徐志偉,男,1956年出生,現任中國科學院計算技術研究所研究員、學術委員會主任。長期從事高性能計算體系結構,分散式計算系統與網路計算科學研究。曾任曙光超級伺服器、國家高性能計算環境、網路虛擬計算環境、格線作業系統、處理ZB級數據的海雲計算系統等多個國家和歐盟科研項目的技術負責人。獲得 “國家傑出青年科學基金”、國家科技進步二等獎、中國計算機學會“王選獎”。
- 中文名:徐志偉
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1956年
- Z. Xu: Cloud-Sea Computing for the ZB Era, Keynote speech at IFIP NPC 2013.
- Z. Xu: Cloud-Sea Computing on Zettabytes of Data. Invited talk at the 2013 International SuperComputing Big Data Conference (ISC-BigData 2013), Heidelberg, Germany, 2013.
- Z. Xu: Acquisition & Analysis of Immense Datasets for e-People. Invited talk at the 2013 International SuperComputing Conference (ISC 2013), Leipzig, Germany, 2013.
- Z. Xu: High-Performance Techniques for Big Data Computing in Internet Services. Invited speech at SC12, SC Companion 2012: 1861-1895.
- Z. Xu: Ternary Computing for a Human-Cyber-Physical Universe, Keynote speech at US-China Computer Science Leadership Summit, sponsored by NSF and NSFC, 2011.
- Z. Xu: Computing for the Masses, Keynote speech at US-China Computer Science Leadership Summit, sponsored by NSF and NSFC, 2008.
- Z. Xu, N. Sun, D. Meng, W. Li: Cluster and Grid Superservers: The Dawning Experience in China. Invited speech at IEEE Cluster 2001.
- Tianshi Chen, Qi Guo, Olivier Temam, Yue Wu, Yungang Bao, Zhiwei Xu, Yunji Chen: Statistical Performance Comparisons of Computers. IEEE Trans. Computers 64(5): 1442-1455 (2015)
- Zhiwei Xu: Cloud-Sea Computing System: Towards Thousand-Fold Improvement in Performance per Watt for the Coming Zettabyte Era. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2014 Vol. 29 (2): 177-18
- Xiaoyi Lu, Fan Liang, Bing Wang, Li Zha, Zhiwei Xu: DataMPI: Extending MPI to Hadoop-Like Big Data Computing. IPDPS 2014: 829-838
- Tianshi Chen, Qi Guo, Ke Tang, Olivier Temam, Zhiwei Xu, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Yunji Chen: ArchRanker: A ranking approach to design space exploration. ISCA 2014: 85-96
- Yunji Chen, Tao Luo, Shaoli Liu, Shijin Zhang, Liqiang He, Jia Wang, Ling Li, Tianshi Chen, Zhiwei Xu, Ninghui Sun, Olivier Temam: DaDianNao: A Machine-Learning Supercomputer. MICRO 2014: 609-622
- Zhiwei Xu: Measuring Green IT in Society. IEEE Computer 45(5): 83-85 (2012)
- Zhiwei Xu: How much power is needed for a billion-thread high-throughput server? Frontiers of Computer Science 6(4): 339-346 (2012)
- Zhiwei Xu, Guojie Li, Computing for the Masses, Communications of ACM, October 2011, vol. 54 no. 10, pp. 129-137
- Yongqiang He, Rubao Lee, Yin Huai, Zheng Shao, Namit Jain, Xiaodong Zhang, Zhiwei Xu, RCFile: A Fast and Space-efficient Data Placement Structure in MapReduce-based Warehouse Systems, ICDE 2011: 1199-1208
- Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Weiwu Hu, Zhiwei Xu: Effective and Efficient Microprocessor Design Space Exploration Using Unlabeled Design Configurations. IJCAI 2011: 1671-1677
- Wei Li, Deng Li, Shuhui Yang, Zhiwei Xu, Wei Zhao, Design and Analysis of a New GPS Algorithm. ICDCS 2010, 40-51
- Rubao Lee, Zhiwei Xu, Exploiting Stream Request Locality to Improve Query Throughput of a Data Integration System, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 58(10): 1356-1368 (2009)
- L. Xiao, Y. Zhu, L. M. Ni, Z. Xu, "Incentive-based Scheduling for Market-like Computational Grids," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 19(7): 903-913 (2008).
- Y. Sun, Z. Xu: Grid Replication Coherence Protocol. IPDPS 2004.
- D. Meng, Jie Ma, Jin He, Limin Xiao, Z. Xu: Semi-User-Level Communication Architecture. IPDPS 2002.
- Xu, Zhiwei, and Wei Li. "The research on VEGA grid architecture." Journal of Computer Research and Development 39.8 (2002): 923-929.
- Hwang, Kai, and Zhiwei Xu. Scalable parallel computing: technology, architecture, programming. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1998.
- Xu, Zhiwei, and Kai Hwang. "Modeling communication overhead: MPI and MPL performance on the IBM SP2." Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications, IEEE 4.1 (1996): 9-24.
- 電腦啟示錄 下篇:電腦的未來 ,Computer Revelation III,清華大學出版社,2006-10,第1作者
- 格線計算技術,Grid Computing,電子工業出版社,2004-06,第1作者
- 作業系統:原理、技術與編程,Operating Systems: Principle, Techniques, and Programming,機械工業出版社,2003-06,第2作者
- 電腦啟示錄 中篇:矽谷的秘密,Computer Revelation II,清華大學出版社,2002-07,第1作者
- 電腦啟示錄 上篇:電腦的故事, Computer Revelation I,清華大學出版社,2001-06,第1作者
- 可擴展並行計算,Scalable Parallel Computing,McGraw-Hill,1998-06,第2作者