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  • 中文名:張宇清
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1971年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:荒漠生態學
  • 職務:北京林業大學水土保持學院副院長




十二五科技支撐計畫課題:荒漠化地區退化土地治理與植被保育技術集成與示範 (2012-2016)(主要完成人)


研究生課程: 荒漠生態學 Desertification Combating Engineering(英文課程)


Zhang J, Zhang Y*, Qin S, Wu B, Ding G, Wu X, Gao Y, Zhu Y. Carrying capacity for vegetation across northern China drylands. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 710:136391.
Bai Y, She W, Zhang Y*, Qiao Y, Fu J, Qin S. N enrichment, increased precipitation, and the effect of shrubs collectively shape the plant community in a desert ecosystem in northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 716: 135379.
Liu Z, Sun Y, Zhang Y*, Qin S, Sun Y, Mao H, Miao L. Desert soil sequesters atmospheric CO2 by microbial mineral formation. Geoderma, 2020, 361:114104.
Feng W, Zhang Y*, Yan R, Lai Z, Qin S, Sun Y, She W. Dominant soil bacteria and their ecological attributes across the deserts in northern China. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019; 1–12.
She W, Bai Y, Zhang Y*, Qin S, Jia X, Feng W, Lai Z, Fu J, Qiao Y. Nitrogen enrichment suppresses revegetated shrub growth under increased precipitation via herb-induced topsoil water limitation in a desert ecosystem in northern China. Plant and Soil, 2020, 446:97-110.
Sun Y, Liu Z, Zhang Y*, Lai Z, She W, Bai Y, Feng W, Qin S. Microbial communities and their genetic repertoire mediate the decomposition of soil organic carbon pools in revegetation shrublands in a desert in northern China. Eur J Soil Sci., 2020, 71: 93–105.
Qiao Y, Bai Y, Zhang Y*, She W, Lai Z, Qin S. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi shape the adaptive strategy of plants by mediating nutrient acquisition in a shrub-dominated community in the Mu Us Desert. Plant and Soil, 2019, 443:549-564.
Zhu Y, Zhang J, Zhang Y *, Qin S, Shao Y, Gao Y. Responses of vegetation to climatic variations in the desert region of northern China. Catena, 2019, 175: 27-36.
Sun Y, Zhang Y*, Feng W, Qin S, Liu Z. Revegetated shrub species recruit different soil fungal assemblages in a desert ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 2019, 435: 81-93.
Liu Z, Sun Y, Zhang Y , Fen W, Lai Z, Fa K, Qin S. Metagenomic and C tracing evidence for autotrophic atmospheric carbon absorption in a semiarid desert. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 125:156–166.
Zhen L, Zhang Y *, Fa K, Zhao H, Qin S, Yan R, Wu B. Desert soil bacteria deposit atmospheric carbon dioxide in carbonate precipitates. Catena, 2018, 170: 64-72.
Zhang J, Zhang Y*, Qin S, Wu B, Wu X, Zhu Y, Shao Y, Gao Y, Jin Q, Lai Z. Effects of seasonal variability of climatic factors on vegetation coverage across drylands in northern China. Land Degrad Dev., 2018: 29:1782-1791.
She W, Bai Y, Zhang Y *, Qin S, Feng W, Sun Y. Resource Availability Drives Responses of Soil Microbial Communities to Short-term Precipitation and Nitrogen Addition in a Desert Shrubland. Front. Microbiol. , 2018, 9:186.doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00186.
Fa K, Zhang Y *, Lei Gn, et al. Underestimation of soil respiration in a desert ecosystem. Catena, 2018, 162: 23-28.
She W, Bai Y, Zhang Y *, Qin S, Liu Z and Wu B. Plasticity in Meristem Allocation as an Adaptive Strategy of a Desert Shrub under Contrasting Environments. Front. Plant Sci., 2017, 8:1933.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01933.
Sun Y, Zhang Y *, Feng W, Qin S, Liu Z, Bai Y, Yan R, Fa K. Effects of xeric shrubs on soil microbial communities in a desert in northern China. Plant and Soil, 2017, 414: 281–294. DOI 10.1007/s11104-016-3111-y.
