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張婧婧,教授,博士生導師。中國高等教育學會學習科學研究分會副理事長。 2019年獲仲英青年學者稱號。2021年入選國家重大人才工程青年學者。2022年獲霍英東青年科學獎二等獎。2015年獲得北京師範大學教育學部學科建設綜合專項 - 國際聯合研究中心支持,成立大數據與教育戰略研究國際聯合中心,與牛津大學、悉尼大學等11所高校/機構的相關中心建立合作關係,簽署合作備忘錄與契約,開展實質性國際合作研究。 研究聚焦線上教育中的學習互動新規律。傳統研究中衡量互動的靜態指標難以解釋學習的開放性與靈活性。嘗試從動態的視角去認識互動的過程,發現互動演化的機制,比如同質性、傳遞性、擇優連續性等,來設計降低注意力消耗的開放與靈活的學習環境。共發表學術成果80餘篇,其中SSCI/SCI期刊論文20餘篇,CSSCI期刊論文20餘篇,出版英文專著1本,國際會議論文30餘篇。主持2項國家級課題、3項省部級課題。2019年,獲得北京師範大學“仲英青年學者”稱號。


  • 中文名:張婧婧
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校牛津大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:教育技術


牛津大學 教育學系教育學博士(Clarendon 學者)
東京學藝大學計算機系 AIEJ 交換學習




北京市教育科學“十三五”規劃,線上教育中的鄰近效應:“課程空間”建模與 MOOCs 複雜性排序 ,2019-2022
北京師範大學交叉平台一般項目主持,線上學習分析研究中心,2018 - 2021
北京師範大學教育學部學科建設綜合專項,大數據與教育戰略研究中心, 2015 - 2018
全國教育科學“十二五”規劃,基於情景的信息化學習實驗研究:重構開放教育資源文本連結形式,2013 – 2016
北京市教育科學“十二五”規劃,開放教育資源國際化進程中建設開放標準與協定的實證研究,2012 – 2015
北京師範大學自主科研基金項目,開放教育資源共享機制研究:開放標準與協定創新,2012 – 2013


中文期刊論文 (部分)
  1. 高明,張婧婧.(2020).聯通主義學習中參與者資源貢獻與互動模式分析. 現代遠距離教育4(109).73-80
  2. 王勝靈,石紅薇,趙航,張婧婧,吳國政,鄭永和. (2020). 2019年國家自然科學基金“教育信息科學與技術”的計量分析.現代教育技術 (30)2. 5-13
  3. 高明,張婧婧,牛曉傑(2020). 防疫階段有效開展線上教育的措施與手段——訪國際遠程教育知名學者、一線實踐者. 開放學習研究.25(3).8-13
  4. 楊業宏,張婧婧,鄭瑞昕. (2020). 聯通主義學習中社會互動與話題互動的網路化特徵. 現代遠距離教育1(187). 36-45.
  5. 宋雄偉,張翔,張婧婧. (2019). 國家治理的複雜性:邏輯維度與中國敘事. 中國行政管理(10),69-74
  6. 張婧婧,楊業宏,王燁宇,陳麗. (2019). 國際視野中的線上互動與網路分析:回顧與展望. 電化教育研究(10). 26-34
  7. 張婧婧,高明,張漢傑. (2019). 跨學科課程體系多樣性與聚合性評價研究———以 MOOCs 為例. 復旦教育論壇(5). 47-61
  8. 張婧婧,王軒,沈靈亮,蔣麗平. (2019). 微博視角下的MOOCs學習特徵:自主性、社會性、多樣性與開放性. 中國遠程教育(11). 38-47
  9. 張婧婧,楊業宏. (2019). 線上學習中的冪律法則:基於開放與平衡流系統的新指標. 遠程教育雜誌(4). 96-105
  10. 張婧婧,王雨晨,曹鷺 譯. (2018). 學習與教育研究中的理論之爭——建立學習的複雜系統概念化框架. 23(2). 1-8
  11. 宋雄偉,張婧婧.(2018). 政策執行與科層結構中的“關鍵學習者”. 經濟社會體制比較(197). 71-81
  12. 張婧婧,封晨(2017),多學科視域下教育密集型研究的機遇與挑戰——基於美國《數據密集型教育研究》的解讀,復旦教育論壇,15(5).99-105
  13. 張婧婧,楊業宏,安欣(2017), 彈幕視頻中的學習互動分析,中國遠程教育,11. 22-28
  14. 張婧婧,蔣琪,查聿翀. (2016). MOOC 論壇中“重要的”參與者發言特徵分析, 現代遠距離教育(167). 31 – 37
  15. 陸星兒,曾嘉靈,章夢瑤,郭幸君,張婧婧(2016),知識圖譜視角下的 MOOC 教學最佳化研究 ,中國遠程教育, 7. 5 - 9
  16. 溫鴻雨,張婧婧 (2015), 本科生導師制:重習共同體,中國教師, 11.70-73
  17. 張婧婧,許玲,鄭勤華,曾爽(2015). 再論開放教育資源:開放標準與協定的現狀及對策分析, 現代遠距離教育, 5. 64-72
  18. 張婧婧,李爽,陳麗 (2015). 國際視角下我國第三代遠程教育教師角色定位研究, 北京廣播電視大學學報, 3. 26-32
  19. 張婧婧,許玲,鄭勤華 (2015). 中國開放教育資源研究發展脈絡探析——社會網路分析的視角, 電化教育研究, 5. 64-72
  20. 李爽; 張艷霞; 陳麗; 張婧婧; 劉永權 (2014). 網路教育時代開放大學課程輔導教師角色定位與職能轉變實證研究, 中國電化教育, 332(9). 50 – 58
  21. 張婧婧; 鄭勤華; 陳麗; 許玲(2014). 開放教育資源共享行為及其影響因素的實證研究——以“學習元”為例, 中國電化教育, 331 (8). 73 – 81
  22. 張婧婧 (2008). 經合組織教育新況:國際化進程中的投資與收益,復旦教育論壇 8(8)
英文期刊論文/SSCI Journal Articles(部分)
  1. Zhang, J., Gao, M., Zhang, J.(2021). The learning behaviours of dropouts in MOOCs: A collective attention network perspective,167, 1-15. doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104189
