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  • 中文名:張文兵
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:安徽合肥
  • 畢業院校河海大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:水工結構工程
  • 職稱:講師
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員


2019.9-2022.6 河海大學,水工結構工程,博士,導師:沈振中教授
2016.9-2019.6 西安理工大學,水利工程,碩士,導師:任傑教授


2023.9-至今 天津大學,水利工程博士後流動站,博士後,導師:李明超教授
2022.7-至今 上海海事大學,海洋科學與工程學院




[1] 本科生:《水工建築材料》、《水工建築材料實驗》、《實驗室安全教育》、《論文寫作指導》
[2] 研究生:《高等水工結構》


擔任新加坡維澤專家庫(VE)材料科學專家委員會委員、國際水利與環境工程學會(IAHR)會員、中國航海學會會員、中國水力發電工程學會會員以及《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、《Measurement Science and Technology》、《Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering》、《Hydrology Research》等國際SCI期刊審稿人,《水利水電技術(中英文)》特邀審稿人。


目前主要從事水利、港口與海洋工程結構安全及防災等方面研究,主持上海市“科技創新行動計畫”啟明星項目(省部級人才計畫)、上海高校青年教師培養資助計畫(重點推薦項目)、中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金資助項目等縱向課題,共發表學術論文40餘篇,其中以第一/通訊作者身份在《Construction and Building Materials》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、《Hydrogeology Journal》等國際知名SCI期刊和《水科學進展》、《計算力學學報》等國內權威學術期刊發表高水平學術論文30餘篇,出版學術專著1部,授權發明專利10餘項。


[1] Zhang W, Shi D, Shen Z, et al. An approach for quantifying the calcium leaching effect on service performance of concrete cutoff wall of embankment dams[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 407: 133489.(SCI檢索)
[2] Zhang W, Shi D, Shen Z, et al. Influence of chopped basalt fibers on the fracture performance of concrete subjected to calcium leaching[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 125: 103934. (SCI檢索,ESI高被引論文)
[3] Zhang W, Shi D, Shen Z, et al. Reduction of the calcium leaching effect on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete by adding chopped basalt fibers[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 365: 130080. (SCI檢索)
[4] Zhang W, Shi D, Shen Z, et al. Effect of calcium leaching on the fracture properties of concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 365: 130018. (SCI檢索)
[5] Zhang W, Li H, Shi D, et al. Determination of safety monitoring indices for roller-compacted concrete dams considering seepage-stress coupling effects[J]. Mathematics, 2023, 11(14): 3224. (SCI檢索)
[6] Zhang W, Ren J, Shen Z, et al. A water and heat coupling model for GW-SW interaction considering nonuniform heat transfer effects of soil[J]. Groundwater, 2023, 61(5): 706-720. (SCI檢索)
[7] Zhang W, Xu L, Shen Z, et al. A new approach for mechanical parameter inversion analysis of roller compacted concrete dam using modified PSO and RBFNN[J]. Cluster Computing, 2022, 25(6): 4633-4652. (SCI檢索)
[8] Zhang W, Shen Z, Ren J, et al. Multifield coupling numerical simulation of the seepage and stability of embankment dams on deep overburden layers[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022, 47(6): 7293-7308. (SCI檢索)
[9] Zhang W, Shen Z, Chen G, et al. Optimization design and assessment of the effect of seepage control at reservoir sites under karst conditions: a case study in Anhui Province, China[J]. Hydrogeology Journal, 2021, 29(5): 1831-1855. (SCI檢索)
[10] Zhang W, Shen Z, Ren J, et al. Phase-field simulation of crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials: COMSOL implementation and parameter sensitivity analysis[J]. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 29(5): 055020. (SCI檢索)
[11] Zhang W, Shen Z, Ren J, et al. Comparison of 1-D analytical solutions and a numerical model for quantifying hyporheic exchange flux using the temperature tracer method[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, 14: 921. (SCI檢索)
[12] Zhang W, Shen Z, Ren J, et al. Modeling and comparative analysis of a flow and heat coupling model of the riparian zone based on thermal conductivity empirical models[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 582: 124539. (SCI檢索)
[13] Zhang W, Shen Z, Ren J, et al. A hydrothermal coupling model for estimating temperature variations in the riparian zone[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, Article ID: 3484109. (SCI檢索)
[14] Tang P, Zhang W, Zhou J, et al. Analysis of the hydromechanical properties of compact sandstone and engineering application[J]. Water, 2023, 15(11): 2011. (SCI檢索,共同一作)
[15] Ma B, Zhang W, Shen Z, et al. Identification of sensitive parameters for deformation of asphalt concrete face rockfill dam of pumped storage power station[J]. Water, 2022, 14(17): 2634. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
[16] Bian J, Zhang W, Shen Z, et al. Analysis and optimization of mechanical properties of recycled concrete based on aggregate characteristics[J]. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2021, 28: 516-527. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
[17] Ren J, Zhang W, Chen B, et al. A comparison of Su and Lu modeling of water flow and heat transport using field temperature records[J]. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2021, 30(1): 337-350. (SCI檢索)
[18] Ren J, Zhang W, Yang J, et al. Using water temperature series and hydraulic heads to quantify hyporheic exchange in the riparian zone[J]. Hydrogeology Journal, 2019, 27(4): 1419-1437. (SCI檢索)
[19] Ren J, Zhang W, Yang J, et al. A comparison of numerical and Lu modeling of water flow and heat transport with laboratory experiments[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78: 267. (SCI檢索)
[20] Ren J, Zhang W, Yang J. Morris sensitivity analysis for hydrothermal coupling parameters of embankment dam: A case study[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, Article ID 2196578. (SCI檢索)
[21] Shao W, Li Q, Zhang W, et al. Numerical modeling of chloride diffusion in cement-based materials considering calcium leaching and external sulfate attack[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 401: 132913. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
[22] Chao Z, Wang J, Zhang W, et al. Predicting the gas permeability of sustainable cement mortar containing internal cracks by combining physical experiments and hybrid ensemble artificial intelligence algorithms[J]. Materials, 2023, 16(15): 5330. (SCI檢索,共同一作)
[23] Zhao S, Zhang B, Zhang W, et al. Impacts of contaminants from different sources on geotechnical properties of soils[J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(16): 12586. (SCI檢索)
[24] Peng J, Shen Z, Zhang W, et al. Deep-learning-enhanced CT image analysis for predicting hydraulic conductivity of coarse-grained soils[J]. Water, 2023, 15(14): 2623. (SCI檢索)
[25] Ren J, Chen B, Zhang W, et al. Quantification of the temporal-spatial distributions characteristics of streambed hyporheic exchange fluxes with the seasonal variation using heat as a tracer[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2020, 79: 385. (SCI檢索)
[26] Ren J, Cheng J, Zhang W, et al. Vertical fluid flux in the hyporheic zone: field investigation, model, and comparative analysis[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13: 9. (SCI檢索)
[27] Ren J, Men L, Zhang W, et al. A new empirical model for the estimation of soil thermal conductivity[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78: 361. (SCI檢索)
[28] 張文兵, 沈振中, 徐力群, 等. 基於COMSOL的脆性材料相場斷裂模型[J]. 計算力學學報, 2023, 40(2): 273-280.
[29] 張文兵, 沈振中, 任傑, 等. 考慮土體非均質傳熱的河岸帶水熱耦合模型[J]. 水科學進展, 2022, 33(1): 123-134. (EI檢索)
[30] 張文兵, 沈振中, 陳官運, 等. 基於溫度示蹤的潛流交換通量解析模型對比[J]. 水利水電科技進展, 2022, 42(2): 63-71+84.
[31] 張文兵, 沈振中, 陳官運, 等. 岩溶發育地質條件下的庫區三維滲流場分析及滲控效果評價[J]. 水資源與水工程學報, 2020, 31(5): 218-224+234.
[32] 張文兵, 任傑, 楊傑, 等. 基於正交試驗土石壩熱-流耦合模型參數的敏感性分析[J]. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2019, 47(1): 147-154.
[33] 李昱春, 張文兵, 任傑, 等. 基於正交試驗法的河岸帶水熱耦合模型敏感參數識別[J]. 水資源與水工程學報, 2022, 33(2):136-143.
[34] 任傑, 張文兵, 陳建琪, 等. 土體熱傳導係數測量與模型研究進展[J]. 西安理工大學學報, 2019, 35(3): 352-360.
[35] 李皓璇, 沈振中, 張文兵. 基於PSO-GRNN的混凝土面板堆石壩滲透係數反演方法及套用[J]. 水電能源科學, 2023, 41(5): 67-70+80.
[36] 王碩, 沈振中, 張文兵, 等. 一種分析大壩安全狀況的改進變權層次分析法[J]. 水利水電科技進展, 2022, 42(3): 97-103.
[37] 倪楓, 任傑, 張文兵, 等. 基於Ren模型的土石壩集中滲漏流熱耦合研究[J]. 三峽大學學報(自然科學版), 2022, 44(1): 20-25.


