



  • 中文名:張智英 
  • 出生地:陝西興平
  • 出生日期:1958年2月 
  • 畢業院校:麥吉爾大學,蒙特婁大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物醫學
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學 


1992年9月赴加拿大麥吉爾大學(McGill University)和蒙特婁大學(University of Montreal)攻讀博士學位,師從Prof. Daniel Martineau,1998年獲加拿大生物醫學博士學位;
1998年9月至2000年11月在加拿大西安大略大學(University of Western Ontario)做博士後研究。
2000年12月至2007年11月受聘於加拿大Gemin X Biotechnologies Inc.生物技術公司,任高級研究員;


[1] 動物基因組編輯技術研究:在國內率先建立了畜禽基因組編輯技術平台;包括人工鋅指核酸酶(ZFN)技術平台,TALE核酸酶(TALEN)技術平台及CRISPR/Cas9技術平台。CRISPR/Cas9系統作為第三代基因編輯工具,自2013年首次報導以來在多種動物中得到成功嘗試。本團隊於2013年開始研究CRISPR/Cas9系統在人、鼠、雞、豬、牛和羊等細胞上的套用研究,獲得了高效的基因精確編輯結果,期間開發了多基因敲除,基因無縫編輯系統以及陽性細胞富集篩選等技術平台。
[2] 動物基因功能研究:藉助動物基因編輯技術研究動物基因功能,套用基因編輯技術開展分子育種、轉基因動物生產以及創造新的動物育種材料研究。
[3] 酵母介導的靶向動物DC免疫細胞研究:通過對酵母的基因工程改造加強酵母靶向動物腸道DC細胞的能力;研究酵母抗原呈遞和基因呈遞的能力;開發以酵母為載體的動物口服疫苗研究。




9. 優質轉基因肉羊新品種培育,轉基因生物新品種培育重大專項子項目(2011ZX08008-003), 2009-2011,11萬元。
10. 奶牛高產飼養關鍵技術研究集成與示範,陝西省“13115”科技創新重大專項(2009ZDKG-18),2009-2010,70萬元。


