2005.9-2008.7 西南交通大學牽引動力國家重點實驗室,
2008.9-2011.10 西南交通大學牽引動力國家重點實驗室,載運工具運用工程專業,博士;
2012.3-至今 西南交通大學牽引動力國家重點實驗室,副研究員;
擔任《International Journal of Fatigue》、《Steel Research International》和《Materials and Design》等多個國內外權威學術期刊特邀審稿人。
[2] 國家自然科學青年基金:機械結構用高強度等溫淬火球墨鑄鐵超高周疲勞行為及破壞機理研究;
1. Jiwang Zhang, Xing Li, Bing Yang, Huaqian gWang, Jinxin Zhang.Effect of micro-shot peening on fatigue properties of precipitate strengthened Cu-Ni-Si alloy in air and in salt atmosphere, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019, 359: 16-23. (SCI)
2. Wu Mingze , Zhang Jiwang, Mei Guiming, Zhang Jinxin, Li Xing. Effects of fine particle shot peening treatment on fatigue properties of Al-7Si-0.3Mg alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28(5): 2600-2609. (SCI)
3. Wu Mingze, Zhang Jiwang, Zhang Yanbin, Wang Huaqiang. Effects of Mg content on the fatigue strength and fracture behavior of Al-Si-Mg casting alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(11):5992-6003. (SCI)
4. Qingpeng Song, Jiwang Zhang, Ning Zhang, Wei Li, Liantao Lu. High cycle fatigue property and fracture behavior of high-strength austempered ductile iron, Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part L- Journal of materials- Design and applications, 2017, 6; 231(4): 423-429. (SCI)
5. Zhang Jiwang, Li Wei, Song Qingpeng, Zhang Ning, Lu Liantao. Fatigue of Austempered Ductile Iron with Two Strength Grades in Very High Cycle Regime,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25:744-749. (SCI)
6. Zhang Ning, Zhang Jiwang, Lu Liantao, Zhang Mintang, Zeng Dongfang, Song Qingpeng. Wear and friction behavior of austempered ductile iron as railway wheel material, Materials & Design, 2016, 89:815-822.(SCI)
7. Jiwang Zhang, Wei Li, Huaqiang Wang, Qingpeng Song, Liantao Lu, Wenjian Wang, Zhongwei Liu. A comparison of the effects of traditional shot peening and micro-shot peening on the scuffing resistance of carburized and quenched gear steel, Wear, 2016, 368-369:253-257.(SCI)
8. Jiwang Zhang, Qingpeng Song, Ning Zhang, Liantao Lu, Mintang Zhang, Guodong Cui. Very high cycle fatigue property of high-strength austempered ductile iron at conventional and ultrasonic frequency loading. International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, 70: 235–240.(SCI)
9. Jiwang Zhang, Ning Zhang, Mintang Zhang, Dongfang Zeng, Qingpeng Song, Liantao Lu. Rolling-sliding wear of austempered ductile iron with different strength grades. Wear, 2014, 318: 62–67.(SCI)
10. Jiwang Zhang, Ning Zhang, Mintang Zhang, Liantao Lu, Dongfang Zeng, Qingpeng Song. Microstructure and mechanical properties of austempered ductile iron with different strength grades. Materials Letters, 2014, 119: 47–50.(SCI)
11. J.W. Zhang, L.T. Lu, Y.B. Zhang, K. Shiozawa, W.H. Zhang. Inclusion size evaluation and fatigue strength analysis of 35CrMo alloy railway axle steel. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2013, 528:7060-7067.(SCI)
12. J.W. Zhang, L.T. Lu, K. Shiozawa, W.N. Zhou, W.H. Zhang. Effect of nitrocarburizing and post-oxidation on fatigue behavior of 35CrMo alloy steel in very high cycle fatigue regime, International Journal of Fatigue, 2011, 33: 880-886. (SCI)
13. J.W. Zhang, L.T. Lu, K. Shiozawa, X.L.Shen, H.F.Yi, W.H. Zhang. Analysis on fatigue property of microshot peened railway axle steel. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2011, 528:1615-1622. (SCI)
14. J.W. Zhang, L.T. Lu, K. Shiozawa, W.N. Zhou, W.H. Zhang. Effects of nitrocarburzing on fatigue property of medium carbon steel in very high cycle regime. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2011, 528:7060-7067. (SCI)
15. Jiwang Zhang, Liantao Lu, Guodong Cui, Xunliang Shen, Hongfei Yi, Weihua Zhang. Effect of gas oxynitrocarburizing on the properties of medium carbon railway axle steel, Surface Engineering, 2011, 27(7):498-503. (SCI)
16. J.W. Zhang, L.T. Lu, K. Shiozawa, G.D. Cui, W.H. Zhang. Fatigue properties of oxynitrocarburized medium carbon railway axle steel in very high cycle regime,International Journal of Fatigue, 2010, 32: 1805-1811. (SCI)
17. Jiwang Zhang, Liantao Lu, Guodong Cui, Xunliang Shen, Hongfei Yi, Weihua Zhang. Effect of process temperature on the microstructure and properties of gas oxynitrocarburized 35CrMo alloy steel, Materials & Design, 2010, 31(5): 2654-2658. (SCI)
18. 張繼旺, 魯連濤, 張衛華. 微粒子噴丸中碳鋼疲勞性能分析, 金屬學報, 2009, 45(11): 1378-1383. (SCI)
19. 張繼旺, 魯連濤, 沈訓梁,衣鴻飛,張衛華. 基於塑性應變的變幅應力疲勞損傷評估方法, 金屬學報, 2009, 45(12):1461-1465. (SCI)
20. 張繼旺, 魯連濤, 張艷斌, 張衛華. 疲勞極限小樣本評估方法, 哈爾濱工程大學學報, 2010, 31(3):336-339. (EI)
21. J.W. Zhang, K. Shiozawa, Liantao. Lu, W. Li, W.H. Zhang. Fatigue Fracture Behavior of Bearing Steel GCr15 in Very High Cycle Regime, Advanced Materials Research, 2008, 44-46: 119-126. (EI)
22. L.T. Lu, J.W. Zhang, K. Shiozawa. Influence of inclusion size on S-N curve characteristics of high-strength steels in the giga-cycle fatigue regime,Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2009,32:647-655. (SCI)
23. 魯連濤,李偉,張繼旺, 鹽澤和章, 張衛華. GCr15鋼旋轉彎曲超長壽命疲勞性能分析, 金屬學報, 2009, 45(1):73-78. (SCI).