
張昌文,2006年獲山東大學凝聚態物理博士學位。現為濟南大學校聘A4崗教授,碩士研究生導師,凝聚態物理科研團隊學科帶頭人,山東大學合作培養博士研究生導師。主要從事自旋電子學及納米功能材料與器件的性能研究及設計工作。截至目前發表80餘篇SCI論文,被引用檢索近500餘次,擔任國際著名期刊<<Appl. Phys. Lett.>>, <<J. Phys. Chem. C>>, <<Nano. Res. Lett. >>, <<Phys, Rev, B >>等特約審稿人。


  • 中文名:張昌文
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:2000.9-2003.6於湖南大學獲碩士學位


[1] 本科生課程:熱力學與統計物理;量子力學。
[2] 研究生課程:凝聚態物理;計算物理;磁電子學;鐵磁學。


[1] 凝聚態理論。
[2] 自旋電子學及納米材料與器件性能模擬和功能設計。
[3] 拓撲絕緣體材料機理研究與設計。


[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目“平面構型Si基納米材料的自旋極化及電子輸運性質研究“;2013,1-2016,12,項目負責人,86萬,在研。
[2] 國家自然科學基金面上項目“缺陷對SnO2低維納米材料的磁性影響機理研究”;2011,1-2013,12,項目負責人,32萬,在研。
[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目“自旋極化電子在磁性半導體及異質結中的輸運研究”; 2010,1-2012,12,第二負責人,42萬,在研。
[4] 山東省高等學校科技計畫項目“缺陷對SnO2低維納米材料的磁性影響機理研究”; 2011,1-2013,12,項目負責人,4.5 萬,在研。
[5] 山東省優秀中青年科學家獎勵基金“SnO2基稀磁半導體的鐵磁性及居里溫度調控機理研究”;2009,12-2012,12,項目負責人,7.0萬,在研。
[6] 國家自然科學基金專項基金“SnO2 基稀磁半導體的磁性起源及其機理研究”; 2009.1-2009.12,項目負責人,2.0萬,完成。
[7] 濟南大學博士基金“新型Sm-Co基合金的微觀結構理論研究和實驗探索” ; 2006.9-2009.12,項目負責人,4.0萬,完成。
[8] 國家863計畫項目“新型稀土合金磁性材料的合成、結構和物性”;2003.1-2006.12,主要完成人,50萬,完成。


