



  • 中文名:廢墟上的足跡——徐光冀考古與文物保護文集
  • 作者:徐光冀
  • 出版時間:2018年09月01日
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 頁數:584 頁
  • ISBN:9787030585615
  • 定價:260 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:圓脊精裝




內蒙古赤峰藥王廟、夏家店遺址試掘簡報 (3)
內蒙古巴林左旗富河溝門遺址發掘簡報 (11)
赤峰藥王廟、夏家店遺址試掘報告 (17)
寧城南山根遺址發掘報告 (54)
赤峰蜘蛛山遺址的發掘 (79)
遼河流域新石器時代的考古發現與認識 (110)
內蒙古東部地區青銅時代的兩種文化 (118)
東北地區的新石器文化 (129)
紅山文化的新發現 (138)
富河文化的發現與研究 (143)
內蒙古和新疆原始文化的調查 (148)
東山嘴、水泉、魏營子遺址的文化性質和年代 (151)
東山嘴遺址 (153)
內蒙古西部地區的新石器文化和青銅文化 (154)
赤峰英金河、陰河流域的石城遺址 (156)
中國北方地區新石器文化 (168)
紅山文化 (174)
小珠山遺址 (176)
新樂遺址 (177)
新開流遺址 (178)
富河溝門遺址 (179)
自斯朗營子遺址 (1 80)
大口遺址 (181)
青銅短劍墓 (182)
夏家店下層文化彩繪紋式 (186)
烏爾吉木倫河流域的三種史前文化 (193)
內蒙古敖漢旗大甸子遺址發掘的主要收穫 (198)
遼西區古文化(新石器至青銅時代)綜論 (204)
區系理論在遼西地區的實踐 (220)
河北臨漳鄴北城遺址勘探發掘簡報 (229)
河北磁縣灣漳北朝墓 (236)
河北臨漳縣鄴南城朱明門遺址的發掘 (245)
東魏北齊鄴南城朱明門遺址的發掘和研究 (256)
河北臨漳縣鄴南城遺址勘探與發掘 (259)
鄴城遺址的勘探發掘及其意義——在磁山文化學術討論會上的發言 (267)
鄴城遺址的勘探發掘和北朝大型壁畫墓的發現 (269)
曹魏鄴城的平面復原研究 (274)
鄴城遺址 (282)
磁縣北朝墓群 (284)
鄴城考古的新收穫 (286)
河北磁縣灣漳北朝大型壁畫墓的發掘與研究 (294)
國之重寶—磁縣北朝墓群 (297)
魏晉南北朝時期北方地區的都城 (300)
魏晉南北朝時期北方地區的陵墓 (309)
東魏北齊鄴南城平面布局的復原研究 (321)
磁縣灣漳北朝壁畫墓的年代及對墓主人的推測 (335)
晉陽古城遺址考古工作的有關問題 (343)
“曹操高陵”的幾個問題一《河南安陽市西高穴曹操高陵》讀後 (344)
“曹操墓”仍不宜定論 (352)
《鄴城考古札記》序 (358)
曹魏與東魏北齊鄴城的布局及其陵墓區 (360)
致 “北魏六鎮學術研討會”的賀信 (362)
漢代碑刻 (363)
褒斜道石刻 (367)
漢代崖墓 (369)
三道壕遺址 (370)
札賚諾爾墓地 (371)
在河南內黃三楊莊漢代遺址保護專家座談會”上的發言 (372)
在洛陽漢魏陵墓學術研討會”開幕式上的講話 (373)
對三峽庫區考古工作的幾點意見 (377)
三峽考古的幾個問題 (381)
三峽考古與巴文化的探索 (386)
成都市區大型船棺葬的發現及其意義 (390)
羅家壩遺址的年代及其對巴文化探索的重要意義 (391)
三峽考古回眸 (392)
三峽工程1993 2003年文物考古的重要成果 (398)
漢朐忍縣故址的發掘及其意義 (407)
貴州赫章可樂墓地 (409)
貴州遵義海龍囤遺址 (410)
重慶市老鼓樓衙署遺址 (411)
中國近年來的考古新發現 (415)
中國文明起源座談會的發言 (418)
中國大陸考古新收穫 (419)
環渤海考古及其相關的問題-1988年5月在臨淄環渤海學術討論會上的發言 (426)
《中國雕塑之美》淨代序 (429)
《追溯與探索》序 (430)
田野考古攝影兩題 (431)
中國古代城市考古及其保護的有關問題 (433)
《河北考古重要發現( 1949—2009 )》序 (439)
“戎狄之旅”考古考察感言 (441)
中國古代歷史與文化藝術的巨幅畫卷一《中國出土壁畫全集》問世 (443)
三峽文物保護工程回顧 (451)
永不逝落的文明.三峽文物保護工程的回顧與展望 (455)
做好基礎工作掌握更多主動權 (459)
三峽工程中文物保護成果及其基本經驗 (461)
做好大型建設工程中的文物保護工作 (468)
文物保護規劃先行—一中國文化遺產日專家座談會上的發言 (469)
南水北調中線工程文物保護工作取得階段性成果 (470)
鎮江雙井路發現宋元倉儲遺址和元代石拱橋以及相關採訪 (476)
《長江三峽工程淹沒區及遷建區文物古蹟保護規劃報告》節選兩則 (477)
難得的歷史遺蹟-《2012 .中國·首屆敖倫蘇木文化研討會論文集》序一 (479)
大遺址保護與國家考古遺址公園 (481)
南水北調工程文物保護規劃的編制與實施及其主要收穫 (486)
關於江蘇揚州曹莊隋煬帝墓的幾點意見 (493)
通州漢代路縣故城遺址的發現與保護 (494)
《揚州城國家考古遺址公園——唐子城·宋宅城城垣及護城河保護展示總則》序 (495)
大遺址保護與國家考吉遺址公園(續論) (497)
沉痛哀悼深切懷念 (507)
劉觀民傳略 (510)
深切懷念偉超同志 (512)
深切懷念盧嘉錫先生 (5 14)
田野考古是考古學的基礎——紀念夏鼐先生百年誕辰座談會上的發言 (517)
學者與衛士——懷念徐苹芳先生 (519)
徐苹芳傳略 (523)
宿白:學者與良師 (525)
紀念中國考古學會成立二十周年 (531)
《中華徐氏宗族譜牒(東海堂)》序 (533)
遼上京和祖陵是中國古代都城帝陵的重要組成部分——在十至十二世紀東亞都城和帝陵考古與契丹遼文化國際學術研討會”開幕式的講話 (534)
長篇考古傳奇小說《龍骨》序 (536)
長篇傳奇小說《海客》序 (538)
著作目錄 (543)
方的傳統文化 (551)
三峽文物:撥開巫山雲雨 (556)
未競的三峽——文物保護:論爭後的衝刺 (562)
學術力量為南水北調文物保護保駕護航——訪中國社會科學院考古研究所研究員、國家文物局考古專家組專家徐光冀 (564)
迎難而上老而彌堅——訪中國社會科學院考古研究所原常務副所長徐光冀 (569)
徐光冀揭秘鄴城考古:喚醒沉睡的六朝古都 (572)
後記 (579)
A Brief lntroduction (584)
One The Neolithic and Bronze Cultures in the Northern Frontier Zone
TriaI Diggings at Hsia Chia Tien and Yo Wang Miao, Ch'ih Feng County,lnner Mongolia (3)
Excavations of a Neolitbic Site at Fu Ho Kou Men, Barin Left Banner,lnner Mongolia (11)
Trial Diggings at Yao-wang-miao and Hsia-chia-tienin Ch'ih Feng (17)
Trial Diggings at Nan-shan-keng in Ning-ceng in County, Liaoning Province0 (54)
Excavations at Zhizhushan in Chifeng (79)
The Archaeological Discoveries and Cognition of the Neolithic Age in Liaohe River Valley (110)
Two Bronze Age Chltures in the Eastem Part oflnner Mongolia (118)
