- 中文名:張學良台北故居
- 外文名:Zhang Xueliang Taipei former residence
- 地址:台北市復興三路70號
- 占地面積:10,600平方米
- 居住時間:1961-1995
張學良台北故居是張學良一生居住最久之地方,也是他在台灣唯一擁有的私人財產,如此嫻靜優雅的定居腹地面積達3,200坪(10,600平方米)山明水秀的台北市復興三路70號。2016年8月8日文化局正式公布為歷史建物(文化局(處)文化部文化資產局所登錄),同時也被登錄在“ 國家文化資產資料庫”是他在台灣四個住處中,唯一認定的歷史建築物,也是張學良居住最長(自1961至1995年期間,長達33年)並最具代表張學良生平之處
張學良一生居住最長(自1961至1995年期間,長達33年)並最具代表張學良生平之處。由蔣經國先生幫其尋找的地點,並同意屬張私人所擁有,蔣中正用其特殊的地形,規劃國安局/憲兵營將其住處前後勘護著,進門後,前區第一排是國安局派駐看守的專用房區;中間區有特殊獨立的地下禮拜堂供信仰用,並設有頗具厚度防爆門的防空洞。 整個園區有主建物、車房、蘭花房、防空洞、花園、小水池... 主建物後緣有大濠溝、秘密碉堡多處,最後一區有天然石頭牆止隔後段地界,該區是張學良活動健身、散步園區,此區下方住有15人的憲兵營24小時分崗哨駐守著
Zhang Xueliang : June 3, 1901 -October 15, 2001 Former First General of Army of Republic of China
The building, located at No. 70, Fuxing 3rd Rd, Taipei, Taiwan, was Mr. Zhang’s former residence between 1961 and 1994, during which he was under house arrest by Kuomintang, and the time he spent there was longer than that of any other place he had lived in for all his life.
Zhang, who was an instigator of the 1936 Xi’an Incident, was an important figure who had deeply influenced modern Chinese history. As such, the building is of great historic significance and value.
The building, located at No. 70, Fuxing 3rd Rd, Taipei, Taiwan, was Mr. Zhang’s former residence between 1961 and 1994, during which he was under house arrest by Kuomintang, and the time he spent there was longer than that of any other place he had lived in for all his life.
Zhang, who was an instigator of the 1936 Xi’an Incident, was an important figure who had deeply influenced modern Chinese history. As such, the building is of great historic significance and value.
The building, which has a janitorial room, an underground prayer room( with dugout function), a post, among others, has been kept they way it was.