Liu, Z., G. Zhou, C. Ren, K. Xu, Q. Yan, X. Li, T. Zhang, and Z. Zhang, Oral administration of myostatin-specific recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae vaccine in rabbit. Vaccine, 2016. 34(20): p. 2378-82.
Bai, Y., L. He, P. Li, K. Xu, S. Shao, C. Ren, Z. Liu, Z. Wei, and Z. Zhang, Efficient Genome Editing in Chicken DF-1 Cells Using the CRISPR/Cas9 System. G3 (Bethesda), 2016. 6(4): p. 917-23.
Zhang, Z., K. Xu, Y. Xin, and Z. Zhang, An efficient method for multiple site-directed mutagenesis using type IIs restriction enzymes. Anal Biochem, 2015. 476: p. 26-8.
Zhang, C., K. Xu, L. Hu, L. Wang, T. Zhang, C. Ren, and Z. Zhang, A suicidal zinc finger nuclease expression coupled with a surrogate reporter for efficient genome engineering. Biotechnol Lett, 2015. 37(2): p. 299-305.
Yan, N., K. Xu, X. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Bai, X. Zhang, B. Han, Z. Chen, and Z. Zhang, Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae serves as novel carrier for oral DNA vaccines in Carassius auratus. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2015. 47(2): p. 758-65.
Xu, K., T. Zhang, L. Guo, Y. Xin, L. Zhang, and Z. Zhang, Alternative methods for the efficient construction of short hairpin RNA expression vectors. Anal Biochem, 2015. 478: p. 23-5.
Xu, K., C. Ren, Z. Liu, T. Zhang, T. Zhang, D. Li, L. Wang, Q. Yan, L. Guo, J. Shen, and Z. Zhang, Efficient genome engineering in eukaryotes using Cas9 from Streptococcus thermophilus. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2015. 72(2): p. 383-99.
Ren, G., K. Cui, Z. Zhang, and K. Zhao, Division of labor between IRF1 and IRF2 in regulating different stages of transcriptional activation in cellular antiviral activities. Cell Biosci, 2015. 5: p. 17.
Ren, C., K. Xu, Z. Liu, J. Shen, F. Han, Z. Chen, and Z. Zhang, Dual-reporter surrogate systems for efficient enrichment of genetically modified cells. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2015. 72(14): p. 2763-72.
Guo, L., K. Xu, Z. Liu, C. Zhang, Y. Xin, and Z. Zhang, Assembling the Streptococcus thermophilus clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) array for multiplex DNA targeting. Anal Biochem, 2015. 478: p. 131-3.
Zhang, L., T. Zhang, L. Wang, S. Shao, Z. Chen, and Z. Zhang, In vivo targeted delivery of CD40 shRNA to mouse intestinal dendritic cells by oral administration of recombinant Sacchromyces cerevisiae. Gene Ther, 2014. 21(7): p. 709-14.
Zhang, C.F., L. Wang, G. Ren, Z.W. Li, C.H. Ren, T.T. Zhang, K. Xu, and Z.Y. Zhang, Targeted disruption of the sheep MSTN gene by engineered zinc-finger nucleases. Molecular Biology Reports, 2014. 41(1): p. 209-215.
Zhang, C., L. Wang, G. Ren, Z. Li, C. Ren, T. Zhang, K. Xu, and Z. Zhang, Targeted disruption of the sheep MSTN gene by engineered zinc-finger nucleases. Mol Biol Rep, 2014. 41(1): p. 209-15.
Wang, X., H.R. Xu, T. Li, L. Qu, Z.D. Zhao, and Z.Y. Zhang, Expression analysis of KAP9.2 and Hoxc13 genes during different cashmere growth stages by qRT-PCR method. Mol Biol Rep, 2014. 41(9): p. 5665-8.
Ren, C., Q. Yan, and Z. Zhang, Minimum length of direct repeat sequences required for efficient homologous recombination induced by zinc finger nuclease in yeast. Mol Biol Rep, 2014. 41(10): p. 6939-48.
Marshall, K.S., M.J. Cohen, G.J. Fonseca, B. Todorovic, C.R. King, A.F. Yousef, Z. Zhang, and J.S. Mymryk, Identification and characterization of multiple conserved nuclear localization signals within adenovirus E1A. Virology, 2014. 454-455: p. 206-14.
Li, L. and Z. Zhang, Isolation and characterization of a virulent bacteriophage SPW specific for Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine mastitis of lactating dairy cattle. Mol Biol Rep, 2014. 41(9): p. 5829-38.
Zhang, Z., D. Li, H. Xu, Y. Xin, T. Zhang, L. Ma, X. Wang, Z. Chen, and Z. Zhang, A simple and efficient method for assembling TALE protein based on plasmid library. PLoS One, 2013. 8(6): p. e66459.