  2. Tlili, A., Zhang, J., Papamitsiou, Z., Manske, S., Huang, R., & Hoppe, H. U. (2021). Towards utilising emerging technologies to address the challenges of using Open Educational Resources: a vision of the future. Educational Technology Research and Development, 1-18.
  3. Tlili, A., Ofosu, S., & Zhang, J. (2021). Pedagogical beliefs, teaching practices and use of open educational resources in the Republic of Ghana. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-13. doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2021.1894453
  4. Zeng, S., Zhang, J.,Gao, M., Xu, K., M., Zhang, J.(2020). Using learning analytics to understand collective attention inlanguage MOOCs. Computer Assisted Language Learning
  5. Shao, Y., Zhang, J., Costello, E., Brown, M. (2020).Publicperceptions towards MOOCs on social media: an alternative perspective tounderstand personal learning experiences of MOOCs. Interactive LearningEnviornment
  6. Zeng, S. & Zhang, J. (2020). Digital Curation of Online Resources among English Learners atChinese Universities. Beijing International Review of Education, 2(3),403-419.
  7. Zhang, J., Gao, M.,Holmes, W., Mavrikis, M., & Ma, N. (2019). Interaction patterns in exploratory learning environments for mathematics: a sequential analysis offeed back and external representations in Chinese schools. InteractiveLearning Environments, 1-18.
  8. Zhang, J., Burgos, D., & Dawson, S. (2019). Advancing open, flexible and distance learning through learning analytics. Distance Education (3)1.
  9. Jiang, F., Wang, L.,Zhang, J., Yan, X., Yang, Y., Chen, L. (2019). Mapping STEM Education from 25years of NSF-funded projects, International Journal of Engineering Education.1-12
  10. Holmes, W., Nguyena,Q., Zhang, J., Mavrikisd, M., Rienties, B. (2019). Learning analytics for learning design in online distance learning, Distance Education (3), 1-17
  11. Zhang, J., Sziegat,H., Perris, K., & Zhou, C. (2019). More than access: MOOCs and changes in Chinese higher education. Learning, Media and Technology, 44(2),108-123.
  12. Zhang, J., Lou, X.,Zhang, H., & Zhang, J. (2019). Modeling collective attention in online and flexible learning environments. Distance Education, 40(2),278-301.
  13. Lu, Y., Zhang, J., Li,B., Chen, P., & Zhuang, Z. (2019). Harnessing commodity wearable devices to capture learner engagement. IEEE Access, 7, 15749-15757.
  14. Costello, E., Brown,M., Mhichíl, M. N. G., & Zhang, J. (2018). Big course small talk: twitter and MOOCs—a systematic review of research designs 2011–2017. InternationalJournal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(1), 44.
  15. Lu, Y., Zeng, Z., Wu,H., Chua, G. G., & Zhang, J. (2018). An intelligent system for taxi service: Analysis, prediction and visualization. AI Communications,(Preprint), 1-14.