The Neolithic Cultures in Nmtheast China (129)
New Discoveries of the Hongshan Chlture (138)
The Discovery and Study of the Fuhe Culture (143)
The Surveys of the Primitive Chltures in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang (148)
The Cultural Natures and Dates of the Dongshanuu, Shuiquan and Weiyingzi Sites (151)
Dongshanzui Site (153)
The Neolithic and Bronze Cultures in Westem Part oflnner Mongolia (154)
The Stone-wall Sites of the Yingjin and Yrn River Basins in Chifeng Area (156)
The Neolithic Cultures in Nmthem China (168)
HongshanCulture (174)
Xiaozhushan Site (176)
XinleSite (177)
Xinkailiu Site (178)
Fuhe Goumen Site (179)
Bayslang Yrngzi Site (180)
Dakou Site (181)
Bnmze Dagger Burials (182)
The Color-painting Designs of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture (186)
Three Prehistonc Culturesinthe Oljii Moron River Valley (193)
The Main Results of the Excavation of the Dadianzi Site in Aohan Banner, hnerMongolia (198)
Summarization of the Ancient Cultures in Westem Liaoning(Neolithic and BronzeAges) (204)
The Phased Development of the Ancient Jades in the Yanshan Mountain Region and Relevantlssues(Outline) ” (217)
The Practice of the Regional System Theory in Westem Liamung. (220)
The Excavation of the Xindian Stone City Site in Chifeng - Also on the Issues Relatedto the Studies on the Stone City Sites of the Lower Xiajudian Culture(225)
Two Archaeology of the Qin, Han, Three-Kingdoms Period, Jin Dynastyand Northern and Southern Dynasties Period
Excavation of the Ruined Northern City ofYecheng at Linzhang, Hebei (229)
Excavation of the Northem Dynasty Tomb at Wanzhang, Cixian, Hebei (236)
Excavation of the Zhuming Gate of the City ofYenan at Linzhang, Hebei (245)
The Excavation and Study of the Zhuming Gate of the South Ye City of the Eastem Wei and Northem Qi Dynasties (256)
Survey and Excavation at lhe Site ofSouthem Yecheng City in Linzhang Comty, Hebei (259)
The Survey and Excavation of the Ye City and Their Significance - the Speech on the Symposium on the Cishan Culture (267)
The Survey and Excavation of the Ye City Site and the Discovery of the Large-scale Mural Tomb of the Northem Dynasties (269)
On the Rexxmstruction of the Layout ofCaowei Period Yecheng City (274)
Ye City Site (282)
Northern Dynasties Tombs of Cixian County (284)
New Results of the Archaeology ofYe City (286)
The Excavaticm and Study of the Large-scale Mural Tomb of the Northem Dynasties at Wanzhang in Cixian County, Hebei (294)
The Treasure of the Natum - Northern Dynasties Tombs of Cixian County (297)
The Capital Cities of the Three-Kingdoms through the Northem and Southem Dynasties Periods in Northem China (300)
The Mausoleums of the Three-Kingdoms through the Northern and Southem Dynasties Periods in Northem China (309)
On the Restoration of the Layout of the Southem Ye City Site of the Eastem Wei and Northem Qi Dynasties (321)
The Examinatums of the Date and Occupant of the MuralTomb of the Northem Dynasties
atWanzhangin Cixian County (335)
The Issues Related to the ArchaeologicalWork of the Jinyang City Site (343)
Somelssues on IICao Cao's Gaoling Mausoleum'' - Review ofCao Caops Gaoling Mausoleum at Xi Gaoxue P711age,Anyang City, Site (344)
Cao Caa's Tomb'' is stillto be Confirmed (352)
Preface of Notes on Ye City4 thaeology (358)
The Layouts of the Ye Cities of the Wei Kingdom of the Three-Kingdoms Period and the Eastem Wei and Northem Qi Dynasties and Their Mausoleum Precincts (360)