Xu, K., T.T. Zhang, L. Wang, C.F. Zhang, L. Zhang, L.X. Ma, Y. Xin, C.H. Ren, Z.Q. Zhang, Q. Yan, D. Martineau, and Z.Y. Zhang, Walleye dermal sarcoma virus: expression of a full-length clone or the rv-cyclin (orf a) gene is cytopathic to the host and human tumor cells. Mol Biol Rep, 2013. 40(2): p. 1451-61.
Wang, L., K. Xu, J. Lin, S. Shao, T. Zhang, H. Xu, Z. Wei, and Z. Zhang, A novel genetic system based on zinc finger nucleases for the identification of interactions between proteins in vivo. PLoS One, 2013. 8(12): p. e85650.
Wang, L., J. Lin, T. Zhang, K. Xu, C. Ren, and Z. Zhang, Simultaneous screening and validation of effective zinc finger nucleases in yeast. PLoS One, 2013. 8(5): p. e64687.
Kiflmariam, M.G., H. Yang, and Z. Zhang, Gene delivery to dendritic cells by orally administered recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae in mice. Vaccine, 2013. 31(10): p. 1360-3.
Zhang, T., L. Sun, Y. Xin, L. Ma, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, K. Xu, C. Ren, C. Zhang, Z. Chen, H. Yang, and Z. Zhang, A vaccine grade of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing mammalian myostatin. BMC Biotechnol, 2012. 12: p. 97.
Wang, X., Z.D. Zhao, H.R. Xu, L. Qu, H.B. Zhao, T. Li, and Z.Y. Zhang, Variation and expression of KAP9.2 gene affecting cashmere trait in goats. Mol Biol Rep, 2012. 39(12): p. 10525-9.
Liu, X.Q., K. Xu, and Z.Y. Zhang, A touchdown multiplex PCR for porcine circovirus type 2 and pseudorabies virus. Acta Virol, 2012. 56(2): p. 163-5.
Zhang, Z., M.Z. Mui, F. Chan, D.E. Roopchand, R.C. Marcellus, P. Blanchette, S. Li, A.M. Berghuis, and P.E. Branton, Genetic analysis of B55alpha/Cdc55 protein phosphatase 2A subunits: association with the adenovirus E4orf4 protein. J Virol, 2011. 85(1): p. 286-95.
Zhang, T., H. Yang, R. Wang, K. Xu, Y. Xin, G. Ren, G. Zhou, C. Zhang, L. Wang, and Z. Zhang, Oral administration of myostatin-specific whole recombinant yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae vaccine increases body weight and muscle composition in mice. Vaccine, 2011. 29(46): p. 8412-6.
Zhang, T., J. Lei, H. Yang, K. Xu, R. Wang, and Z. Zhang, An improved method for whole protein extraction from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast, 2011. 28(11): p. 795-8.
28. Yang, H.J., T.T. Zhang, K. Xu, J. Lei, L. Wang, Z.W. Li, and Z.Y. Zhang, A novel and convenient method to immunize animals: Inclusion bodies from recombinant bacteria as antigen to directly immunize animals. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011. 10(41): p. 8146-8150.
Li, S., C. Brignole, R. Marcellus, S. Thirlwell, O. Binda, M.J. McQuoid, D. Ashby, H. Chan, Z. Zhang, M.J. Miron, D.C. Pallas, and P.E. Branton, The adenovirus E4orf4 protein induces G2/M arrest and cell death by blocking protein phosphatase 2A activity regulated by the B55 subunit. J Virol, 2009. 83(17): p. 8340-52.
Han, Z.S., Q.W. Li, Z.Y. Zhang, Y.S. Yu, B. Xiao, S.Y. Wu, Z.L. Jiang, H.W. Zhao, R. Zhao, and J. Li, Adenoviral vector mediates high expression levels of human lactoferrin in the milk of rabbits. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2008. 18(1): p. 153-9.
31. Marshall, K.S., Z. Zhang, J. Curran, S. Derbyshire, and J.S. Mymryk, An improved genetic system for detection and analysis of protein nuclear import signals. BMC Mol Biol, 2007. 8: p. 6.
Han, Z.S., Q.W. Li, Z.Y. Zhang, B. Xiao, D.W. Gao, S.Y. Wu, J. Li, H.W. Zhao, Z.L. Jiang, and J.H. Hu, High-level expression of human lactoferrin in the milk of goats by using replication-defective adenoviral vectors. Protein Expr Purif, 2007. 53(1): p. 225-31.
Avvakumov, N., M. Sahbegovic, Z. Zhang, M. Shuen, and J.S. Mymryk, Analysis of DNA binding by the adenovirus type 5 E1A oncoprotein. J Gen Virol, 2002. 83(Pt 3): p. 517-24.