[1] First-principles Study of Ferromagnetism in Two-Dimensional Silicene with Hydrogenation
Chang-wenZhangand Shi-shen Yan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 47011 (2012)
[2] Half-Metallic Properties Induced by Fluorine in Aluminum Nitride Nanosheet
Chang-wen Zhangand Shi-shen Yan
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 81, 044705 (2012)
[3] The electronic and magnetic properties of functionalized silicene: a first-principles study
Fu-bao zheng and Chang-wen Zhang (通訊)
Nanoscale Research Letters, 7, 422(2012)
[4] First-Principles Study on Electronic Structures and Magnetic Properties of AlN nanosheets and Nanoribbons
Chang-wen Zhang, Pei-ji Wang, Ping Li, and Fu-bao Zheng
Journal of Applied Physics,109, 094304 (2012)
[5]Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties of carbon-doped ZnO nanosheets: First-principles prediction
Fu-bao Zheng, Chang-wen Zhang (通訊), Pei-ji Wang, and Hang-xing Luan
Journal of Applied Physics,111, 044329 (2012)
[6] First-principles study on ferromagnetism in two-dimensional ZnO nanosheet
Chang-wen Zhang, Fu-bao Zheng, Pei-ji Wang, Feng Li, and Ping Li
Chemical Physics Letters, 548, 60-63 (2012) 【第548期封面文章】
[1] First-principles prediction on electronic and magnetic properties of hydrogenated AlN nanosheets
Chang-wen Zhang and Fu-bao Zheng.
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 32, 3122-3129 (2011)
[2] Design of ferromagnetism in Cu-doped ZnO nanowires: First-principles prediction
Chang-wen Zhang, ChongHan, Shi-shen Yan,and Fu-bao Zheng.
Europhysics Letters, 95, 47011 (2011)
[3] First-principles study on surface magnetism in Co-doped (110) SnO2 thin film
Chang-wen Zhang, Pei-ji Wang, and Feng Li.
Solid State Sciences, 13, 1608 (2011)
[4] First-principles study on the electronic and magnetism of hydrogenated CdS nanosheets
Chang-wen Zhang, Pei-ji Wang, Ping Li, and Fu-bao Zheng
Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 094304 (2011)
[5] Tuning electronic and magnetic properties of AlN nanosheets with hydrogen and fluorine: First-principles prediction
Chang-wen Zhang, Pei-ji Wang, and Fu-bao Zheng
Physics Letters A,375, 3583-3587 (2011)
[6] Ferromagnetic Ordering Of Carbon Doped GaN Semiconductor: First-Principles Prediction
Chang-wen Zhang, Pei-ji Wang, and Ping Li.
Solid StateSciences, 13: 480 (2011)
[7] Influence of Oxygen Vacancy on Electronic and Magnetic Properties in Cr Doped SnO2 Superlattice
Lei Jiang, Yao Lu, Chang-wen Zhang, Pei-ji Wang, and Guo-lian Zhang
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80, 124709 (2011)
[8] First-principles study on electronic and magnetic properties of Cu-doped CdS
Ping Li, Chang-wen Zhang, Jie Liana, Shang Gao, Xiao Wang
Solid State Communications, 151: 1712 (2011)
[1] Density-functional theory study of long-range ferromagnetic properties in Mg-doped SiC
Chang-wen Zhang.
Solid State Communications, 150: 2310-2313 (2010)
[2] First-principles prediction of half-metallic ferromagnetism in Cu doped ZnS
Chang-wen Zhang, Shi-shen Yan.
Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 043913 (2010)
[3] Density-functional theory study on ferromagnetism in N:ZnS
Chang-wen Zhang, Shi-shen Yan, Pei-ji Wang, and Zhong Zhang.
Chemical Physics Letters, 496, 46-49 (2010)
[4] First-principles study on ferromagnetism in nitrogen-doped CdO
Chang-wen Zhang, Pei-ji Wang, Yan Su
Physics Letters A,374, 1889 (2010)
[5] First-principles study on ferromagnetism in Mg-doped SnO2
Chang-wen Zhangandshi-shen Yan.
Applied Physics Letters, 95, 232108 (2009)
[6] Origin of ferromagnetism of Co-doped SnO2 from first-principles calculations
Chang-wen Zhang, Shi-shen Yan.
Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 063709 (2009)
[7] Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Cu-doped SnO2 from first-principles study
Chang-wen Zhang, Hong Kao, Jian-min Dong,Ping Li.
Physics Status Solidi B, 246,1652-1655 (2009)
[8] Origin of ferromagnetism via hole doping in SnO2: First-principles calculation
Chang-wen Zhang, Hong Kao, Jian-min Dong.
Physics Letters A,373,2592-2599 (2009)
[9] Half-metallic ferromagnetism in wurtzite MC (M=Ca, Sr, Ba and Mg)
Chang-wen Zhang,Shi-shen Yan.
Solid State Communications, 149: 387-392 (2009)
[10] Half-metallic ferromagnetism of MnSn compound
Pei-ji Wang, Hong Kao, Chang-wen Zhang, Jian-min Dong, Zhong-xiang Zhou
Physics Status Solidi B, 246,1716-1622(2009)
[11] Half-metallic ferromagnetism in zinc-blende MC (M=C, N)
Chang-wen Zhang.
Journal of Applied Physics, 104: 043715 (2008)
[12] Half-metallic ferromagnetism in zinc-blende MC (M=Li, Na and K)
Chang-wen Zhang.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,41: 085006 (2008)
[13] Electronic structure and bonding properties of Laves phase RV2 (R= Ti, Nb, and Ta)
Chang-wen Zhang.
Physica B: Condense Matter, 403:2088 (2008)
[14] Half-metallic ferromagnetism in wurtzite SrC
Chang-wen Zhang, Shi-shen Yan, and Hua Li.
Physica Status Solida (b), 245: 201 (2008)
[15] Half-metallic ferromagnetism in Cd1-xTMxSe (TM=Cr, V and Mn) semiconductors
Chang-wen Zhang, Shi-Shen Yan, Pei-Ji Wang, Zhong Zhang.
Computational Material Science, 43: 710 (2008)
[16] First-principles study of electronic structure for the Laves phase compounds HfFe2 and HfV2
Changwen Zhang, Zhong Zhang, Shaoqing Wang, Hua Li, and Wei Li.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 448: 53 (2008)
[17] First-principle prediction of half-metallicity of Heusler Mn2CoZ with high-ordered structure
Naisheng Xing, Hua Li, Jianmin Dong, Changwen Zhang.
Computational Material Science, 42: 600 (2008)
[18] First-principles study of electronic structure of V2AlC and V2AlN
Changwen Zhang, Zhong Zhang, Peiji Wang, Yong Wang, and Naisheng Xing
Solid State Communications, 144: 347 (2007)
[19] Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Laves phase LuFe2
Chang-wen Zhang,Zhong Zhang, Jianmin Dong.
Solid State Communications, 142: 477 (2007)
[20] Study of electronic structure and magnetism of Sm(Co, Si)7
Chang-wen Zhang, Hua Li, Yong-Quan Guo and Wei Li.
Physica B: Condense Matter, 387: 18 (2007)
[21] Electronic structure and magnetic properties of SmCo7-xTix
Chang-wen Zhang, LI Hua, DONG Jianmin, GUO Yongquan, LI Wei.
Science in China G, 49: 38 (2006)
[22] Exchange coupling and stability of SmCo7-xHf
Chang-wen Zhang, Li Ha, Jian Min-Dong, Guo Yong-Quan, and Li Wei.
Chinese Physics Letters,22: 2910 (2005)
[23] Electronic structure and magnetic properties of metastable SmCo7 compound
Chang-wen Zhang, Li Ha, Jian Min-Dong, Guo Yong-Quan, and Li Wei.
Science in China G, 48: 325 (2005)