[1] 任傑, 張文兵. 潛流帶地表水與地下水相互作用研究[M]. 北京: 科學出版社, 2020.


[1] 基於COMSOL數學模組的河岸潛流帶水熱耦合建模方法, 專利號: ZL201910992049.2
[2] 基於Lu模型的大壩下遊河岸帶熱流耦合模擬構建方法, 專利號: ZL201710711576.2
[3] 一種監測潛流交換通量的裝置及監測方法, 專利號: ZL201710138659.7
[4] 一種監測潛流交換通量的裝置, 專利號: ZL201720226670.4
[5] 一種能遠程控制的寵物箱, 專利號: ZL201720485444.8
[6] 一種多功能攜帶型人工取土鑽及其取土方法, 專利號: ZL201811288221.8
[7] 一種判斷水沙界面流動方向的方法, 專利號: ZL201910089293.8
[8] 一種監測河岸帶潛流交換速率的裝置及其監測方法, 專利號: ZL201811296887.8
[9] 一種監測河岸帶潛流交換速率的裝置, 專利號: ZL201821794488.X
[10] 一種基於正交試驗法的潛流交換影響因素敏感性分析方法, 專利號: ZL201810344211.5


[1] 上海市高等教育人才攬蓄計畫獲得者(2023)
[2] 上海市青年科技英才揚帆計畫獲得者(2023)
[3] 上海海事大學青年教師教學競賽優秀獎(2023)
[4] 河海大學優秀畢業生(2022)
[5] 張光斗優秀學生獎學金(2021,清華大學教育基金會頒發)
[6] 第二屆全國高等學校水利類專業優秀研究生學位論文(2021)
[7] 河海大學“優秀研究生”榮譽稱號(2021,2020)
[8] 博士研究生國家獎學金(2020)
[9] 江蘇省研究生“水科學前沿與技術”學術論壇優秀論文獎(2020)
[10] 江蘇省研究生“水科學前沿與技術”學術論壇優秀報告獎(2020)
[11] 第五屆全國水利工程專業學位研究生實踐優秀成果獲得者(2019)
[12] 西安理工大學優秀畢業生(2019)
[13] 西安理工大學優秀碩士畢業論文(2019)
[14] 陝西省水力發電工程學會第五屆青年優秀學術論文獎(2018)
[15] 碩士研究生國家獎學金(2018)


