2008年 - 2012年, 湖南大學土木工程學院,建築工程方向,學士。
2012年 - 2014年, 湖南大學土木工程學院,結構工程方向,碩士。
2014年 - 2017年, 美國密西根理工大學,土木工程,博士。
2017年 - 2019年, 美國科羅拉多礦業大學,博士後。
同行評議學術期刊審稿人:Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Geotechnique, Canadian Geotechnical Journal,Geotechnique Letters,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering,ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal,ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation,Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,Construction and Building Materials, Advances in Structural Engineering 等。
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, Engineering Behavior of Soil
J1.Zhang, C., & Lu, N*. (2018) What is the range of soil water density? Critical review with a unified model.Reviews of Geophysics, 56. (IF=13.529)
J2.Zhang, C., & Lu, N*. (2018) Measuring soil water density by helium pycnometer.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 144(9): 02818002. (IF=3.305)
J3.Zhang, C., & Lu, N*. (2019) Unitary definition of matric suction.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145 (2), 02818004. (IF=3.305)
J4.Lu, N, &Zhang, C*. (2019) Soil sorptive potential: Concept, theory, and verification.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145 (4), 04019006. (IF=3.305)
J5.Zhang, C., & Lu, N*. (2019) Augmented Brunauer-Emmett-Teller equation for water adsorption on soils.Vadose Zone Journal, Online
J6.Zhang, C., & Lu, N*. (2019) Unified effective stress equation for soil.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Accepted
J7.Zhang, C., & Lu, N*. (2019) Soil sorptive potential: Its determination and predicting soil water density.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Accepted
Molecular Simulation Techniques in Soil Behavior
J1.Zhang, C., Dong, Y.*, & Liu, Z. (2017). Lowest matric potential in quartz: Metadynamics evidence.Geophysical Research Letters,44(4), 1706-1713. (IF = 4.339).
J2.Zhang, C., Liu, Z.*, & Dong, Y. (2017). Effects of adsorptive water on the rupture of nanoscale liquid bridges.Applied Clay Science,146, 487-494. (IF = 3.138).
J3.Zhang, C., Liu, Z.*, & Deng, P. (2016). Atomistic‐scale investigation of effective stress principle of saturated porous materials by molecular dynamics.Geophysical Research Letters, 1944-8007. (IF = 4.339).
J4.Zhang, C., Liu, Z.*, & Deng, P. (2016). Contact angle of soil minerals: A molecular dynamics study.Computers and Geotechnics, 75, 48-56. (IF = 3.138).
J5.Zhang, C., & Liu, Z*. (2018). Freezing of water confined in porous materials: Role of adsorption and unfreezable threshold.Acta Geotechnica, 13 (5), 1203–1213. (IF = 2.779).
J6.Zhang, C., Liu, Z.*, & Deng, P. (2018). Using molecular dynamics to unravel the phase composition behavior of nano- size pores in frozen soils: Does Young-Laplace equation apply in the low temperature range.Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55 (8), 1144–1153. (IF = 2.565).
Soil Dynamics, Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction
J1.Zhang, C., Liu, Q.*, & Deng, P. (2017). Surface motion of a half space with a semi-cylindrical canyon under P, SV and Rayleigh waves.Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America107(3). (IF = 2.311).
J2.Zhang, C., Liu, Q.*, & Deng, P. (2015). Antiplane scattering of SH waves by a trapezoidal valley with a circular-arc alluvium in an elastic half space.Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 9(03), 1550008. (IF = 0.692).
J3.Zhang, C., Deng, P*., & Ke, W. Kinematic response of rectangular piles under S waves.Computers and Geotechnics, 102, 229-237. (IF = 3.138).
J4.Zhang, C., Deng, P*., & Ke, W. Assessing physical mechanisms related to kinematic soil-pile interaction.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,114, 22-26. (IF = 2.077).
J5.Ke, W., &Zhang, C.*(2017). A closed-form solution for kinematic bending of end-bearing piles.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,103, 15-20. (IF = 2.077).
J6.Liu, Q.*,Zhang, C., & Todorovska, M. I. (2016). Scattering of SH waves by a shallow rectangular cavity in an elastic half space.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 90, 147-157. (IF = 2.077).
J7.Ke, W., Liu, Q.*, &Zhang, C.(2018). Kinematic bending of single piles in the layered soil.Acta Geotechnica, 14 (1), 101-110. (IF = 2.779).
Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation, Seismic Performance Assessment
J1.Deng, P.,Zhang, C.*, Pei, S., & Jin, Z. Modeling the impact of corrosion on seismic performance of multi-span simply-supported bridges.Construction and Building Materials, 185, 193-205. (IF = 3.485).
J2.Deng, P., Pei, S.*, van de Lindt, J. W., &Zhang, C.(2018). Experimental investigation of seismic uncertainty propagation through shake table tests.Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(3), 06017009. (IF = 2.021).
J3.Deng, P.*, Pei, S., van de Lindt, J. W., &Zhang, C.(2017). Uncertainty quantification for seismic responses of bilinear SDOF systems: A semi-closed-form estimation.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,93, 18-28. (IF = 2.077).
J1.沈蒲生,張超,鄧鵬,葉縉垚.我國高層及超高層建築的剪重比[J].建築結構, 2015, 17: 002.
J2.沈蒲生,張超,葉縉垚,何益斌.我國高層及超高層建築的基本自振周期[J].建築結構, 2014, 18: 002.
J3.何益斌,張超,鄧鵬,沈蒲生.鏽蝕鋼筋混凝土橋樑結構地震易損性分析[J].北京工業大學學報, 2014, 8: 005.
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