Zhang, Z., M.M. Smith, and J.S. Mymryk, Interaction of the E1A oncoprotein with Yak1p, a novel regulator of yeast pseudohyphal differentiation, and related mammalian kinases. Mol Biol Cell, 2001. 12(3): p. 699-710.
Zhang, Z. and D. Martineau, Walleye dermal sarcoma virus: OrfA N-terminal end inhibits the activity of a reporter gene directed by eukaryotic promoters and has a negative effect on the growth of fish and mammalian cells. J Virol, 1999. 73(10): p. 8884-9.
Zhang, Z., E. Kim, and D. Martineau, Functional characterization of a piscine retroviral promoter. J Gen Virol, 1999. 80 ( Pt 12): p. 3065-72.
Zhang, Z. and D. Martineau, Single-tube heminested PCR coupled with 'touchdown' PCR for the analysis of the walleye dermal sarcoma virus env gene. J Virol Methods, 1996. 60(1): p. 29-37.
Zhang, Z., D. Du Tremblay, B.F. Lang, and D. Martineau, Phylogenetic and epidemiologic analysis of the walleye dermal sarcoma virus. Virology, 1996. 225(2): p. 406-12.
白義春, 徐坤, 魏澤輝,等. 哺乳動物基因組靶向修飾陽性細胞富集的報告載體系統研究進展[J]. 遺傳, 2016, 38(1).
張龍, 梁明福, and 張智英, 高效PiggyBac轉座酶的構建與篩選. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2015(8).
韓芙蓉, 王令, 徐坤, 張智英, and 王昕, 基於SSA修復機制和特異性核酸酶活性檢測的雙螢光報告載體系統的開發及套用. 遺傳, 2015(10).
周罡, 張龍, 劉中天, 任充華, 麻麗霞, and 張智英, 人工鋅指蛋白文庫的構建. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2014(07).
徐華榮, 郭楊, 趙志東, 李托, 張智英, and 王昕, 陝北白絨山羊KAP9.2基因腺病毒載體的構建及包裝. 家畜生態學報, 2014. 35(3): p. 10-13.
辛穎, 張志強, 安寧, 張濤, 張建峰, and 張智英, 小鼠精原幹細胞不同轉染方法效率的比較. 中國生物化學與分子生物學報, 2014(1): p. 93-100.
辛穎, 張濤, 張優優, and 張智英, 慢病毒活體介導精原幹細胞生產轉基因小鼠. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2014(6).
魏澤輝, 賈存靈, and 張智英, CRISPR/Cas9系統在基因表達調控中的套用. 畜牧獸醫學報, 2014(9): p. 1387-1392.
馬琤, 任充華, and 張智英, 酵母β-母葡聚糖在畜禽生產上的套用. 畜牧獸醫雜誌, 2014. 33(1): p. 29-32.
麻麗霞, 張婷婷, 張優優, 周罡, and 張智英, 口服重組酵母(ApoB100肽段)對小鼠產生特異性抗體的誘導作用. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2014(3): p. 34-38.
張優優, 徐坤, 王亮亮, 張婷婷, 辛穎, 任充華, 閆強, and 張智英, 大眼鰤鱸魚真皮腫瘤病毒(WDSV)輔助基因orfA與orfC重組腺病毒的製備及套用. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2012(12).
張婷婷, 辛穎, 張志強, 任充華, 楊涵江, 王令, and 張智英, PiggyBac轉座子介導的誘導細胞永生化轉基因載體的構建及其整合效率的檢測. 中國農業科學, 2012. 45(17): p. 3576-3583.
張存芳, 王令, 任剛, 張婷婷, 王瑞, 嚴國勇, and 張智英, 靶向綿羊MSTN基因的鋅指核酸酶腺病毒表達載體的構建及活性驗證. 畜牧獸醫學報, 2012. 43(8).
徐坤, 王亮亮, 張婷婷, 周罡, 張志強, and 張智英, 大眼獅鱸魚皮膚腫瘤病毒(WDSV)逆轉錄病毒周期蛋白(OrfA)相互作用蛋白的酵母雙雜交篩選. 中國生物化學與分子生物學報, 2012(3): p. 267-275.
徐坤, 李鐸, 張優優, 李隴平, 麻麗霞, and 張智英, 一種自製的RNA分離試劑及其在魚組織總RNA提取中的套用. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2012(07).
席利萌, 李隴平, 徐坤, and 張智英, 致仔豬痢疾沙門氏菌特異性噬菌體的分離與純化. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2012(5).
王昕, 張志強, and 張智英, TALE核酸酶介導的基因組定點修飾技術. 中國生物化學與分子生物學報, 2012(3): p. 211-216.
王瑞, 王令, 林娟, 張存芳, and 張智英, 豬CFTR基因特異性鋅指核酸酶的篩選與鑑定. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2012(10): p. 15-22.
任充華, 張婷婷, 楊涵江, 王昕, 陳知龍, and 張智英, 人端粒酶逆轉錄酶(hTERT)基因腺病毒載體的構建及包裝. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2012(7).
冉競超, 曹文廣, 孫紅艷, 王令, 辛穎, and 張智英, 一種有效分離及在體外擴增成年小鼠精原幹細胞的方法. 西北農業學報, 2012(10): p. 1-6.
李戰偉, 王昕, 任剛, 王令, 楊涵江, and 張智英, 人工鋅指蛋白隨機庫的構建及其在鋅指核酸酶篩選中的套用. 西北農業學報, 2012. 21(1).
李鐸, 徐坤, 王亮亮, 周罡, 麻麗霞, and 張智英, 大眼鰤鱸魚真皮腫瘤病毒(WDSV)輔助基因orfA和orfC多抗的製備及初步套用. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2012(10).
雷潔, 王瑞, 張優優, and 張智英, 釀酒酵母ERG6基因缺失突變株的構建. 西北農業學報, 2012(3).
張婷婷, 周光現, 王昕, and 張智英, 人XIAP基因多克隆抗體的快速製備方法研究. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2011(09): p. 7-12.
楊涵江, 辛穎, 麻麗霞, and 張智英, 雞PLA2基因的克隆與原核表達及PLA2蛋白卵黃抗體的製備. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2011(11): p. 48-52.
李戰偉, 王令, 任剛, 王昕, and 張智英, 鋅指核酸酶技術在基因治療中的套用研究進展. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2011(6): p. 55-60.
李隴平 and 張智英, 金黃色葡萄球菌烈性噬菌體的分離鑑定和最佳保存方法研究. 中國畜牧獸醫, 2011. 38(6): p. 141-146.
賈傑只, 陳曉丹, 雷潔, and 張智英, 環丙沙星單克隆抗體的製備. 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版, 2011(09): p. 35-40.
王令, 張存芳, and 張智英, 鋅指核酸酶在基因組靶向修飾中的套用. 中國生物化學與分子生物學報, 2009(7): p. 585-589.


