2010.09-2013.06 中國科學技術大學 環境工程 博士
2007.09-2010.06 中國科學技術大學 環境工程 碩士
2003.09-2007.06 合肥工業大學 環境工程 學士
2023.04-至今 華東師範大學生態與環境科學學院 副院長
2020.01-至今 華東師範大學生態與環境科學學院 教授(破格晉升)
2016.12-2020.01 華東師範大學生態與環境科學學院 青年研究員
2013.10-2016.12 香港大學市政工程系 博士後
1. 水污染控制理論和技術
2. 難降解工業廢水處理技術
3. 有機廢棄物資源化技術
本科生課程 水污染控制工程,水污染控制工程實驗
研究生課程 環境科學與工程專業外語
華東師範大學“紫江青年學者”啟動項目, 主持
2023 本科教學改革與研究項目
2023 本科教學虛擬仿真實驗培育項目
2023 研究生“課程思政”示範引領計畫示範課程建設項目
2020 研究生一級學科學位基礎課建設項目
2024 上海市東方英才計畫青年項目(城市治理領域)
2024 華東師範大學三八紅旗手
2023 華東師範大學博士優秀學位論文指導教師
2023 華東師範大學生態與環境科學學院優秀研究生導師獎
2022 華東師範大學生態與環境科學學院優秀教學獎
2020 國家自然科學基金委員會第八屆環境工程青年論壇最佳報告獎
2019 華東師範大學青年科學獎(B類)
2017 華東師範大學新入職青年教師教學比賽 一等獎
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering青年編委
Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Advanced Functional Materials,Environmental Science and Technology, Water Research等SCI期刊審稿人
Environmental Pollution傑出審稿人(2016)
Enzyme and Microbial Technology傑出審稿人(2016)
Wang, M.M., Liu, P.X., Ye, F, Liu, L.J., Wen, J.T., Ni, B.J., Luo, H.W., Wang, W.K.*, Xu, J.* 2024. 2D Ni-Co bimetallic oxide nanosheets activate persulfate for targeted conversion of bisphenol A in wastewater into polymers. Environment International. 184, 108466.
Shao, W., Zhang, X., Li, Z.H., Xu, J.*, Sheng, G.P.* 2024. Electrochemical-surface plasmon resonance approach to probe redox interactions between microbial extracellular polymeric substances and p-nitrophenol. Journal of Environmental Management. 349, 119409
Luo, H., Wang, D., Zeng, Y., He, D., Zeng, G., Xu, J., Pan, X.* 2024. Iron-doped swine bone char as hydrogen peroxide activator for efficient removal of acetaminophen in water. Science of The Total Environment. 912, 168833
Wang, M.M., Cui, Y.K.,Wen, J.T., Wang, Y.S., Jia, M.H., He, S.Z., Wang, W.K.*, Xu, J.* 2023. Flexible regulation of persulfate activation mechanisms through tuningCu valence in CuBTC-derived copper oxide catalysts for improved pollutantdegradation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 476, 146565
Yan, Z.R., Liu, Y., Zhu,Y.Y., Zhang, W., Xu, J.*, Sheng, G.P.*, 2023. Multichannel biolayer interferometry to probe the binding of microbialextracellular polymeric substances to sulfamethoxazole. ACS ES&T Water. 3, 2449
Meng, H.S., He, S.Z.,Wang, M.M., Xi, J.R., Wen, J.T., Luo, H.W., Wang, W.K.*, Xu, J.* 2023. Selective pollutant degradation with a novel persulfate activation cellresistant to environmental interference. Chemical Engineering Journal. 470, 144191
Zhu, W.P., Deng, J., Chen,Z.J., Li, J.C., Xu, J.*, 2023. Nano α-Fe2O3 self-assembledhybrid biofilm boosts hydrogen autotrophic denitrification in athree-dimensional biofilm electrode reactor. ACS ES&T Engineering. 3, 557
Wang, M.M., Liu, L.J., Xi,J.R., Ding, Y., Liu, P.X., Mao, L., Ni, B.J., Wang, W.K.*, Xu, J.* 2023. Lattice doping of Zn boosts oxygen vacancies in Co3O4nanocages: Improving persulfate activation via forming surface-activatedcomplex. Chemical Engineering Journal. 451, 138605
Wang, W.K., Zhou, L.L., Cao, H.Y.,Liu, P.X., Li, X.Y., Fujitsuka, M., Xu, J.*, Majima, T.* 2023.Self-Interspersed mesoporous nanoplatesassembled WO3 boosts photoelectrocatalytic pollutants degradation:Enhancing separation and transfer of hole/electron pairs. Applied Surface Science. 618, 156686
Zhu, J., Li,J., Xu, M., Yang, B., Zhang, Y., Xu, J., Shi, G., Zhou, T., Deng, J. 2023.Au/Lum/RhB@ Ag-DMcT icp-based double-ratio colorimetric and fluorometric dualmode assay and multi-responsive coffee ring chips for point-of-use analysis ofphosphate ions. Analytical Chemistry. 95, 6261
