平學偉,男 ,博士 ,1979年11月生,河海大學計算機與信息學院講師。
- 中文名:平學偉
- 出生日期:1979年11月
- 畢業院校:南京理工大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:電磁場與微波技術
- 任職院校:河海大學
- 職稱:講師
[1] Xuewei Ping, Caixia Bian, Xinghui Yin and Jiaqi Chen, “Simple Methods to Raise the Robustness and Efficiency of the Incomplete Cholesky Preconditioners for FEM Simulation of Electromagnetic Problems,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 2014.
[2] X. W. Ping, T. J. Cui, and W. B. Lu, “The combination of BCGSTAB with multifrontal algorithm to solve FEBI-MLFMA linear systems arising from inhomogeneous electromagnetic scattering problems,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research,2009. (SCI 收錄,IDS Number: 510TN; EI收錄, EI Accession Number).
[3] X. W. Ping, T. J. Cui, “The factorized sparse approximate inverse preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for finite element analysis of scattering problems,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 2009. (SCI 收錄, IDS Number)
[4] X. W. Ping, X. Y. Zhou, W. M. Yu and T. J. Cui, “Fast electromagnetic simulation algorithm based on hierarchical and curvilinear finite elements,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, February 2011. (SCI收錄,IDS Number: 705JU )
[5] X. W. Ping, R. S. Chen, K. F. Tsang, and Edward K.N. Yung, “The SSOR-preconditioned inner-outer flexible GMRES method for the FEM analysis of EM problems,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, September 2006. (SCI收錄,IDS Number: 067QK)
[6] X. W. Ping, R. S. Chen, “Application of algebraic domain decomposition combined with Krylov subspace iterative methods to solve 3D vector finite element equations,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, March 2007. (SCI收錄,IDS Number: 134RV; EI收錄,EI Accession Number)
[7] Y. B. Zhai, X. W. Ping, W. X. Jiang and T. J. Cui, “Finite-element analysis of three-dimensional axisymmetrical invisibility cloaks and other metamaterial devices,” Communications in Computational Physics (SCI 收錄, IDS Number: 644TV ).
[8] Yong Bo Zhai, Xue Wei Ping, Xiao Yang Zhou, Jian Feng Zhang, Wen Ming Yu, Wei Bing Lu, and Tie Jun Cui, “Fast Computations to Electromagnetic Scattering Properties of Complex Bodies of Revolution Buried and Partly Buried in Layered Lossy Media,”IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, vol.49, no. 4, APRIL 2011. (SCI 收錄, IDS Number: 740AC)
[9] Yong Bo Zhai, Xue Wei Ping, Tie Jun Cui“Scattering From Complex Bodies of Revolution Using a High-Order Mixed Finite Element Method and Locally-Conformal Perfectly Matched Layer,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, May 2011.(SCI 收錄, IDS Number: 758OR)
[10] J. Zhu, X. W. Ping, R. S. Chen, Z. H. Fan, and D. Z. Ding, “An incomplete factorization preconditioner based on shifted Laplace operators for FEM analysis of microwavestructures,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, March 2010. (SCI收錄, IDS Number: 582GD )
[11] R. S. Chen, X.W. Ping, Edward K. N. Yung, C. H. Chan etc, “Application of diagonally perturbed incomplete factorization preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms for edge finite element analysis of Helmholtz equations,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., May 2006. (SCI收錄,IDS Number: 043 LS;)
[12] R. S. Chen, X. W. Ping, and K. F. Tsang, “Application of robust incomplete Cholesky factorizations preconditioned CG algorithms for FEM analysis of millimeter wave filters,” International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, December 2003. (SCI收錄,IDS Number: 756ZZ)
[13] R. S. Chen, X. W. Ping, and Edward K. N. Yung, “Parallel realization of algebraic domain decomposition for the vector finite element analysis of 3D time-harmonic EM field problems,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling, November 2005. (SCI收錄, IDS Number:982PH)
[14] R. S. Chen, X. W. Ping, and Edward. K. N. Yung, “SSOR preconditioned GMRES for the FEM analysis of waveguide discontinuities with anisotropic dielectric,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling, March 2004. (SCI收錄,IDS Number: 814IW; )
[15] Y. J. Sheng, R. S. Chen, X. W. Ping “,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2008. (SCI收錄,IDS Number: 344LU; )
[16] X. W. Ping, W. M. Yu, T. J. Cui, “The approximate inverse preconditioner for finite element analysis of Helmholtz equations,” Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2009, Singapore, December 2009. (EI Accession Number)
[17] X. W. Ping, T. J. Cui, “The application of Schur decomposition-based BCG solver in the solution of FEBI systems for inhomogeneous media,” IEEE 2009 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies For Wireless Communications, Beijing China, October 2009. (EI Accession Number)
[18] X. W. Ping, T. J. Cui, “The SSOR preconditioned Bi-conjugate gradient iterative solver for finite element solution of scattering problems,” The 2009 International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics, Beijing China, November 2009. (EI Accession Number)
[19] X. W. Ping, T.J. Cui, “Comparison of classical precondition techniques for iterative solution of edge-based finite element equations,” the Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2010, Xi’an China, 2010.
[20] X. W. Ping, T. J. Cui, “Efficient simulation of inhomogeneous media with the hybrid FEM/BEM-MLFMA algorithm,” The 2009 Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics and Its Applications, Chengdu China, 2009.
[21] 平學偉, 崔鐵軍, 陸衛兵 FEBI-MLFMA 結合Multifrontal 算法求解電磁散射問題, 全國微波毫米波會議2009, 中國西安, 2009 年5月
1. 江蘇省自然科學基金 “新型人工電磁材料的高效仿真與設計算法研究” ;
2. 中國博士後基金特別資助計畫“電大尺寸複雜媒質的電磁散射與電磁兼容性分析” ;
3. 國家博士後基金“複雜環境下的電磁特性精確仿真及電磁兼容分析”;
4. 江蘇省博士後科研資助計畫“三維矢量有限元快速算法及其在大型周期電磁結構中的套用”;.
5. 南京豐盛超導技術有限公司承擔的“十二五”國家科技支撐計畫課題“超導磁共振成像系統研發” 子課題 “1.5T有源禁止超導梯度線圈的研發”;
5. 南京豐盛超導技術有限公司承擔的江蘇省產學研基金“3.0T人體全身成像超導磁共振系統”子課題“3.0T有源禁止超導梯度線圈的研發”。
1. 2011年江蘇省科技創新團隊項目 “高場超導核磁共振系統等醫學影像設備的研發及產業化”,項目編號:BA2011301,起止年月:2011.10-2014.09,主要參與人,負責MRI系統梯度線圈設計。
2. 東南大學總裝重點預研基金“XXXXX的研究與開發”(研究年限:2007.01-2009.12) ,主要負責電磁場全波分析方法研究;
3.東南大學 高性能FDTD軟體的研發,橫向項目;
4. 南京理工大學國家傑出青年科學基金項目“電磁場與微波技術”,研究年限:2004.01-2007.12。