

張華峰,中國科學院博士,陝西省國際科技合作基地(食品與健康科學國際聯合研究中心)主任,陝西省漢中市西鄉縣人民政府副縣長(掛職),陝西師範大學碩士生導師、青年教師工作委員會委員(第六屆),教育部藥用資源與天然藥物化學重點實驗室、西北瀕危藥材資源開發國家工程實驗室學術帶頭人,陝西師範大學食品工程與營養科學學院學術委員會委員,陝西師範大學食品工程與營養科學學院本科教學督導組成員,全國科技活動周先進個人,陝西省“三區”科技人才。兼任美國《Journal of Food Biochemistry》等國際SCI期刊審稿人,國家自然科學基金項目評審專家,教育部霍英東青年教師基金及青年教師獎評審專家。2001年參加工作(高校教師),2008年以“引進人才”形式進入陝西師範大學工作。。
Hua-Feng Zhang is the director of International Joint Research Center of Shaanxi Province for Food and Health Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University. He received his Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences, a leading academic institution and comprehensive research and development (R & D) center in natural science, technological science and high-tech innovation in China. He is also an investigator of National Engineering Laboratory for Resources Development of Endangered Crude Drugs in Northwest China, Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Medicinal Resources and Natural Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Research Center of Fruit and Vegetable Deep-processing Technology in Shaanxi Province. His research focuses on R & D of edible medicinal plants (e.g., Epimedium), nutrition and food safety. He has published more than 100 articles in journals such as Trends in Food Science and Technology (U.K.), Industrial Crops and Products (U.K.), Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies (U.K.), Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Netherland) and Journal of AOAC International (U.S.A.).


