

1. Deng Xing-Guang, Zhu Tong, Zou Li-Juan, Han Xue-Ying, Xi De-Hui, Zhang Da-Wei*, Lin Hong-Hui. Orchestration of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in brassinosteroids mediated systemic virus resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana.The Plant Journal. 2016. 85: 478-493. (SCI, IF=5.972)通訊作者,並列一作
2.Zhang Da-Wei, Yuan Shu, Xu Fei, Zhu Feng, Yuan Ming, Ye Hua-Xun, Guo Hong-Qing, Lv Xin, Yin Yan-Hai, Lin Hong-Hui.2015. Light intensity affects chlorophyll synthesis during greening process by metabolite signal from mitochondrial alternative oxidase in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2016, 39: 12-25. (SCI, IF=6.96)
3. Deng Xing-Guang, Zhu Tong, Peng Xing-Ji, Xi De-Hui, Guo Hong-Qing, Yin Yan-Hai, Zhang Da-Wei*, Lin Hong-Hui. Role of brassinosteroid signaling in modulating Tobacco mosaic virus resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: Article number: 20579. (SCI, IF=5.578) 通訊作者,並列一作
4. Jian Wei, Zhang Da-Wei, Zhu Feng, Wang Shuo-Xun, Pu Xiao-Jun, Deng Xing-Guang, Luo Shi-Shuai, Lin Hong-Hui. Alternative oxidase pathway is involved in the exogenous SNP-elevated tolerance of Medicago truncatula to salt stress. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2016,Accepted. (SCI, IF=2.557)並列一作
5. Wei Li-Jie, Deng Xing-Guang, Zhu Tong, Zheng Ting, Li Peng-Xu, Wu Jun-Qiang, Zhang Da-Wei*, Lin Hong-Hui. Ethylene is involved in brassinosteroids induced alternative respiratory pathway in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings response to abiotic stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6:982. (SCI, IF=3.948) 通訊作者
6. Zhu Tong, Deng Xing-Guang, Tan Wen-Rong, Zhou Xue, Luo Shi-Shuai, Han Xue-Ying, Zhang Da-Wei*, Lin Hong-Hui. 2015. Nitric Oxide is involved in brassinosteroids induced alternative respiratory pathway in Nicotiana benthamiana seedlings response to salt stress. Physiologia Plantarum, Doi: 10.1111/ppl.12392 (SCI, IF=3.318) 通訊作者
7. Deng Xing-Guang, Zhu Tong, Zhang Da-Wei*, Lin Hong-Hui. 2015. Alternative respiratory pathway is involved in brassinosteroid-induced environmental stress tolerance in Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, 66: 6219-6232 (SCI, IF=5.526) 通訊作者
8. Zhang Da-Wei, Deng Xing-Guang, Fu Fu-Qiong, Lin Hong-Hui. 2015. Induction of plant virus defense response by brassinosteroid and BR signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta, 241(4):875–885. (SCI, IF=3.263)
9. Fu Fa-Qiong, Zhang Da-Wei, Deng Xing-Guang, Lin Hong-Hui. 2015. Role of plastid signals in modulating Arabidopsis responses to Cucumber mosaic virus. Plant Growth Regulation, 75(3): 761-769. (SCI, IF=1.672) 並列一作
10.Zhu Tong, Tan Wen-rong, Deng Xing-guang, Zheng Ting,Zhang Da-wei*and Lin Hong-hui.2015. Effects of brassinosteroids on quality attributes and ethylene synthesis in postharvest tomato fruit.Postharvest biology and technology, 100(1): 196-204. (SCI IF=2.223) 通訊作者
11. Jian Wei, Zhang Da-Wei, Zhu Feng, Wang Shuo-Xun, Zhu Tong, Pu Xiao-Jun, Zheng-Ting, Feng Hong, Lin Hong-Hui. 2015. Nitrate reductase-dependent nitric oxide production is required for regulation alternative oxidase pathway involved in the resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus infection in Arabidopsis. Plant Growth Regulation, 77: 99-107 (SCI, IF=1.672) 並列一作
12. Tang He,Zhang Da-wei, Yuan Shu, Zhu Feng, Xu Fei, Fu Fa-Qiong, Wang Shuo-xun, Hong-Hui Lin.2014.Plastid signals induce ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE expression to enhance the cold stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana.Plant growth regulation.75(3): 275-283
13.Zhang Da-Wei, Ye Hua-Xun, Guo Hong-Qing, Johnson Abbagail,Lin Hong-Hui, Yin Yan-Hai.2014.Transrciption factors involved in brassinosteroid repressed gene expression and their regulation by BIN2 kinase. Plant Signal and behavior,e27849
14.Zhang Da-Wei,GuoHong-qing, Yin Yan-hai and Lin Hong-Hui.2014.Transrciption Factor HAT1 is phosphorylated by BIN2 kinase and mediates Brassinsteroid repressed gene expression in Arabisopsis.ThePlant Journal,77(1): 59-70. (SCI, IF=6. 82)
15. Zhu Feng, Xi De-Hui, Yuan Shu, Xu Fei,Zhang Da-Wei, Lin Hong-Hui.2014.Salicylic acid and jasmonic acid are essential for systemic resistance against Tobacco mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana.Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 27(6): 567-577.