[1] Ren C, Xu K, Liu Z, Zhang Z*, A surrogate reporter with dual-reporter genes for efficient enrichment of genetic modified cells, The 34th International Society for Animal Genetic Conference, Xi’an, Shan Xi, China, 2014.7.27-2014.8.1, 2014.7.1
[2] Xu K, Guo L, Liu Z, Zhang Z*, Optimization of the sgRNA structure of the Streptococcus thermophilus CIRSPR-Cas9 system for efficient genome editing in eukaryotes, The 34th International Society for Animal Genetic Conference, Xi’an, Shan Xi, China, 2014.7.27-2014.8.1, 2014.7.1
[3] Guo L, Xu K, Ren C, Zhang Z*, Cloning and assembling the Streptococcus thermophilus CRISPR3-Cas locus for prokaryotic genome engineering, The 34th International Society for Animal Genetic Conference, Xi’an, Shan Xi, China, 2014.7.27-2014.8.1, 2014.7.1
[4] Zhang Z, Xu K, Wu Y, Zhang Z*, Systematic study of TALEN N-terminal length with maximal cleavage efficiency in yeast and mammalian cells, The 34th International Society for Animal Genetic Conference, Xi’an, Shan Xi, China, 2014.7.27-2014.8.1, 2014.7.1
[5] Bai Y, He L, Xu K, Zhang Z*, Seamless genome editing in mammalian cells using CRISPR-Cas9 system, 第九次全國動物生物技術學術研討會, 陝西.楊凌, 2015.12.23-25, 2015.12.1
[6] Shao S, Xu K, Han F, Zhang Z*, Enhancement of CRISPR-Cas9 system mediated homologous recombination in human cells fusion-expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad52, 第九次全國動物生物技術學術研討會, 陝西.楊凌, 2015.12.23-25, 2015.12.1
[7] Xu K, Ren C, Liu Z, Zhang Z*, Programmable Single RNA-Guided CRISPR/Cas9 Endonuclease Mediates Specific DNACleavage in Yeast, 第七次全國動物生物技術學術研討會暨新疆畜牧科學院第六次學術年會, 新疆.烏魯木齊, 2013.7.22-27, 2013.7.1
[8] 王令, 林娟, 任充華, 張智英*,奶山羊alpha S1 casein基因靶向敲除的研究,第七次全國動物生物技術學術研討會暨新疆畜牧科學院第六次學術年會, 新疆.烏魯木齊, 2013.7.22-27, 2013.7.1


[1] Zhang Zhiying, Editing miRNAs Target Sequence with SNPs for animal breeding, The 34th International Society for Animal Genetic Conference, Xi’an, Shan Xi, 27 July 2014-1 August
[2]張智英, 動物基因組編輯技術進展,第七次全國動物生物技術學術研討會暨新疆畜牧科學院第六次學術年會,新疆,烏魯木齊,2013年7月22-24
[3] 張智英, 基於CRISPR/Cas9技術的基因組無縫編輯,第九次全國動物生物技術學術研討會,中國,楊凌,2015年12年23-25日。


Edited by Kato Shum and John Rossi,SiRNA Delivery Methods, Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press(Springer), Xu, K., Z. Liu, L. Zhang, T. Zhang, and Z. Zhang, 2016. 1364: p. 165-81.


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