1985年在東北工學院(現東北大學)獲材料工程工學學士學位,於1991年在英國牛津大學獲冶金及材料科學博士學位,並先後在英國牛津大學和美國卡內基梅隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)做博士後研究。他於1994-1996年期間在澳大利亞昆士蘭大學任研究員兼講師,並於1996年7月到紐西蘭懷卡托大學(The University of Waikato)工作,歷任講師,高級講師,副教授及教授,同時自2002年起兼任懷卡托先進材料中心主任。期間張德良教授於2003年以客座副教授(Visiting Associate Professor)的身份在美國北卡州立大學(North Carolina State University)訪問一年。2010年4月通過上海交通大學入選中國國家千人計畫,並自2010年11月起任上海交大致遠講席教授。
綜述論文於2004年發表在影響因子18.1 的“材料科學進展(Progress in Materials Science)” 上。此論文六年來被引130多次。四項國際專利申請,兩項美國專利及兩項紐西蘭專利的第一(或唯一)發明人。自1990起張德良教授共發表學術論文180多篇,學術著作章節一章,主持編輯Advanced Materials Research期刊和 International Journal of Modern Physics B特集各一集。自1990年所發表的學術論文總共被引1100多次。
1。A Mukhtar, D L Zhang, C Kong and P Munroe, "Consolidation of Ultrafine Grained Cu Powder and Nanostructured Cu-(2.5-10)vol.%Al2O3 Composite Powders by Powder Compact Forging", Journal of Materials Science, 45 (2010), 4594-4605。
2。 Deliang Zhang, Aamir Muhktar, Vijay N. Nadakuduru and Stiliana Raynova, “The possibility of synthesizing bulk nanostructured or ultrafine structured metallic materials by consolidation of powders using high strain powder compact forging”, International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 100 (2009),1720-1726。
3。D. L. Zhang*, C. C. Koch and R. O. Scattergood,The role of new particle surfaces in synthesiszing bulk nanostructured metallic materials by powder metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering A 516 (2009), 270-275。
4。H. B. Yu, D. L. Zhang*, Y. Y. Chen, P. Cao, B. Gabbitas,Synthesis of an ultrafine grained TiAl based alloy by subzero temperature milling and HIP, its microstructure and mechanical properties,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 474 (2009), 105–112。
5。Z. G. Liu*, S. Raynova, D. L. Zhang and B. Gabbitas,Study on the self sustained reactions in an Al–TiO2 composite powder produced by high-energy mechanical milling,Materials Science and Engineering A 449–451 (2007), 1107–1110。
6。D. L. Zhang*, Z. H. Cai, A. J. Huang, R. Yang,Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of a novel Ti2AlC/TiC/Al2O3 in-situ composite, Journal of American Ceramics Society, 89 (2006), 3325-3330。
7。Z. H. Cai, D. L. Zhang*,Sintering behaviour and microstructures of Ti(Al,O)/Al2O3,Ti3Al(O)/Al2O3 and TiAl(O)/Al2O3 in-situ composites Materials Science and Engineering A, 419 (2006), 310-317。
8。D. L. Zhang*, S. Raynova, C. C. Koch, R. O. Scattergood and K. Youssef, Consolidation of a Cu-2.5vol.%Al2O3 powder using high energy mechanical milling,Materials Science and Engineering A, 410-411 (2005), 375-380。
9. D. L.Zhang*, D. Y. Ying and P. Munroe, Formation of Al2O3 during heating an Al/TiO2 nanocomposite powder, Journal of Materials Research, 20 (2005), 307-313。
10. D. Y. Ying, D. L. Zhang* and M. Newby, Solid state reactions during heating mechanically milled Al/TiO2 composite powders, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 35A(2004), 2115-2125。
11. D. L. Zhang*, J. Liang and J. Wu, Processing Ti3Al/SiC nanocomposite using high energy mechanical milling, Materials Science and Engineering A, 375-377 (2004),911-916。
12. D. L. Zhang* and H. Walker, Precipitation, melting and solidification of embedded Pb nanoparticles in mechanically milled Al-10wt%Pb powders, Materials Science and Engineering A, 375-377 (2004), 985-991。
13. D. L. Zhang*, Processing of advanced materials using high energy mechanical milling Progress in Materials Science, 49 (2004), 537-560。
14. D. Y. Ying and D. L. Zhang, Solid state reactions between CuO and Cu(Al) or Cu9Al4 in mechanically milled composite powders Materials Science and Engineering A, A361 (2003), 321-330。
15. D. L. Zhang*, G. Adam and A. G. Langdon Phase and microstructural evolution during heating mechanically milled Al/V2O5 composite powders, Materials Science and Technology, 18 (2002), 901-907。
16. D. L. Zhang* and D. Y. Ying, Solid state reactions in nanometer scaled diffusion couples prepared using high energy ball milling, Materials Science and Engineering, A301 (2001), 90-96。
17. D. Y. Ying and D. L. Zhang*, Processing of Cu/Al2O3 metal matrix nanocomposite materials by using high energy ball milling, Materials Science and Engineering A, A286 (2000), 152-156。
18. D. L. Zhang* and T. B. Massalski, A novel way of amorphous phase formation during mechanical alloying of copper and cadmium powders, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 29A (1998), 2425-2432。
19。D. L. Zhang and T. B. Massalski, Solid state reactions between Pd and Si induced by high energy ball milling, Journal of Materials Research, 9 (1994), 53-60。