Yan, X., Sun,J., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhang, C., Li, W., Xu, J., Dai, X., Ni, B.J. 2023. Low-rate ferrate dosing damages the microbial biofilmstructure through humic substances destruction and facilitates the sewerbiofilm control. Water Research. 235, 119834
Zhang, M., Li,Y., Yang, B., Su, Y., Xu, J.,Deng, J., Zhou, T. 2023. PromotedBPA degradation in food waste leachate via alkali-fluffed CoFe2O4@CoSiOxactivated PMS under the assistance of inherent acetate. Separation and Purification Technology. 306, 122566
Luo, H., Tu,C., He, D., Zhang, A., Sun, J., Li, J., Xu, J., Pan, X. 2023. Interactions between microplastics and contaminants:A review focusing on the effect of aging process. Science of the Total Environment,899: 165615
Wang, M.M., Liu, L.J., Wen,J.T., Ding, Y., Xi, J.R., Li, J.C., Lu, F.Z., Wang, W.K.*, Xu, J.* 2022. Multi-metallic CuCoNi oxide nanowires in-situ grown on a nickel foamsubstrate catalyze persulfate activation via mediating electron transfer. Environmental Science & Technology. 56, 12613
Zhou, L.L., Liu, P.X.,Ding, Y., Xi, J.R., Liu, L.J., Wang, W.K.*, Xu, J.* 2022. Hierarchicallyporous structure of two-dimensional nano-flakes assembled flower-like NiO promotesthe formation of surface-activated complex during persulfate activation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 430, 133134
Wu, Z.Y., Xu, J.* Wu, L., Ni, B.J. 2022. Three-dimensional biofilm electrode reactors(3D-BERs) for wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. 344, 126274
Chen, C., Zhou, L.L., Huang, Y.N., Wang, W.K.*, Xu, J.* 2022. Boron regulates catalytic sites ofbiochar to enhance the formation of surface-confined complex for improvedperoxydisulfate activation. Chemosphere. 301, 134690.
Ding, J.J., Jiao, C., Qi, Y.L., Guo, H.X., Yuan, Q.Q., Huang, Y.N., Han,J.Q.*, Ma, X.Y.*, Xu, J.* 2022. New insights into the reverse of chromium-inducedreprotoxicity of pregnant mice by melatonin. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 238C, 113608.
Zhu, Y.Y., Liu, Y., Xu, J.*, Ni, B.J. 2022. Three-dimensionalexcitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence approach to probing the bindinginteractions of polystyrene microplastics to bisphenol A. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances. 5, 100046.
Luo, H., Liu, C., He, D., Xu, J.,Sun, J., Li, J., Pan, X. 2022. Environmental behaviors of microplasticsin aquatic systems: A systematic review on degradation, adsorption, toxicityand biofilm under aging conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 423, 126915
Luo, H., Liu, C., He, D., Xu, J.,Sun, J., Li, J., Pan, X. 2022. Response to the comments on Environmental behaviors of microplastics in aquatic systems: A systematicreview on degradation, adsorption, toxicity and biofilm under aging. Journalof Hazardous Materials. 430, 128344
Wang, M.M., Cui, Y.K., Cao, H.Y., Wei, P., Chen, C., Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*, Sheng, G.P. 2021. Activating peroxydisulfate with Co3O4/NiCo2O4double-shelled nanocages to selectively degrade bisphenol A - A nonradicaloxidation process. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 282: 119585.高被引
Wu, Z.Y., Zhu, W.P., Liu, Y., Zhou, L.L., Liu, P.X., Xu, J.* 2021. An integratedbiological-electrocatalytic process for highly-efficient treatment of cokingwastewater. Bioresource Technology. 339, 125584.
Meng, H.S., Liu, Y., Liu, P.X., Zhou, L.L., Chen, C., Wang, W.K., Xu. J.* 2021. Development of a three-dimensional photoelectrocatalytic reactorpacked with granular sludge carbon photoelectrocatalyst for efficientwastewater treatment. Separation and Purification Technology. 277,119642.