  16. Gregori, E. B., Zhang,J., Galván-Fernández, C., & de Asís Fernández-Navarro, F. (2018). Learner support in MOOCs: Identifying variables linked to completion. Computers &Education, 122, 153-168.
  17. Li, S, Zhang, J., Yu,C., Chen, L. (2017). Rethinking Distance Tutoring in e-Learning Environments: A studyof the priority of roles and competencies of open university tutors in China, InternationalReview of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 18(2). Pp. 189- 212
  18. Zhang, J., Skryabin,M., & Song, X. (2016). Understanding the dynamics of MOOC discussion forums with simulation investigation for empirical network analysis (SIENA), Distance Education, 37, pp. 270-286
  19. Zhang, J., Perris, K.,Zheng, Q., Chen, L. (2015), Public response to “the MOOC Movement” in China:Examining the time series of microblogging, International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(5), pp. 144 – 160
  20. Skryabin, M., Zhang,J., Liu, L., Zhang, D. (2015). How the ICT development level and usage influence student achievement in reading, mathematics, and science, Computers &Education, 85, pp. 49-58
  21. Macfarlane, B., Zhang,J., Pun, A. (2014). Academic integrity: A review of the literature, Studies in Higher Education, 39(2), pp. 339-358
國際會議/ Conference Papers andProceedings(部分)
  1. Zhang, J., Gao, M.(2020). Tree Structure of Collective Attention Network: Revisiting the Problemof Dropout. Companion Proceedings 10th International Conference on LearningAnalytics & Knowledge (LAK20)
  2. Kahn, K., Lu, Y.,Zhang, J., Winters, N. and Gao, M. (2020). Deep Learning Programming by All.Constructionism 2020
  3. Zhang, J., Shan, L.,Mavrikis, M., Holmes, W., Ma, N., & Gao, M. (2019, March). Use of FeedbackAccording to Students’ Affective State during Problem Solving. CompanionProceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge(LAK19)Sun, D., Xu, P., Du, J., Zheng, Q., Zhang, J.(2019) Log-based LearningAnalytics in Vector Space. Companion Proceedings 9th International Conferenceon Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK19)
  4. Mavrikis, M., Holmes,W., Zhang, J., & Ma, N. (2018, June). Fractions Lab Goes East: Learning andInteraction with an Exploratory Learning Environment in China. In InternationalConference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 209-214). Springer,Cham.
  5. Costello, E., Brown,M., Nair, B., Mhichíl, M. N. G., Zhang, J., & Lynn, T. (2017, May). # MOOCFriends and Followers: An Analysis of Twitter Hashtag Networks. In EuropeanConference on Massive Open Online Courses (pp. 170-175). Springer, Cham.
  6. Zhang, J., Zhang, H.,Zheng, Q. (2017). An Explorative Study of the Curriculum Network of MOOCs. Openand Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) Annual Conference, 5-7February, Melbourne, Australia
  7. Bowe, M., Chen, W.,Griffiths, D., Hoel, T., Lee, J., Ogata, H., ... & Zhang, J. (2017).Learning analytics and policy (LAP): international aspirations, achievementsand constraints. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics& Knowledge Conference (pp. 516-517). ACM.
  8. Barberà, E., Galván,C., Zhang, J., Fernández-Navarro, F. (2017), Factors Affecting MOOC Completion:The Perspective of Learning Support. In Proceedings of 11th annualInternational Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2017) (pp.2612- 2620) ISBN: 978-84-617-8491-2
  9. Zhang, J., Perris, K.,Zhou, C. (2016). Does the proximity-based network of MOOCs condition changes inuniversities? An agnostic approach to visualize the process of nominating anddesigning MOOCs. the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE), 28 Nov – 2 Dec 2016, Mumbai, India
  10. Shum, S., Mayles, K.,Macfadyen, L., Smith, P., Wuetherick, B. Dawson, S., Zhang, J. (2016). Institutional LearningAnalytics Centres: Contexts, Strategies and Insights, the Seventh InternationalLearning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, April 25-29, 2016, Edinburgh,United Kingdom ACM 978-1-4503-4190-5/16/04. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2883851.2883954
  11. Brown, M., Costello,E., Donlon, E., Nair, B., Michil, M., Lynn, T., Zhang, J., Perries, K. (2016). Towards a ResearchAgenda of MOOCs in Twitter through Analysis of a Large Dataset, Association forLearning Technology (ALT2016) Annual Conference, Warwick, UK
  12. Costello E., Nair,B., Brown, M., Zhang, J., Mhichíl, M., Donlon, E., Lynn, T. (2016). SocialMedia #MOOC Mentions: Lessons for MOOC Research from Analysis of Twitter Data,33rd International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Useof Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE2016), Adelaide,Australia


