



  • 中文名:徐恆康
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 專業方向:草學 






Xu, H., Chen, C., Pang, Z., Zhang, G., Wu, J., Kan,H., 2022a. Short-Term Vegetation Restoration Enhances the Complexity of SoilFungal Network and Decreased the Complexity of Bacterial Network. Journal ofFungi 8.
Xu, H., Liu, N., Zhang, Y., 2022b. Short-Term SnowRemoval Alters Fungal but Not Bacterial Beta Diversity and Structure during theSpring Snowmelt Period in a Meadow Steppe of China. journal of Fungi 8, 234.
Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Kang, B., Qin, F., Liu, X., Zhou,H., Shao, X., 2020. Different types of biocrusts affect plant communities bychanging the microenvironment and surface soil nutrients in the Qinghai-TibetanPlateau. Arid Land Research and Management 34, 306-318.
Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Shao, X., Liu, N., 2021. Soilnitrogen and climate drive the positive effect of biological soil crusts onsoil organic carbon sequestration in drylands: A Meta-analysis. Science of TheTotal Environment, 150030.
Yao, Z., Shi, L., He, Y., Peng, C., Lin, Z., Hu,M.-a., Yin, N., Xu, H., Zhang, D., Shao, X., 2023. Grazing intensity, duration,and grassland type determine the relationship between soil microbial diversityand ecosystem multifunctionality in Chinese grasslands: A meta-analysis.Ecological Indicators 154.
Kan, H., Xu, H., Zhang, G., Chen, C., Pang, Z., Fan,X., Wu, J., 2023. Stoichiometric characteristics drive the soil aggregatestability after 5 years of vegetation restoration in China. Frontiers inEcology and Evolution 11.
Pang, Z., Xu, H., Chen, C., Zhang, G., Fan, X., Wu,J., Kan, H., 2022. Comparing Water Use Characteristics of Bromus inermis andMedicago sativa Revegetating Degraded Land in Agro-Pasture Ecotone in NorthChina. Water 15.
Peng, C., Shi, L., He, Y., Yao, Z., Lin, Z., Hu, M.a.,Yin, N., Xu, H., Li, Y., Zhou, H., Lu, X., Liu, K., Shao, X., 2023. Climatefactors regulate the depth dependency of soil organic carbon under grazingexclusion in Chinese grasslands: A meta‐analysis. Land Degradation &Development.
徐恆康, 逯輝, 劉灝, 陳超, 龐卓, 張國芳, 劉亞麗, 闞海明. 全球草地碳匯研究趨勢與重點領域——基於1992—2022年文獻計量分析[J]. 草地學報, 1-18.
闞海明, 陳超, 馬曉東, 徐恆康, 龐卓, 張國芳, 武菊英. 華北退化荒地建植豆類和禾本植物人工草地對土壤真菌群落結構和功能的影響[J]. 生態學報, 2023, 43 (24):10092-10103.
闞海明, 徐恆康, 魯佳男, 孫鑫博, 武菊英. 不同叢枝菌根真菌接種對3種草地植物生長特性的影響[J]. 草地學報, 2023, 31 (07): 1922-1930.
李沛, 張浩, 郭童天, 徐恆康, 韋斌, 張英俊, 劉楠. 保護播種對呼倫貝爾混播草地建植初期雜草抑制和牧草生長的影響[J]. 草地學報, 2022, 30 (12): 3423-3432.
張浩, 劉楠, 王占軍, 杜建民, 王利鋒, 秘一先, 俞鴻千, 徐恆康, 張英俊. 黃土高原放牧型豆禾混播草地系統生產力[J]. 草業科學, 2022, 39 (09): 1890-1903.
劉偉, 楊孔, 徐高偉, 徐恆康, 謝紅旗, 鐘小山, 劉安然. 高原鼢鼠對若爾蓋高原濕地草原植物群落的擾動效應[J]. 四川師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2020, 43 (01): 84-88.
秦福雯, 康瀕月, 姜風岩, 徐恆康, 周華坤, 位曉婷, 劉曉麗, 邵新慶. 生物結皮演替對高寒草原土壤微生物群落的影響[J]. 草地學報, 2019, 27 (04): 832-840.
秦福雯, 康瀕月, 姜鳳岩, 劉曉麗, 徐恆康, 位曉婷, 邵新慶. 生物土壤結皮演替對高寒草原植被結構和土壤養分的影響[J]. 生態環境學報, 2019, 28 (06): 1100-1107.
秦福雯, 徐恆康, 劉曉麗, 康瀕月, 位曉婷, 邵新慶. 生物結皮對高寒草地植物群落和土壤化學性質的影響 - 中國知網 (cnki.net)[J]. 草地學報, 2019, 27 (02): 285-290.
康瀕月, 徐恆康, 姜風岩, 邵新慶. 典型高寒植物有性繁殖對長期增溫的回響[J]. 草地學報, 2019, 27 (02): 364-370.
徐恆康, 劉曉麗, 史雅楠, 李晶晶, 尕藏太, 索南加, 邵新慶. 生物結皮對高寒退化草地植物群落的影響[J]. 草地學報, 2018, 26 (03): 539-544.
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[3]張英俊,徐恆康,劉楠,張浩,楊丹. 一種用於草原氣候變化研究的積雪移除裝置[P]. 北京市:CN211020280U,2020-07-17.
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