Li, X.Y., Peng, P., Wang, W.K., Wang, S.Y., Feng, L., Zhang, Y.C., Xu, J.* 2021. Particle electrode materials dependenttetrabromobisphenol A degradation in three-dimensional biofilm electrodereactors. Environmental Research. 197: 111089.
Li, J.H., Guo, N., Zhao, S., Xu, J., Wang, Y.K. 2021. Mechanisms of metabolic performance enhancement andARGs attenuation during nZVI-assisted anaerobic chloramphenicol wastewatertreatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 419: 126508.
Feng, Y., Guo, N., Ren, S.J., Xie, X., Xu, J., Wang, Y.K. 2021. AgNPs@ZIF-8 hybrid material-modified polyethersulfonemicrofiltration membranes for antibiofouling property and permeabilityimprovement. Chemical Engineering & Technology. 44: 265.
Liu, X.Q., Wei, W., Xu, J.*, Wang, D.B., Song, L., Ni, B.J.* 2020. Photochemicaldecomposition of perfluorochemicals in contaminated water. Water Research. 186:116311.
Xu, J., Sheng, G.P.* 2020. Microbial extracellularpolymeric substances (EPS) acted as a potential reservoir in responding to highconcentrations of sulfonamides shocks during biological wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. 313, 123654.
Wu, Z.Y., Zhu,W.P., Liu, Y., Peng, P., Li, X.Y., Zhou, X.Q., Xu, J.* 2020. An integrated three-dimensionalelectrochemical system for efficient treatment of coking wastewater rich inammonia nitrogen. Chemosphere. 246: 125703.
Liu Y., Wu, Z.Y., Peng, P., Xie, H.B., Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*, Li, W.H. 2020. Apilot-scale three-dimensional electrochemical reactor combined with anaerobic-anoxic-oxicsystem for advanced treatment of coking wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management. 259: 110021.
Wu L., Wei W., Xu, J.*, Chen X.M., Liu Y.W., Peng L., Wang D.B., Ni B.J.* 2020. Denitrifying biofilm processes for wastewater treatment:developments and perspectives. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 7: 40.
Wang, M.Y., Yang, J., Gao, H.L., Xu, W.S., Dong, M.Q., Shen, G.C.,Xu, J., Xu, X.L., Xue, J.M., Xu, C.Y., Zhou, X.Q. 2020. Interspecific plant competition increases soil labile organic carbonand nitrogen contents. Forest Ecology and Management. 462,117991.
Meng, H.S., Chen, C., Yan, Z.R., Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*,Sheng, G.P. 2019. Co-doping polymethyl methacrylate and coppertailings to improve the performances of sludge-derived particle electrode. Water Research. 165: 115016.
Wang, S.Y., Yang X.Y., Meng, H.S., Zhang, Y.C., Li, X.Y., Xu, J.* 2019. Enhanced denitrification by nano ɑ-Fe2O3induced self-assembled hybrid biofilm on particle electrodes ofthree-dimensional biofilm electrode reactors. Environment International. 125,142.
Wu, Z.Y., Liu,Y., Wang, S.Y., Peng, P., Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*, Li, W.H. 2019. A novel integratedsystem of three-dimensional electrochemical reactors (3DERs) and three-dimensionalbiofilm electrode reactors (3DBERs) for coking wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. 284: 222.
Gan, L.H., Yan, Z.R., Ma, Y.F., Zhu, Y.Y., Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*, Zhang, W. 2019. pHdependence of the binding interactions between humic acids and bisphenol A-A thermodynamic perspective. Environmental Pollution. 255: 113292.
Yan, Z.R., Zhu,Y.Y., Meng, H.S., Wang, S.Y., Gan, L.H., Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*, Zhang, W. 2019. Insights into thermodynamic mechanisms drivingbisphenol A (BPA) binding to extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of activatedsludge. Science of the Total Environment. 677: 502.
Lin, Z.Q.,Shao, W., Xu, J.*, Sheng, G.P.* 2019. Accurately quantifying the reductive capacity of microbial extracellularpolymeric substance by mediated electrochemical oxidation method. Scienceof the Total Environment. 673: 541.
Yan, Z.R., Meng, H.S., Yang, X.Y., Zhu, Y.Y., Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*, Sheng, G.P.* 2019. Insights into the interactions between triclosan (TCS) and extracellular polymericsubstance (EPS) of activated sludge. Journal of Environmental Management.232: 219.