Letter ofCcmgratulation for the Symposium cm the Six Frontier Towns ofNmthem Wei (362)
Stone Inscriptions of the Han Dynasty (363)
Stone Inscription Commemorating the Opening ofBaoxie Road (367)
Cliff Burials of the Han Dynasty (369)
The Sandaohao Site (370)
The JalaiNor Cemetery (371)
The Speech on the Expertsl Symposium for the Preservation of the Sanyangzhuang Site of the Han Dynasty in Neihuang, Henan (372)
The Speech on the Opening Ceremony of lithe Symposium on the Mausoleums of the Han Dynasty and Three-Kingdoms Periodin Luoyang (373)
Three The Archaeology of the Three Gorges Zone and Southwestern China
Some Opinionsonthe Archaeological Work in the Three Gorges Reservoit Zone (377)
Some Issues on the Three Gorges Archaeology (381)
The Explorations of the Three Gorges Archaeology and the Ba Culture (386)
The Discovery of the Large-scale Boat Coffn Burialin Downtown Chengdu and Its Sipuficance (390)
The Date of the Luojiaba Site and Its Great Significance to the Exploration of the Baomure ( 391)
The Retrospect of the Three Gorges Archaeology (392)
The Important Achievements of the Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Works of the Three Gorges Projectin 1993-2003 (398)
The Excavation of the Qunm DisUict Seat Site ofrhe Han Dynasty andlts Significance (407)
The Kele Cemeteryin Hezhang County, Guizhou (409)
The Hailong Tun Site in Zunyi Guizhou (410)
The "Old Drum Tower" Ancient Government Office Sitein Chongqing City (411)
Four Comprehensive Essays
The New Archaeological Discoveries of China in Recent Years (415)
The Speech on the Symposium on the Origination ofChinese Civilization (418)
The NewArchaeologicalAchievements ofMainland China (419)
The Circum-Bohai Sea Archaeology and Relevant Issues - the Speech on the Symposium of Circum-Bohai Sea Archaeology in Linziin May, 1988 (426)
Preface for Magic of Line in Chinese Sculpture (429)
Preface for Retrospection and Exploration (430)
Two Essays on FieldArchaeological Photography (431)
The Issues Related t0 1he Archaeology tmd Preservation of the Ancient Cities ofChina (433)
Preface for Hebei Important Archaeological Discovevy(1949-2009) (439)
Recollectionof the "IoumeytoRongandDiTribes" ArchaeologicalSurvey (441)
The Huge Painting Scrollof the History, Culture and Art ofAncient China - for the Publication of the Complete Collection of Murals Unearthed in China (443)
The Speech on the Academic Forum on the History, Culture and Art ofAncient China and
the Publication Ceremony of the Com lete Collection of Murals Unearthed in China (446)
Five Cultural Heritage Preservation
The Retoospect of the Three Gorges Chltural Heritage Preservation Project (451)
Never Perishing Civilization - The Retrospect and Prospect of the Three Gorges CulturalHeritage Preservation Project (455)
Well Do Basic Work, Grasp More Initiative (459)
The Achievements and Basic Experiences of the Chltural Heritage Preservation in the Three Gorges Project (461)
Well Do the Cultural Heritage Preservation Work in the Large-scale Engineering Projects (468)
Make Plan before the Conducting of the Cultural Heritage Preservation - the Speech on the Experts'Symposium for the Chinese Cultural Heritage Day (469)
The Cultural Heritage Preservation Work of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Division Project Obtained Initial Achievements (470)