16. Zhu Feng, Zhang Ping, Meng Yan-Fa, Xu Fei,Zhang Da-Wei, Cheng Jian, Lin Hong-Hui, Xi De-Hui.2013.Alpha-momorcharin, a RIP produced by bitter melon, enhances defense response in tobacco plants against diverse plant viruses and shows antifungal activity in vitro.Planta.237(1): 77-88
17. Xu,Fei, Yuan Shu,Zhang Da-Wei, Lv Xin, Lin Hong-Hui.2012.The role of alternative oxidase in fruit ripening and its regulatory with ethylene.Journal of Experimental Botany,63(15): 5705-5716 (SCI, IF=5.36) 並列一作
18. Xu Fei,Zhang Da-Wei, Zhu Feng, Tang He, Lv Xin, Lin Hong-Hui.2012.A novel role for cyanide in the control of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)seedlings response to environmental stress. Plant Cell and Environment,35(11): 1983-1997(SCI, IF=5.22) 並列一作
19. Yuan Ming,Zhang Da-Wei, Zhang Zhong-Wei, Chen Yang-Er, Yuan Shu, Guo Yi-Ran, Lin Hong-Hui.2012.Assembly of NADPH: protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase complex is needed for effective greening of barley seedlings. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169(13): 1311-1316.(SCI, IF=2.79) 並列一作
20. Yuan Ming, Xu Fei, Wang Shao-Dong,Zhang Da-Wei, Zhang Zhong-Wei, Cao Yang, Xu Xiao-Chao, Luo Ming-Hua, Yuan Shu.2012.A single leaf of Camellia oleifera has two types of carbon assimilation pathway, C(3) and crassulacean acid metabolism.Tree physiology,32(2): 188-199
21. Xu Fei,Zhang Da-Wei, Wang Jian-Hui, Zhang Zhong-Wei, Wen Lin, Du Jun-Bo, Shang Jing, Yuan Ming, Yuan Shu, Lin Hong-Hui.2012.n-PROPYL GALLATE IS AN INHIBITOR TO TOMATO(SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM L.) Journal of Food Biochemistry,36(6): 657-666 (SCI, IF=0.82) 並列一作
22. Liu Qiang, Zhang Ji, Wang Ming-Qi,Zhang Da-Wei, Lu Qiao-Shen, Huang Yu, Lin Hong-Hui, Yu Xiao-Qi.2011.Synthesis, DNA binding and cleavage activity of macrocyclic polyamines bearing mono- or bis-acridine moieties.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,45(11): 5302-5308.
23. Zhang Zhong-Wei, Yuan Shu, Feng Hong, Xu Fei, Cheng Jian, Shang Jing,Zhang Da-Wei, Lin Hong-Hui.2011.Transient accumulation of Mg-protoporphyrin IX regulates expression of PhANGs - New evidence for the signaling role of tetrapyrroles in mature Arabidopsis plants. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168(7): 714-721
24. Cheng Jian, He CX, Zhang Zhong-Wei, Xu Fei,Zhang Da-Wei, Wang Xiao, Yuan Shu, Lin Hong-Hui.2011.Plastid signals confer Arabidopsis tolerance to water stress.Z Naturforsch C.66(1-2): 47-54.
25. Zhang Yu, Huang,Yu, Zhang Ji,Zhang Da-Wei, Liu JunLiang, Liu Qiang, Lin HongHui, Yu XiaoQi.2011.Synthesis, DNA binding and cleavage studies of the copper(II)complexes of PNA-cyclen conjugates.Science China Chemistry,54(1): 129-136
26. Zhang Da-Wei, Xu Fei, Zhang Zhong-Wei, Chen Yang-Er, Du Jun-Bo, Jia Shu-Dan, Yuan Shu, Lin Hong-Hui.2010.Effects of light on cyanide-resistant respiration and alternative oxidase function in Arabidopsis seedlings.Plant Cell and Environment,33(12): 2121-2131. (SCI, IF=5.08)
27. Liu Pei-Yan, Li Kun, Zhang Ji,Zhang Da-Wei, Lin Hong-Hui, Yu Xiao-Qi.2010.Who is the king? The alpha-hydroxy-beta-oxo-alpha,beta-enone moiety or the catechol B ring: relationship between the structure of quercetin derivatives and their pro-oxidative abilities.Chemistry & Biodiversity,7(1) 236-244
28. Yao Zhong-Wei, Xu Jun,Zhang Da-Wei, Lin Hong Hui, Xia Chuan-Qin.2009.DNA cleavage promoted by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid(DTPA)derivatives.Chinese Chemical Letters20(9): 1107-1110.
29. Li Jing, Zhang Ji, Lu Qiao-Sen, Yue Yang, Huang Yu,Zhang Da-Wei, Lin Hong-Hui, Chen Shan-Yong, Yu Xiao-Qi.2009.Hydrolytic cleavage of DNA by urea-bridged macrocyclic polyamines.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,44(12): 5090-5093
30. Huang Yu, Zhang Yu, Zhang Ji,Zhang Da-Wei, Lu Qiao-Sen, Liu Jun-Liang, Chen Shan-Yong, Lin Hong-Hui, Yu Xiao-Qi.2009.Synthesis, DNA binding and photocleavage study of novel anthracene-appended macrocyclic polyamines.Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 7(11): 2278-2285
31. Xiang Yong-Zhe, Liao Yi-Le, Zhang Ji,Zhang Da-Wei, Chen Shan-Yong, Lu Qiao-Sen, Zhang Yu, Lin Hong-Hui, Yu Xiao-Qi.2009.Linear disulfide-containing low polymer as efficient DNA cleavage reagent.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters,19(13): 3458-3460