Ji, J, Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*,Yang X.Y., Meng, H.S., Yan, Z.R. 2018. Zn-Fe-rich granular sludge carbon(GSC) for enhanced electrocatalytic removal of bisphenol A (BPA) and RhodamineB (RhB) in a continuous-flow three-dimensional electrode reactor (3DER). Electrochimica Acta. 284: 587.
Feng, L, Li, X.Y., Gan, L.H., Xu,J.* 2018. Synergistic effects of electricity and biofilm on RhodamineB (RhB) degradation in three-dimensional biofilm electrode reactors (3D-BERs). Electrochimica Acta. 290: 165.
Xu, J., Hu, Y.Y., Li, X.Y., Chen,J.J., Sheng, G.P.* 2018. Rapidly probing the interactions betweensulfamethazine antibiotics and fulvic acids.Environmental Pollution. 243: 752.
Xu, J.*, Li, X.Y., Gan, L.H., Li,X.Y.* 2018. Fermentation liquor of CaO2 treated chemicallyenhanced primary sedimentation (CEPS) sludge for bioplastic biosynthesis. Scienceof the Total Environment. 664: 547.
Ji, J., Liu, Y., Yang, X.Y., Xu,J.*, Li, X.Y.* 2018. Multiple response optimization for highefficiency energy saving treatment of rhodamine B wastewater in a three-dimensionalelectrochemical reactor. Journal of Environmental Management.218: 300.
Li, X.Y., Xu, J.*,Cheng, J.P., Feng, L., Shi, Y.F., Ji, J. 2017. TiO2-SiO2/GACparticles for enhanced electrocatalytic removal of acid orange 7 (AO7) dyeingwastewater in a three-dimensional electrochemical reactor. Separation and Purification Technology. 187: 303.
Lin, L., Li, R.H., Li, Y., Xu, J., Li, X.Y. 2017. Recovery of organic carbon andphosphorus from wastewater by Fe-enhanced primary sedimentation and sludgefermentation. Process Biochemistry. 54, 135.
Xu, J., Yu, H.Q., Li, X.Y.* 2016. Probing the contribution of extracellular polymeric substance fractions to activated-sludgebioflocculation using particle image velocimetry in combination with extended DLVO analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal. 303: 627.
Xu, J., Yu, H.Q., Sheng, G.P.* 2016. Kinetics andthermodynamics of interaction between sulfonamide antibiotics and humic acids:surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration microcalorimetry analysis. Journalof Hazardous Materials. 302: 262.
Xu, J., Li, X.Y.* 2016. Investigation of the effect of nanoparticle exposure on the flocculability ofactivated sludge using particle image velocimetry in combination with theextended DLVO analysis. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 143: 382.
Xu, J., Luo, H.W., Wang, Y.K.,Sheng, G.P.* 2015. Fluorescence approach for investigating bindingproperties between metals and soluble microbial products from a biologicalwastewater treatment plant. Process Biochemistry. 50: 636.
Xu, J., Sheng, G.P.*, Ma, Y., Wang, L.F., Yu, H.Q. 2013. Roles of extracellularpolymeric substances (EPS) in the migration and removal of sulfamethazine inactivated sludge system. Water Research. 47: 5298.
Sheng, G.P., Xu, J., Luo, H.W., Li, W.W., Li, W.H., Yu, H.Q., Xie, Z., Wei, S.Q., Hu,F.C. 2013. Thermodynamic analysis on the binding of heavy metals ontoextracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of activated sludge. Water Research. 47: 607.
Sheng, G.P.,Xu, J., Li, W.H., Yu, H.Q. 2013. Quantification of theinteractions between Ca, Hg and extracellularpolymeric substances (EPS) of sludge. Chemosphere. 93: 1436.
Li, Y., Li A.M., Xu, J., Li, W.W., Yu, H.Q. 2013. Formation of soluble microbial products (SMP) by activatedsludge at various salinities. Biodegradation. 24: 69.
Xu, J., Sheng, G.P.*, Luo, H.W., Li,W.W., Wang, L.F., Yu, H.Q. 2012. Fouling ofproton exchange membrane (PEM) deteriorates the performance of microbial fuelcell. Water Research. 46: 1817.
Ni B.J., Fang, F., Xie, W.M., Xu, J., Yu, H.Q. 2012. Formation of Distinct SolubleMicrobial Products by Activated Sludge: Kinetic Analysis and QuantitativeDetermination. Environmental Science & Technology. 46: 1667.