Liu Z, Zhang Y *, Fa K, Qin S, She W. Rainfall pulses modify soil carbon emission in a semiarid desert. Catena, 2017, 155:147–155.
She W, Zhang Y *, Qin S, Wu B and Bai Y. Increased Precipitation and Nitrogen Alter Shrub Architecture in a Desert Shrubland: Implications for Primary Production. Front. Plant Sci., 2016, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01908.
劉軍,張宇清,秦樹高,馮薇,孫延菲,王莉,白宇軒. 不同噴灑濃度沙蒿膠固沙效果試驗.農業工程學報,2016,32(5):149-155.
Fa K , Zhang Y, Wu B, Qin S, Liu Z, She W. Patterns and possible mechanisms of soil CO2 uptake in sandy soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 544:587–594.
Lai Z, Zhang Y,Liu J, Wu B, Qin S, Fa K. Fine-root distribution, production, decomposition, and effect on soil organic carbon of three revegetation shrub species in northwest China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 359: 381–388.
陳東,張宇清*,吳斌,秦樹高,張舉濤,高浩.毛烏素沙地南緣油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)灌叢沙堆形態特徵.中國沙漠,2015,35(3):565-572.
法科宇, 張宇清*, 劉加彬, 吳斌, 秦樹高, 劉振. 土壤非生物CO2 通量對土壤溫度的回響. 中國沙漠, 2015, 35(6): 1628-1635.
Liu J, Fa K, Zhang Y ,Wu B, Qin S, Jia X. Abiotic CO2 uptake from the atmosphere by semiarid desert soil and its partitioning into soil phases. Geophysical Research Letters, 2015, 42:5779–5785.
Ke-Yu Fa, Jia-Bin Liu, Yu-Qing Zhang*, Bin Wu, Shu-Gao Qin, Wei Feng, Zong- Rui Lai. CO2 absorption of sandy soil induced by rainfall pulses in a desert ecosystem. Hydrological Processes, 2015, 29: 2043-2051.
趙燦,張宇清,秦樹高*,賴宗銳,劉加斌,法科宇. 3種典型沙生灌木NPP及其分配格局.北京林業大學學報,2014, 36(6):62-67.
秦樹高,吳斌,張宇清*.林草複合系統地下部分種間互作關係與化感作用研究進展.草業學報,2011, 20(2): 253-261.
秦樹高,吳斌,張宇清*, 張天勇. 錦雞兒林草帶狀複合系統細跟空間分異特徵.林業科學,2011,41(7): 42-49.
Feng W, Zhang Y*, Yan R, Lai Z, Qin S, Sun Y, She W. Dominant soil bacteria and their ecological attributes across the deserts in northern China. Eur J Soil Sci. 2019; 1–12.
She W, Bai Y, Zhang Y*, Qin S, Jia X, Feng W, Lai Z, Fu J, Qiao Y. Nitrogen enrichment suppresses revegetated shrub growth under increased precipitation via herb-induced topsoil water limitation in a desert ecosystem in northern China. Plant and Soil, 2020, 446:97-110.
Sun Y, Liu Z, Zhang Y*, Lai Z, She W, Bai Y, Feng W, Qin S. Microbial communities and their genetic repertoire mediate the decomposition of soil organic carbon pools in revegetation shrublands in a desert in northern China. Eur J Soil Sci., 2020, 71: 93–105.
Qiao Y, Bai Y, Zhang Y*, She W, Lai Z, Qin S. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi shape the adaptive strategy of plants by mediating nutrient acquisition in a shrub-dominated community in the Mu Us Desert. Plant and Soil, 2019, 443:549-564.
Zhu Y, Zhang J, Zhang Y *, Qin S, Shao Y, Gao Y. Responses of vegetation to climatic variations in the desert region of northern China. Catena, 2019, 175: 27-36.
Sun Y, Zhang Y*, Feng W, Qin S, Liu Z. Revegetated shrub species recruit different soil fungal assemblages in a desert ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 2019, 435: 81-93.
