張三同:博士,副教授, 1994、1998年分別在北京理工大學自動控制系,獲工學碩士與博士學位。
- 中文名:張三同
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:北京理工大學自動控制系
1998.3---2000.4 北京自動化系統成套工程公司,重大項目開發部工作,任副經理.
2000.5---現今 北京交通大學電子信息工程學院工作.
1. 故障診斷與預測研究;
2. 多源信息融合理論及套用;
3. 工業控制系統及自動檢測系統.
[1] 張三同,陳峰浴. 車輛組合導航的新方法,北京理工大學學報,Vol.19 (1):44-49,1999.
[2] 張三同 魏學業. 陸地車輛導航系統濾波技術的研究,北方交通大學學報,Vol.26(4) :101-104,2002.
[3] San-Tong Zhang;Xue-Ye Wei; Fuzzy adaptive Kalman filtering for DR/GPS. Proceedmgs of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Volume 5, 2-5 Nov. X’an China . 2003 Page(s):2634 - 2637 . (EI)
[4] Santong Zhang, Shiwu,Yang. A Novel Fusion Method for DR /GPS Integrated Navigation System. IEEE INDIN July 13-16 2008. Daejeon Korea.(EI)
[5] 趙梅,張三同,朱剛 . 輔助粒子濾波算法及仿真舉例, 北京交通大學學報. Vol.30(4),pp24-28,2006.
[6] 趙梅,張三同,朱剛. 改進的粒子濾波及其在車輛組合導航中的套用研究.中國公路學報.vol.20,No.2 pp:108-112,2007. (EI)
[7] Mei Zhao; Santong Zhang; Gang Zhu . The Application Reserch of Unscented Particle Filter Algorithm to GPS/DR. (in Chinese) .Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Volume 2, 21-23 June 2006, Dalian, China. Page(s):8717 – 8721. (EI)
[8] Rui Hou. Santong Zhang, Gang Zhu。CDMA multiuser detection using unscented particle filtering, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Wireless Communications,WICOM, Sep.21-23, Shanghai, China vol.7,pp902-905, 2007.(EI)
[9] Santong Zhang, Research of Fault diagnosis based on Bayesian network for air brake system. The 2010 International Conference on Smart Materials and Intelligent Systems (SMIS) on December 17-20, 2010, Chongqing, China.vol.143-144,pp629-633.
[10] Lingling Hu, Santong Zhang, Fault diagnosis model of the Diesel Locomotive Air Brake system based on Bayesian network. IEEE 2010 International Conference on Logistics Engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems, Wuhan,China. Nov. 26-28. 2010,pp312-314.
[11] Linfu Zhu, Santong Zhang, Fault diagosis based on improved particle filter and mean cost.(in Chinese). Journal of electronic measurement and instrument. Vol.24,No.1 pp66-71. 2010
[12] Santong Zhang,An Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Dead Reckoning Systems. IEEE 2009 International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science,Wuhan,China.Dec.19-20,2009.
[13] Santong Zhang,linlin Hu.SVR-Bootstap Filter and Its Application in Dead Reckoning System. proceeding of 2009 International Institute of Applied Statistics Studies.Qingdao,China.Juli 24-29,2009
[14]HOU Xiao-yu; ZHANG San-tong. Application Research of Novel Unscented Particle Filter Algorithm for Blind Equalization in OFDM System(in Chinese). Journal of System Simulation. Vol.21, No.5, 2009.
[15] YU Chun. ZHANG SanTong Modification of particle filter algorithm for hardware implementation,(in Chinese) Computer Engineering and Design. Vol.29 , No.19. 2008.
[16] DENG Wen-tan,ZHANG San-tong,YU Chun. A Modified Particle Filtering Algorithm for Tracking.(in Chinese) . Techniques of Automation & Applications. Vol.27, No.3, 2008.
[17]Santong Zhang,Shiwu Yang.A novel fusion method for DR/GPS integrated navigation system。Industrial Informatics, 2008. INDIN 2008. 6th IEEE International Conference on 13-16 July 2008 Page(s):108 – 110.
[18]HOU Rui,ZHANG San-tong,ZHU Gang. DS-CDM A M ultiuser Detection Based on Particle Filter(in Chinese), Radio Com munications Technology.Vol.34, No.2, 2008.
[19] HOU Rui,ZHANG San-tong,ZHU Gang Application of Particle Filtering in the Wireless Communication(in Chinese). Techniques of Automation & Applications. Vol.27, No.2, 2008.
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自動控制原理, 清華,北京交通大學出版社, 本人編著第8,11章.