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  • 中文名:張孝斌
  • 出生地:湖北天門
  • 職業:科研




1.A Pre-main-sequence γ Dor-δ Sct Hybrid with Extremely Slow Internal Rotation in a Short-period Eclipsing Binary KIC 9850387 Revealed by Asteroseismology, Zhang, X.B., Chen, X.H., Zhang, H.T., Fu, J.N., Li, Y., 2020, ApJ, 895, 124
2.Discovery and Seismic Analysis of an EL CVn-type Binary with Hybrid δ Sct-γ Dor Pulsations, Zhang, X.B.; Wang, K.; Chen, X. H.; Luo, C. Q.; Zhang, C. G., 2019, ApJ, 884, 165
3.Seismic Study of the γ Doradus-type Pulsations in the Eclipsing Binary KIC 10486425, Zhang, X.B., Fu, J.N., Luo, C.Q., Ren, A.B., Yan, Z.Z., 2018 ApJ, 865, 115
4.Low-mass Pre-He White Dwarf Stars in Kepler Eclipsing Binaries with Multi-periodic Pulsations, Zhang, X.B.; Fu, J.N.; Liu, N.; Luo, C.Q.; Ren, A.B., 2017, ApJ, 850, 125
5.Multi-period g-mode Pulsations of a Pre-He-WD Star in the Eclipsing Binary KIC 9164561, Zhang, X.B.; Fu, J. N.; Li, Y.; Ren, A. B.; Luo, C. Q., 2016, ApJL, 821, 32
6.On the pulsational-orbital-period relation of eclipsing binaries with delta Sct components, Zhang X.B., Luo C.Q., Fu J.N., 2013, ApJ, 777, 77
7.TX Cnc as a member of the Praesepe open cluster, Zhang, X.B., Deng, L.C., Lu P., 2009AJ, 138, 680
8.The physical nature of the short-period RS CVn system DV Psc, Zhang, X.B.; Zhang, R.X., 2007MNRAS, 382, 1133
9.Long-term photometric study of the W UMa binary star V523 Cas, Zhang, X. B.; Zhang, R. X., 2004, MNRAS, 347, 307
10.A CCD Photometric Survey of Variable Stars in the Field of NGC 188, Zhang, X. B.; Deng, L.; Tian, B.; Zhou, X., 2002, AJ, 123, 1548


