



  • 中文名:彭華新
  • 出生日期:1968年8月
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:先進複合材料與結構、功能複合材料與超複合材料、複合材料理論
  • 任職院校:浙江大學材料科學與工程學院


1990年畢業於浙江大學材料科學與工程學系,1993年和1996年分別獲得哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程碩士和博士學位,專攻複合材料。 先後在英國布魯內爾大學 (Brunel, 1998-2000) 和 牛津大學 (Oxford, 2001-2) 做博士後。2002年10月到布里斯托大學 (Bristol, 2014 QS世界排名前30) 航空航天工程系任講師,隨後晉升高級講師, 準教授 (Reader) 和終身正教授; 期間作為核心成員參與了布里斯托大學先進複合材料創新與科學中心 (ACCIS,Advanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science) 和納米科學與量子信息中心(NSQI,Nanoscience and Quantum Information) 的創立併兼NSQI 中心首任常務副主任;為布里斯托大學爭取到了勞斯萊斯全球唯一的複合材料大學技術中心 (RR-UTC,Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Composites) ,英國國家複合材料博士培訓中心(CDT,Centre for Doctoral Training in Composites) 及英國國家複合材料中心 (NCC, National Composites Centre) 。2011-14 年間兼任布里斯托大學校委會及學部職稱評定委員會委員。2014年加盟浙江大學材料學院,創建了功能複合材料與結構研究所並任所長; 主持了中國科協新觀點新學說學術沙龍之“超材料:科技突破新機遇”擔任領銜科學家;作為發起人之一創立了Elsevier 期刊Composites Communications任副主編。


複合材料(Composite materials)