Liu Z, Sun Y, Zhang Y , Fen W, Lai Z, Fa K, Qin S. Metagenomic and C tracing evidence for autotrophic atmospheric carbon absorption in a semiarid desert. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 125:156–166.
Zhen L, Zhang Y *, Fa K, Zhao H, Qin S, Yan R, Wu B. Desert soil bacteria deposit atmospheric carbon dioxide in carbonate precipitates. Catena, 2018, 170: 64-72.
Zhang J, Zhang Y*, Qin S, Wu B, Wu X, Zhu Y, Shao Y, Gao Y, Jin Q, Lai Z. Effects of seasonal variability of climatic factors on vegetation coverage across drylands in northern China. Land Degrad Dev., 2018: 29:1782-1791.
She W, Bai Y, Zhang Y *, Qin S, Feng W, Sun Y. Resource Availability Drives Responses of Soil Microbial Communities to Short-term Precipitation and Nitrogen Addition in a Desert Shrubland. Front. Microbiol. , 2018, 9:186.doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00186.
Fa K, Zhang Y *, Lei Gn, et al. Underestimation of soil respiration in a desert ecosystem. Catena, 2018, 162: 23-28.
She W, Bai Y, Zhang Y *, Qin S, Liu Z and Wu B. Plasticity in Meristem Allocation as an Adaptive Strategy of a Desert Shrub under Contrasting Environments. Front. Plant Sci., 2017, 8:1933.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01933.
Sun Y, Zhang Y *, Feng W, Qin S, Liu Z, Bai Y, Yan R, Fa K. Effects of xeric shrubs on soil microbial communities in a desert in northern China. Plant and Soil, 2017, 414: 281–294. DOI 10.1007/s11104-016-3111-y.
Liu Z, Zhang Y *, Fa K, Qin S, She W. Rainfall pulses modify soil carbon emission in a semiarid desert. Catena, 2017, 155:147–155.
She W, Zhang Y *, Qin S, Wu B and Bai Y. Increased Precipitation and Nitrogen Alter Shrub Architecture in a Desert Shrubland: Implications for Primary Production. Front. Plant Sci., 2016, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01908.
劉軍,張宇清,秦樹高,馮薇,孫延菲,王莉,白宇軒. 不同噴灑濃度沙蒿膠固沙效果試驗.農業工程學報,2016,32(5):149-155.
Fa K , Zhang Y, Wu B, Qin S, Liu Z, She W. Patterns and possible mechanisms of soil CO2 uptake in sandy soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 544:587–594.
Lai Z, Zhang Y,Liu J, Wu B, Qin S, Fa K. Fine-root distribution, production, decomposition, and effect on soil organic carbon of three revegetation shrub species in northwest China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 359: 381–388.
陳東,張宇清*,吳斌,秦樹高,張舉濤,高浩.毛烏素沙地南緣油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)灌叢沙堆形態特徵.中國沙漠,2015,35(3):565-572.
法科宇, 張宇清*, 劉加彬, 吳斌, 秦樹高, 劉振. 土壤非生物CO2 通量對土壤溫度的回響. 中國沙漠, 2015, 35(6): 1628-1635.
Liu J, Fa K, Zhang Y ,Wu B, Qin S, Jia X. Abiotic CO2 uptake from the atmosphere by semiarid desert soil and its partitioning into soil phases. Geophysical Research Letters, 2015, 42:5779–5785.
Ke-Yu Fa, Jia-Bin Liu, Yu-Qing Zhang*, Bin Wu, Shu-Gao Qin, Wei Feng, Zong- Rui Lai. CO2 absorption of sandy soil induced by rainfall pulses in a desert ecosystem. Hydrological Processes, 2015, 29: 2043-2051.
趙燦,張宇清,秦樹高*,賴宗銳,劉加斌,法科宇. 3種典型沙生灌木NPP及其分配格局.北京林業大學學報,2014, 36(6):62-67.
秦樹高,吳斌,張宇清*.林草複合系統地下部分種間互作關係與化感作用研究進展.草業學報,2011, 20(2): 253-261.
秦樹高,吳斌,張宇清*, 張天勇. 錦雞兒林草帶狀複合系統細跟空間分異特徵.林業科學,2011,41(7): 42-49.


