高精度星間時差測量及補償技術研究,國家自然科學基金,2015.1 - 2017.12。
Yannian Lou, Chaojie Zhang, Xiaojun Jin,Zhonghe Jin;Application and improvement of wavelet packet de-noising in satellite transponder;Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2015, 26(4):671-679;
Yannian Lou, Chaojie Zhang, Xiaojun Jin,Zhonghe Jin;Method of adaptive PLL bandwidth adjustment without phase slipping;Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2014, 25(6):949-958;
Xiaojun Jin, Zhaobin Xu, Chaojie Zhang, Zhonghe Jin; Simple approach to determining parameters of noncommensurate sampling for optimal pseudo-noise code phase delay discrimination; Electronics Letters; 2014, 50(4): 283-284;
Z Xu, X Jin, C Zhang, Z Jin; Analyses of noncommensurate sampling used in high-precision regenerative pseudo-noise ranging systems; Journal of Central South University, (2014)21: 963-969;
Weijun Yang, Chaojie Zhang, Xiaojun Jin, Zhonghe Jin, Tieshan Yuan; Adaptive Median Threshold Algorithm Used in FDIS of DSSS Receivers; Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2013, 24(1):11-18;
Weijun Yang, Chaojie Zhang, Xiaojun Jin, Zhonghe Jin, Zhaobin Xu; A fast acquisition method of DSSS signals using differential decoding and fast Fourier transform; Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20(5):1285-1291;
張朝傑,金小軍,楊偉君,金仲和;高靈敏度微小衛星可變頻寬接收機設計; 浙江大學學報工學版,2011,45(4);
張朝傑,金小軍,姜建文,金仲和; 基於中心頻率檢測的應答機載波捕獲技術; 浙江大學學報工學版, 2011, 45(3);
Jianwen JIANG, Weijun YANG, Chaojie ZHANG, Xiaojun JIN, Zhonghe JIN; Effect of Chip Rate to the Ranging Accuracy in a Regenerative Pseudo-Noise Ranging System; Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C, 2011, 11(2):132-139;
X. Jin, C. Zhang, Z. Jin, J. Jiang, and W. Yang; Pseudo-noise code regeneration based on noncommensurate sampling and dynamic clock phase shifting; Electronics Letters, 2010, 46(16);
Xiaojun Jin, Zhonghe Jin, Chaojie Zhang, Jianwen Jiang, and Yangming Zheng; Modified pseudo-noise code regeneration method;Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2010, 21(3):370-374;
張朝傑,金小軍,姜建文,楊偉君,金仲和; 偽碼測距中處理速率對再生時鐘抖動性能的影響; 宇航學報,2010,31(7) :1805-1809。