[1] 2012. 10:濟南大學優秀科研成果一等獎“平面納米結構材料的電子結構及其輸運性質”,(第1位)。
[2] 2011. 12:山東高等學校優秀科研成果三等獎“新型納米結構材料設計與組裝機理的第一性原理研究”,(第1位)。
[3] 2010. 12:山東高校優秀科研成果二等獎“SnO2基磁性半導體的電子結構及其輸運性質”,(第1位)。
[4] 2010. 12:濟南大學科研一等獎“SnO2基磁性半導體的電子結構及其輸運性質”,(第1位)。
[5] 2009. 12:濟南大學科研成果一等獎“新型高溫寬頻隙半金屬的自旋極化及電子輸運性質”,(第1位)。
[6] 2008. 1:山東高校科研成果三等獎“磁性半金屬材料電子結構及輸運性質”,(第1位)
[7] 2008. 10:濟南大學優秀科研成果三等獎 ”新型高溫寬頻隙磁性半金屬材料的電子結構及磁性質”,(第1位)。
[8] 2007. 10:山東高等學校優秀科研成果三等獎“新型Sm-Co基三元永磁合金材料的結構及物性”,(第1位)。
[9] 2006. 11:山東高校優秀科研成果二等獎“材料的熱學,磁學性能及物質結構的模擬計算及測試”,(第3位)。
[10] 2005. 11月:山東大學優秀研究生科研成果獎“新型Sm-Co基三元永磁合金材料的結構及物性”,(獨立完成)。


