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  • 中文名:廖紅
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:四川資中
  • 職業:教授、博士生導師
  • 畢業院校:華南農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士後
  • 職務:福建農林大學根系生物學研究中心主任
  1. Li XX, Zeng RS,Liao H*. 2015.Improving nutrient efficiency through root architecture modifications in plants.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12434.
  2. Li XX, Zhao J, Tan Z, Zeng RS,Liao H*. 2015.GmEXPB2, a Cell Wall β-Expansin Gene, Regulates Soybean Nodulation through Modifying Root Architecture and Promoting Nodule Formation and Development.Plant Physiology.169: 1-14.
  3. Zhang S, Zhou J, Wang GH, Wang XR*,Liao H. 2015.Role of mycorrhizal symbiosis in aluminum and phosphorus interactions in relation to aluminum tolerance in soybean.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 99(23): 10225-10235.
  4. Zhang H, Xu R, Xie C, Huang C,Liao H, Xu Y, Wang J*, Li WX*. 2015. Large-scale evaluation of maize germplasm for low-phosphorus tolerance.PLoS One. 10(5): e0124212. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124212.
  5. Chen Z, Sun L, Liu P, Tian J*, Liu G,Liao H. 2015. Malate synthesis and secretion mediated by a Mn enhanced malate dehydrogenase, SgMDH1, confers superior Mn tolerance inStylosanthes guianensis.Plant Physiology.167: 176-188.
  6. Qin L, Wang M, Chen L, Liang X, Wu Z, Lin Z, Zuo J, Feng X, Zhao J,Liao H, Ye H. 2015. Soybean Fe–S cluster biosynthesis regulated by external iron or phosphate fluctuation.Plant Cell Report. 34: 411-424.
  7. Xie J, Zhou J, Wang X*,Liao H. 2015.Effects of transgenic soybean on growth and phosphorus acquisition in mixed culture system.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 57(5): 477-485.
  8. Ao J, Chen Z, Wu M, Lu X, Huang Z,Liao H*. 2014.Phosphorus fractions of red soils in Guangdong Province of South China and their bioavailability for 5 crop species.Soil Science. 179(10): 514-521.
  9. Conde LD, Chen Z, Chen H,Liao H*. 2014.Effects of phosphorus availability on plant growth and soil nutrient status in the rice/soybean rotation system on newly cultivated acidic soils.American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 2(6): 309-316.
  10. Li C, Zhang H, Wang X*,Liao H. 2014. A comparison study of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation methods for root-specific promoter analysis in soybean.Plant Cell Report. 33: 1921-1932.
  11. Liang C, Wang J, Zhao J, Tian J,Liao H*. 2014. Control of phosphate homeostasis through gene regulation in crops.CurrentOpinion in Plant Biology.21:59-66.
  12. Yao Z, Tian J*,Liao H. 2014. Comparative characterization of GmSPX members reveals GmSPX3 is involved in phosphorus homeostasis in soybean.Annals of Botany.114:477-488.
  13. Zhang Z, Liao H, Lucas WJ*.Molecular mechanisms underlying phosphate sensing, signaling, and adaptation in plants.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 56(3): 192-220.
  14. Gao X, Wu M, Xu R, Wang X, Pan R, Kim H,Liao H*. 2014.Diversity and intensity of root interactions control soybean soil-borne disease.PLoS One. 9(5): e95031. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0095031.
  15. Yao Z, Liang C, Zhang Q, Chen ZJ, Xiao BX, Tian J*,Liao H. 2014. SPX1 is an important component in the phosphorus signaling network of common bean regulating root growth and phosphorus homeostasis.Journal of Experimental Botany. 65: 3299-3310.
  16. Sun L, Liang C, Chen Z, Liu P, Tian J*, Liu G*,Liao H. 2014. The superior Al tolerance of Stylosanthes is mainly achieved by internal detoxification through an Al-enhanced malic enzyme, SgME1.New Phytologist. 202: 209-219.
  17. Li X, Zhao J, Walk T, Liao H*. 2014. Characterization of soybean β-expansin genes and their expression responses to symbiosis, nutrient deficiency and hormone treatment.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014, 98(6): 2805-2817.
  18. Zhou J, Xie J, Liao H, Wang X*. 2014.Overexpression of β-expansin geneGmEXPB2improves phosphorus efficiency in soybean.Physiologia Plantarum. 150: 194-204.
  1. 國家自然科學基金-廣東省聯合基金項目,大豆根系耐低磷、抗鋁毒的重要基因資源發掘與利用(U1301212)。265萬元,2014-2017,主持
  2. 國家科技重大專項,轉基因生物新品種培育課題(2014ZX0800928B),大豆磷高效基因、調控元件的克隆及功能分析。190萬元,2014-2016,主持
  3. 中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項(B類),根系-微生物互動作用對氮磷吸收轉運的驅動機制(XDB15030202)。240萬元,2014-2017,主持
  4. 廣東省高等學校高層次人才項目(粵財教[2011]431號),豆科作物根系磷鉀養分高效吸收的協同機制。120萬元,2012-2014,主持
  5. 國家自然科學基金傑出青年項目,豆科作物磷高效根構型建成的生理及分子機理(31025022)。200萬元,2011-2014,主持
  6. 國家自然科學基金重大項目課題,作物根系回響根際土壤磷營養變化的形態與生理協調機制(30890131)。300萬元,2009-2012,主持
  7. 國家重大基礎研究發展計畫(973項目)第一課題,優良根構型建成與土壤養分活化的遺傳與分子機制(2011CB100301)。482萬元,2011-2015,主持


