISSN:1671-6914.0.2005-03-004
物權之社會職責的正當化和具體化 徐滌宇 株洲師範高等專科學校學報2005/03
【英文篇名】 Justifying and Specifying Social Responsibilities for Right over Things
【作者中文名】 徐滌宇;
【作者英文名】 XU Di-yu(School of Law; Central-south University of Finance & Economics and Legal Studies; Wuhan; Hubei 430073; China);
【作者單位】 中南財經政法大學法學院 武漢;
【文獻出處】 株洲師範高等專科學校學報, Journal of Zhuzhou Teachers College 2005年 03期
【關鍵字】 物權; 社會職責; 正當化; 準物權;
【英文關鍵字】 right over things; social responsibility; justifying; quasi-right over things;
【英文摘要】 From the past and the present experience,we should be fully aware of the effects of private right as individual will and its antagonistic effectiveness against the wilful interference of the public right and guard against the growth and the spread of the thought of Absolute social proprietary rights.Specifying social responsibilities,even deprivating of ownership or things for right over things is to protect public interests.The above goal can be achieved through two legislative channels.
【DOI】 ISSN:1009-1432.0.2005-03-00C
論債權質權中第三債務人的保護 徐滌宇 甘肅政法學院學報2005/02
【英文篇名】 On the Protection of Third Debtor in Pledge of Credit
【作者中文名】 徐滌宇; 劉芳;
【作者英文名】 XU Di-yu 1 Liu Fang 2(1; Law School; Central and Southern Finance and Economics University; Wuhan; Hubei 430074; 2; Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; Beijing 100000);
【作者單位】 中南財經政法大學法學院; 中共中央紀律檢查委員會 湖北武漢;
【文獻出處】 甘肅政法學院學報, Journal of Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law 2005年 02期
【關鍵字】 債權質權; 第三債務人; 保護; 通知;
【英文關鍵字】 pledge of credit; third debtor; protection; inform;
【英文摘要】 Based on the character of pledge of credit and the presence of third debtor, aiming at the neglect of protection of third debtor in pledge of credit, the article analyzes China's legislation concerned and then concludes that in order to meet the demands of realistic economic life, while perfecting the present provisions concerning pledge of credit, other countries legislations should be taken as reference.
【DOI】 ISSN:1007-788X.0.2005-02-005
法國法系原因理論的形成、發展及其意義 徐滌宇 環球法律評論2004/04
【英文篇名】 The Formation, Development and Significance of the Doctrine of Causes in French Law System
【作者中文名】 徐滌宇;
【作者英文名】 Xu Diyu;
【作者單位】 中南財經政法大學法學院 副教授 法學博士;
【文獻出處】 環球法律評論, Cass Journal of Foreign Law 2004年 04期
【英文摘要】 The traditional doctrine of causes relating to the legal effect of contracts in French law system, created by Domat, Pothier and others in the 17th and 18th centuries, stresses objective, external, and mutually beneficial obligations. The establishment and development of this doctrine in French law system reveals that the theory on the effect of contract must overcome a dilemma, namely the conflict between the safeguarding of individual rights and maintenance of public order, which also exists in contempora...
【DOI】 ISSN:1002-7912.0.2004-04-011
私法自治的變遷與民法中“人”的深化 徐滌宇華東政法學院學報2004/06
【作者中文名】 徐滌宇; 潘泊;
【作者單位】 中南財經政法大學法學院;
【文獻出處】 華東政法學院學報, Journal of The East China University of Politics and Law 2004年 06期
【英文摘要】 The subject in interpreting contract should be exclusively referred to the courts of the arbitration tribunals who process cases. The object in interpreting contract should be the common meaning which the parties express to exterior. In the process of interpretation, the methods of interpretation undertake different tasks, exert different functions, and with this collaboration, consequently fulfill the tasks of discovering the meaning of contracts. Constructive norms' functions to the complement of the leak...
【DOI】 ISSN:1004-1869.0.2004-04-009
契約概念的歷史變遷及其解釋 徐滌宇 法學研究2004/02
【英文篇名】 Historical Change of the Concept of Contract and Its Interpretation
【作者中文名】 徐滌宇;
【作者英文名】 Xu Diyu;
【作者單位】 中南財經政法大學法學院 副教授;
【文獻出處】 法學研究, Cass Journal of Law 2004年 02期
【關鍵字】 契約的要素; 原因; 法律行為;
【英文關鍵字】 elements of contract; obligatio - contractus; causa Rechtsgeschaft;
【英文摘要】 There have been individualized conception models defining contract in different historical periods and legal cultures, which has led to different contract law regimes in different legal systems. The classical Roman law established an obligatio - contractus system with formalism and numerus clausus as the key features of contract; the medieval glossators accepted this model and redefined the contract with the doctrine of causa; the French law family continued this tradition and made the doctrine of causa the...
【英文摘要】 Starting with some reflections on the methods of the systematization of civil law, this article points out some problems on the methodology existing in the academic circle. On this basis, it analyzes the status of the law of real rights in a civil code, and organizes real rights, quasi-real rights and intangible property rights as a logical system of trinity, taking rights in rem as their superior concept. Finally, applying the constructive method of functional character, the author enumerates real rights o...
【英文摘要】 With the theory of justum pretium as the point of connection,and from the aspect of historical observation and comparative law,the author analyzes the historical background and ideological basis of the rule of laesio enormis developing into the institution of Wucherisches Geschaft or obvious unfairness.While attempting to disclose the nature of the rule of laesio enormis in different countries,he tries to find the theoretical connection between the rule and the legislation of China on obvious unfairness and...
【DOI】 ISSN:1000-5307.0.2001-03-011
論身份的占有——在事實和法律之間 吳天月 法商研究-中南政法學院學報2000/06
【作者中文名】 吳天月; 徐滌宇;
【作者單位】 海南省海口市新華區人民法院; 中南財經政法大學;
【文獻出處】 法商研究-中南政法學院學報, Studies In Law and Business 2000年 06期