Li, W.W., Wang, Y.K., Xu, J., Tong, Y.R., Peng, H., Sheng, G.P., Yu, H.Q. 2012. A dead-end filtration method torapidly and quantitatively evaluate the fouling resistance of nylon mesh formembrane bioreactors. Separation and Purification Technology. 89: 107.
Li, Y., Li,A.M., Xu, J., Liu, B., Fu,L.C., Li, W.W., Yu, H.Q. 2012. SMP production by activated sludge in the presence of ametabolic uncoupler, 3,3',4',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 95: 1313.
Xu, J., Sheng, G.P.*, Luo, H.W., Fang,F., Li, W.W., Zeng, R.J., Tong, Z.H., Yu, H.Q. 2011. Evaluating theinfluence of process parameters on soluble microbial products formation usingresponse surface methodology coupled with grey relational analysis. Water Research. 45: 674.
Ni B.J., Zeng, R.J., Fang, F., Xie, W.M., Xu, J., Sheng, G.P., Sun, Y.J.,Yu, H.Q. 2011. Evaluation on factors influencing the heterotrophicgrowth on the soluble microbial products of autotrophs. Biotechnology and Bioengineering.108: 804.
Li, W.W.,Sheng, G.P., Wang, Y.K., Liu, X.W., Xu, J., Yu, H.Q. 2011. Filtration behaviors and biocake formationmechanism of mesh filters used in membrane bioreactors. Separation and Purification Technology. 81: 472.
Liu, X.M., Sheng, G.P., Luo, H.W., Zhang, F., Yuan, S.J., Xu, J., Zeng, R.J., Wu, J.G.,Yu, H.Q. 2010. Contribution of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)to the sludge aggregation. Environmental Science & Technology. 44: 4355.
Ni, B.J., Rittmann, B.E., Fang, F., Xu, J., Yu, H.Q. 2010.Long-term formation of microbial products in asequencing batch reactor. Water Research. 44: 3787.
Fang, F., Liu, X.W., Xu, J.,Yu H.Q., Liu, Y.M. 2009. Formation of aerobic granules and their PHBproduction at various substrate and ammonium concentrations. Bioresource Technology. 100: 59.
Ni, B.J., Zeng, R.J., Fang, F., Xu, J., Sheng, G.P., Yu, H.Q. 2009. A novel approach to evaluate theproduction kinetics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by activatedsludge using weighted nonlinear least-squares analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 43: 3743.
Liu, S.Y., Chen, Y.P., Fang, F., Xu, J., Sheng, G.P., Yu, H.Q., Liu, G., Tian, Y.C. 2009. Measurementof dissolved oxygen and its diffusivity in aerobic granules using alithographically-fabricated microelectrode array. Environmental Science & Technology. 43: 1160.
一種摻雜銅尾砂的多孔污泥基粒子電極催化劑的製備方法與套用 (發明專利,ZL201810751159.5)
一種利用剩餘污泥製備污泥基Fe-Zn三維粒子電極催化劑的方法 (發明專利,ZL201810288718.3)
一種三維電化學偶聯三維電生物污水處理裝置 (發明專利,ZL201710846688.9)
三維電化學偶聯三維電生物深度處理垃圾滲濾液反滲透濃水的方法 (發明專利,ZL201710846651.6)
一種三維電化學偶聯三維電生物焦化廢水處理系統 (實用新型專利,ZL202020129652.6)
一種用於廢水治理的多段異相三維電化學反應裝置 (實用新型專利,ZL 201721200764.0)
第一屆《中國環境科學》青年論壇,廣州,2023.7.22-23 (邀請報告)
2023水處理技術創新與前沿套用學術研討會,蘇州,2023.7.23-25 (邀請報告)
第十二屆環境化學大會,武漢,2023.11.17-21 (口頭報告)
第十六屆全國水處理化學大會,廣州,2023.4.7-9 (口頭報告)
中國環境科學學會2021年科學技術年會,天津,2021.11.19-21 (邀請報告)
水處理及污泥固廢處理處置中的新材料及新技術研討會,南京,2021.11.22 (邀請報告)
國家自然科學基金委員會第八屆環境工程青年論壇,武漢,2020.11.6-7 (口頭報告)
生態環境污染治理技術研討會,南京,2020.9.20-22 (口頭報告)
2019首屆“東北地區環境生態青年學者論壇”,哈爾濱,2019.6.29-30 (口頭報告)
The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China. Sep. 20-24, 2015. (口頭報告)
2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Dec. 15-20, 2015.(口頭報告)