徐宗大,男,1985年生,博士,副教授,碩士生導師(風景園林學、園林植物與觀賞園藝),園林系主任、專業主任,入選山東農業大學“1512” 人才工程第三層次。
- 中文名:徐宗大
- 出生日期:1985年
- 畢業院校:北京林業大學、山東農業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 職務:園林系主任
- 性別:男
- 職稱:副教授
- 工作單位:山東農業大學
- 學歷:博士研究生
先後於山東農業大學林學院、北京林業大學園林學院獲得園林學士、碩士、博士學位。目前主要從事梅花花發育,玫瑰、牡丹花色調控機理研究;培育牡丹、芍藥、玫瑰新品種十餘個,其中7個新品種通過了山東省良種審定,3個新品種獲得國家林業植物新品種權。主持國家自然科學基金一項,以第一作者或通訊作者在《Plant Physiology and Biochemistry》、《BMC Plant Biology》、《Frontiers in plant science》、《Molecular Genetics and Genomics》、《中國農業科學》等雜誌發表論文20餘篇。獲山東省林業科技進步一等獎、三等獎各1項。
(1)Xiaoming Sui, Mingyuan Zhao, Xu Han, Lanyong Zhao∗, Zongda Xu∗(通訊作者). RrGT1, a key gene associated with anthocyanin biosynthesis, was isolated from Rosa rugosa and identified via overexpression and VIGS. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 135:19–29.
(2)Xinpeng Zhang, Lanyong Zhao∗, Zongda Xu∗(通訊作者), Xiaoyan Yu. Transcriptome sequencing of Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Shima Nishiki’ to identify differentially expressed genes mediating double-color formation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018,123:114–124.
(3)Zhongjian Li, Mingyuan Zhao, Jinfen Jin, Lanyong Zhao∗, Zongda Xu∗(通訊作者). Anthocyanins and their biosynthetic genes in three novel-colored Rosa rugosa cultivars and their parents. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 129: 421–428.
(4)Xinpeng Zhang, Mingyuan Zhao, Jing Guo, Lanyong Zhao*, Zongda Xu*(通訊作者). Anatomical and biochemical analyses reveals the mechanism of double-color formation in Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Shima Nishiki’. 3 Biotech, 2018,8:420.
(5)Yuzhen Zhou#,Zongda Xu#(共同第一), Xue Yong, Sagheer Ahmad, Weiru Yang, Tangren Cheng, Jia Wang and Qixiang Zhang*. SEP-class genes in Prunus mume and their likely role in floral organ development, BMC Plant Biology,2017,17:10.
(6)YuzhenZhou#,ZongdaXu#(共同第一),KaiZhao,WeiruYang,Tangren Cheng,JiaWang,Qixiang Zhang*,Genome-wide identification, characterization and expression analysis of the TCP gene family in Prunus mume,Frontiers in plant science,2016,7.
(7)Zongda Xu,Lidan Sun,Yuzhen Zhou,Weiru Yang,Tangren Cheng,Jia Wang,Qixiang Zhang*,Identification and expression analysis of the SQUAMOSA promoter-binding protein (SBP)-box gene family in Prunus mume,Molecular Genetics and Genomics,2015,290(5):1701~1715.
(8)Zongda Xu,Qixiang Zhang*,Lidan Sun,Dongliang Du,Tangren Cheng,Huitang Pan,Weiru Yang,Jia Wang,Genome-wide identification,characterisation and expression analysis of the MADS-box gene family in Prunus mume,Molecular Genetics and Genomics,2014,289(5):903~920.