The Interview about the Discoveries of the Storage Remains of the Song and YuanDynasties and Stone Arch Bridge of the Wan Dynasty at Shuangjing Road in Zhenjiang and CulturalHeritage Preservation (476)
Two Sectums of the Report of the Preservation Plcm for the Cuttural Heritages andAncient Monuments加the Immdated and Removing Zones of the Thrze Gorges Project of the Yangtze Rwer (477)
Rare Historical Remains - Preface for 2012-China-the Proceechngs of the First Symposium on the 610n Sum Culture (479)
The Preservation of Large Sites and the National Archaeological Site Parks (481)
The Compilation and Implementation of the ~ltural Heritage Preservation Plan of theSouth-to-North Water DMsion Project and the Main Acbievements (486)
Some Opinions on the Tomb of Emperor SuiYangdi at Caozhuang in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu (493)
The Discovery and Pteservation of the Luxian District Seat of the Han Dynasty in TongzhouDistrict (494)
Preface for the Yangzhou City Natio for the Preservation tmd Display of the Walls of the Zicheng .Administrative City of the Tcmg Dynasty, the Baoyou City of the Song Dynasty emd the Moats (495)
The Preservation of Large Sites and the National Archaeological Site Parks(Continued)(497)
SixMemory and Commemorahon
Deep Grief, Profound Memorial (507)
A BriefBioyaphy ofMr. Liu Guanmin (510)
Profound Memorial for Comrade Yu Weichao (512)
Profound Memorial for Mr. Lu Jiaxi (514)
Field Archaeology is the Foundation ofArchaeology - the Speech on the Symposium in Memory of the Centennial ofDr. Xia Nds Birth (517)
A Scholar and Guard -in Memory ofMr. Xu Pingfang (519)
A BriefBiography ofMr. Xu Pingfang (523)
Su Bai: Good Scholar and Teacher (525)
In Commemoration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Establishment of the Chinese SocietyofArchaeology (531)
Preface for the Genealogy Book of the Xu Farmly(the Donghai Branch)of China (533)
The Shangjing City and Zuling Mausoleum are Important Components of the Capital Ciries and Impa:ial Mausoleums of Ancient China - the Speech on the Opening Ceremonyof the Intemational Symposium on the Archaeology of CapitalCities and Imperial Mausoleums ofEast Asiain the 10th t0 12th Centuries and Khitan-Liao Culture (534)
Preface for the Dragon Bones, a Long LegendaryArchaeology Novel ( 536 )
Preface for the Seajareys, a Long LegendaryNovel ( 538 )
Appendix I
Appendix II
The Discussion with Professor Fei Xiaotong on the Study of the Jades ofAncient China ( Outline ) How to Carry forward and Further Develop the Oriental Traditional Culturesinthe21stCentury (551)
The Cultural Heritages of the Three Gorges: Dispel the Rain Clouds over the Wu Mountains (556)
The Unaccomplished Three Gorges - Cultural Heritage Preservation: the Sprint afire Debate (562)
Let Academic Forces Escort the Cultural Heritage Preservation in the South-to-North Water Division Project - Interview with Mr. Xu Guangji, the Research Fellow of the Institute ofArchaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Member of the Archaeological Expert Group of the State Administration ofCulturalHeritage ( 564 )
Marching Onward against the Difficulties, as Firm as Getting Old -Interview with Mr. Xu Guangji, the Former Standing Deputy Director of the Institute ofArchaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ( 569 )
Xu Guangji Reveals the Mystery ofYe City Archaeology: Walang up the Dead Sleeping Capital of Six Dynasties ( 572 )


