



  • 中文名:廖澤陽
  • 畢業院校:美國德州農工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:教授


2019.1- 至今,中山大學,物理學院,副教授 (博導)
2014.9 - 2018.12,美國德州農工大學,物理系,博士後
2008.9 - 2014.8,美國德州農工大學,物理系,博士
2005.9 - 2008.7,中國科學技術大學,近代物理系,碩士
2001.9 - 2005.7,天津大學,套用物理系,本科




1. 中山大學“百人計畫”項目,在研, 主持


Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Photonics Research, OpticsExpress等雜誌審稿人。


Journal papers (雜誌文章):
  1. Zeyang Liao* and M. Suhail Zubairy, "Quantum state preparation by a shaped photon pulse in a one-dimensional continuum",Phys. Rev. A 98, 023815 (2018).
  2. Zeyang Liao*, M. Al-Amri, M. Suhail Zubairy, “Measurement of deep-subwavelength emitter separation in a waveguide-QED system”, Opt. Express 25, 31997 (2017).
  3. Xi-Wei Yao, Hengyan Wang, Zeyang Liao, Ming-Cheng Chen, Jian Pan, Jun Li, Kechao Zhang, Xingcheng Lin, Zhehui Wang, Zhihuang Luo, Wenqiang Zheng, Jianzhong Li, Meisheng Zhao, Xinhua Peng, and Dieter Suter, “Quantum Image Processing and Its Application to Edge Detection: Theory and Experiment”, Phys. Rev. X 7, 031041 (2017).
  4. Zeyang Liao*, H. Nha, M. Suhail Zubairy, “Dynamical theory of single-photon transport in a one-dimensional waveguide coupled to identical and nonidentical emitters”, Phys. Rev. A 94, 053842 (2016).
  5. Zeyang Liao*, Xiaodong Zeng, Shi-Yao Zhu, and M. Suhail Zubairy*, “Single-photon transport through an atomic chain coupled to a one-dimensional nanophotonic waveguide”, Phys. Rev. A 92, 023806 (2015).
  6. Zeyang Liao, M. Al-Amri, and M. Suhail. Zubairy, “Coherent atom lithography with nanometer spacing”, Phys. Rev. A. 88, 053809 (2013).
  7. Zeyang Liao, M. Al-Amri, and M. Suhail. Zubairy, “Protecting quantum entanglement from amplitude damping”, J. Phy. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 145501 (2013).
  8. Zeyang Liao, M. Al-Amri, Thomas Becker, W. P. Schleich, Marlan O. Scully, and M. Suhail. Zubairy, “Atomic lithography with subwavelength resolution via Rabi oscillations”, Phys. Rev. A 87, 023405 (2013).
  9. Zeyang Liao, M. Al-Amri, and M. Suhail. Zubairy, “Resonance Fluorescence Localization Microscopy with Subwavelength Resolution”, Phys. Rev. A 85, 023810 (2012).
  10. Zeyang Liao, M. Al-Amri, and M. Suhail. Zubairy, “Quantum Lithography beyond the Diffraction Limit via Rabi Oscillations”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105,183601 (2010). (Highlighted by APS Physics and Nature Photonics)
  11. Xinhua Peng, Zeyang Liao, Nanyang Xu, Gan Qin, Xianyi Zhou, Dieter Suter, and Jiangfeng Du, “Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm for Factorization and its Experimental Implementation ”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 220405 (2008).
Review articles/Book chapters (綜述性文章):
  1. M. Al-Amri,Zeyang Liao, and M. Suhail. Zubairy, “Beyond the diffraction limit in Optical lithography ”, Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 61, 409-466 (2012).
  2. Zeyang Liao*, Xiaodong Zeng, Hyunchul Nha, and M Suhail Zubairy*, “Photon transport in a one- dimensional nanophotonic waveguide QED system”, Physica Scripta (Focus Issue on Quantum Optics in the International Year of Light) 91, 063004 (2016).