多年來專注於複合材料製備-組織結構-性能的關係,涉及納米、微米及介觀尺度的組織結構設計與結構功能一體化,提出了複合材料增強相由均勻分布向可控非均勻分布發展的新理論,開闢了磁性微米絲多功能複合材料與超複合材料的研究領域。迄今發表期刊論文近150篇,應邀在Progress in Materials Science上發表綜述論文三篇,學術專著Ferromagnetic Microwire Composites由Springer 出版。
Ferromagnetic Microwire CompositesFrom Sensors to Microwave Applications
Peng, Hua-Xin
Qin, Faxiang,
Phan, Manh-Huong
Springer International Publishing
Magnetic graphene for microwave absorbing application: Towards the lightest graphene-based absorber
L. Quan, F. X. Qin, D. Estevez, H. Wang, H. X. Peng, 2017, vol. 125, p. 630-639. CarbonLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Tunable microwave electric polarization in magnetostrictive microwires
L. V. Panina, L. V. Panina, D. P. Makhnovskiy, A. Dzhumazoda, S. V. Podgornaya, V. G. Kostishyn, H. X. Peng, 2017, vol. 903, issue 1. Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Microwave absorbing properties of composites containing ultra-low loading of optimized microwires
X. F. Zheng, F. X. Qin, F. X. Qin, H. Wang, Y. W. Mai, H. X. Peng, 2017, vol. 151, p. 62-70. Composites Science and TechnologyLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Numerical Study on Mechanical Properties of Discontinuously Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composite with Network Reinforcement Architecture
Peng Wang, Guodong Nian, Shaoxing Qu, Yejie Shan, Lujun Huang, Hua Xin Peng, 2017, vol. 9, issue 5. International Journal of Applied MechanicsLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Magnetocaloric effect of Gd-based microwires from binary to quaternary system
Y. F. Wang, F. X. Qin, Y. H. Wang, H. Wang, R. Das, M. H. Phan, H. X. Peng, 2017, vol. 7, issue 5. AIP AdvancesLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
A Kirigami shape memory polymer honeycomb concept for deployment
Robin M. Neville, Jianguo Chen, Xiaogang Guo, Fenghua Zhang, Wenxin Wang, Yousef Dobah, Fabrizio Scarpa, Jinsong Leng, Hua Xin Peng, 2017, vol. 26, issue 5. Smart Materials and StructuresLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Magnetocaloric effect with low magnetic hysteresis loss in ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Sb-Si alloys
Ruochen Zhang, Mingfang Qian, Xuexi Zhang, Faxiang Qin, Longsha Wei, Dawei Xing, Xiping Cui, Jianfei Sun, Lin Geng, Huaxin Peng, 2017, vol. 428, p. 464-468. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Melt extracted microwires
H. Wang, F. X. Qin, H. X. Peng, J. F. Sun, 2017Link to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Introducing equiaxed grains and texture into Ni-Mn-Ga alloys by hot extrusion for superplasticity
Longsha Wei, Xuexi Zhang, Mingfang Qian, Xiping Cui, Lin Geng, Jianfei Sun, Larissa V. Panina, Hua Xin Peng, 2016, vol. 112, p. 339-344. Materials and DesignLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Numerical investigation on the loading-delamination-unloading behavior of adhesive joints
Qiang Xu, Guodong Nian, Yejie Shan, Shaoxing Qu, Hua Xin Peng, 2016, vol. 90, p. 45-50. Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Dielectric properties of composites containing melt-extracted co-based microwires
Yang Luo, Faxiang Qin, Jingshun Liu, Huan Wang, Fabrizio Scarpa, Pierre Adohi, Christian Brosseau, Hua Xin Peng, 2016, vol. 1, p. 20-24. Composites CommunicationsLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Poly(methyl methacrylate)-decorated single wall carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposites with re-agglomeration networks: Rheology and viscoelastic damping performance
Xiao Chong Zhang, Fabrizio Scarpa, Ronan McHale, Hua Xin Peng, 2016, vol. 87, p. 236-245. Polymer (United Kingdom)Link to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Temperature dependence of the off-diagonal magnetoimpedance in sensor configuration utilizing Co-rich amorphous wires
N. A. Yudanov, S. A. Evstigneeva, L. V. Panina, A. T. Morchenko, A. T. Morchenko, A. Zhukov, X. H. Peng, 2016, vol. 213, issue 2, p. 372-376. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials ScienceLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Carbon nano-ink coated open cell polyurethane foam with micro-architectured multilayer skeleton for damping applications
Xiao Chong Zhang, Fabrizio Scarpa, Fabrizio Scarpa, Ronan McHale, Andrew P. Limmack, Hua Xin Peng, 2016, vol. 6, issue 83, p. 80334-80341. RSC AdvancesLink to publication in Scopus.DOI.
Carbon nano-ink coated open cell polyurethane foam with multilayered skeleton for damping applications
X. C. Zhang, F. Scarpa, F. Scarpa, R. McHale, A. P. Limmack, H. X. Peng, 2016Link to publication in Scopus.
L.J. Huang, L. Geng and H.X. Peng, Microstructurally Inhomogeneous Composites: Is a homogeneous reinforcement distribution optimal?
Progress in Materials Science, 71(2015) pp. 93-168 (76 pages).
F.X. Qin and H.X. Peng, Ferromagnetic Microwires Enabled Multifunctional Composite Materials.
Progress in Materials Science,58 (2013) pp.183-259 (77 pages).PDF
M.H. Phan and H.X. Peng, Giant Magnetoimpedance Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
Progress in Materials Science, 53(2008) pp. 323-420 (98 pages).PDF
F.X. Qin, N.S. Bingham, H. Wang, H.X. Peng, J. F. Sun, V. Franco,S.C.Yu, H. Srikanth, and M. H. Phan .
Mechanical and magnetocaloric properties of Gd-based amorphous microwires fabricated by melt-extraction
Acta Materialia, 61(2013) pp.1284-1293PDF.
H. Wang, F.X. Qin, D. Xing, F. Cao, X.D. Wang, H.X. Peng, J. Sun.
Relating residual stress and microstructure to mechanical and GMI properties in cold-drawn Co-based amorphous microwires
Acta Materialia, 60 (2012) pp.5425–5436.PDF.
H.X. Peng, Dunne, FPE, Grant, PS & Cantor, B
Dynamic densification of metal matrix-coated fibre composites: modelling and processing
Acta Materialia, 53(2005) pp.617-628.PDF.
F.X. Qin, H.X. Peng, C. Prunier and C. Brosseau. Mechanical-electromagnetic coupling of microwire polymer composites at microwave frequencies.
Applied Physics Letters,PDF.
97 (2010) pp.153502-1-4. doi:10.1063/1.3502488
F.X. Qin, C. Brosseau & H.X. Peng. 'In situ microwave characterization of microwire composites under mechanical stress',
Applied Physics Letters, 99(2011) pp. 252902-1-252902-4.10.1063/1.3668109PDF
F.X. Qin, C. Brosseau, H.X. Peng & Wang, H. Sun, J. 'In situ microwave characterization of microwire composites with external magnetic field',
Applied Physics Letters, 100 (2012) pp. 192903-1-192903-4.10.1063/1.4712126PDF
N. S. Bingham, H. Wang, F.X. Qin, H.X. Peng, J. F. Sun, V. Franco,H. Srikanth, and M. H. Phan. 'Excellent magnetocaloric properties of melt-extracted Gd-based amorphous microwires',
Applied Physics Letters, 100 (2012) pp.046101-1-4.PDF
M.H. Phan,H-X. Peng, M.R. Wisnom,Seong-Cho Yu, Cheol Gi Kim & M. Vazquez, 'Neutron irradiation effect on permeability and magnetoimpedance of amorphous and nanocrystalline magnetic materials',
Physical Review, B, 71 (13)2005, pp. 134423-1-134423-5,PDF


