- 書名:《帶你到北美學習財務會計》
- 又名:《Take You to North America to Learn Financial Accounting》
- 作者:杜瑋
- ISBN:978-7-5612-5017-4
- 類別:留學/商科/會計學
- 頁數:542頁
- 定價:148.00元
- 出版社:西北工業大學出版社
- 出版時間:2016年8月
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:787 mm * 1092 mm 1/16
1.會計定義(The Accounting Definition) 2
2.會計信息使用者(Users of Accounting Information) 2
3.財務會計與管理會計(Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting) 3
4.商業組織形式(Forms of Business Organization) 3
5.財務報告概念框架(The Conceptual Framework for Finanaal Reporting) 5
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 10
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 14
2.股東權益變化表( Statement of Changes in Eqtuty) 24
3.資產負債表( Statement of Financial Position) 26
4.現金流量表(Statement of Cash Flows) 34
5.財務報表附註(Notes to the Financial Statements) 36
6.四種財務報表的相互關係(Interrelationships Among the Four Financial Statements) 36
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 39
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 58
1.賬目(The Account)64
2.借貸記賬定則(The Rules of Debit and Credit) 65
3.記錄會計交易(Recording Accounting Transactions) 67
4.試算平衡表(The Trial Balance) 77
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 79
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 112
1.應收應付會計制對比現金收付會計制(Accrual Basis Accounting vs.Cash Basis Accounting) 114
2.調整分錄(Adjusting Entries) 117
3.調整後試算平衡表(The Adjusted Trial Balance) 128
4.準備財務報表(Preparing the Finanaal Statements) 130
5.結算(Closing the Books) 132
6.結算後試算平衡表(The Post—Closing Trial Balance) 134
7.會計周期(The Accounting Cycle) 135
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 137
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 170
1.內部管控(Internal Control) 172
2.現金管控(Cash Controls) 174
3.匯報現金(Reporting Cash) 176
4.管理現金(Managing Cash) 176
5.準備銀行對賬單(Preparing the Bank Reconciliation) 177
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 185
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 215
1.企業類型(Types of Companies) 218
2.盤存制度(Inventory Systems) 219
3.存貨成本計算法(Inventory Costing Methods) 233
4.成本與可變現淨值孰低原則(Lower of Cost and Net Realizable Value Rule) 240
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 242
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 259
1.應收賬款(Accounts Receivable) 262
2.不可收回應收賬款(Uncollectible Accounts Receivable) 262
3.應收票據(Notes Receivable) 269
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 273
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 302
1.估量物業、廠房與設備成本(Measuring the Cost of Property,Plant,and Equipment) 304
2.折舊(Depreaation) 307
3.其他折舊問題(Other Depreciation Issues) 314
4.無形資產(Intangible Assets) 325
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 329
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 358
1.短期負債(Current Liabilities) 362
2.長期負債(Non—Current Liabilities) 370
3.或有負債(Contingent Liabilities) 384
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 386
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 404
1.股份資本(Share Capital) 408
2.留存收益、股息和股票分割(Retained Earnings,Dividends,and Stock Splits) 415
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 420
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 446
1.現金與現金等價物(Cash and Cash Equivalents) 448
2.現金流量表目的(Purpose of the Statement of Cash Flows) 448
3.現金流量表內容(Content of the Statement of Cash Flows) 448
4.準備現金流量表(Preparing the Statement ofCash Flows) 449
5.附註(Appendix) 464
例題綜述(Summary of Examples) 473
專業名辭彙編(Glossary of Accounting Terms) 494
1.橫向分析(Horizontal Analysis) 498
2.縱向分析(Vertical Analysis) 500
3.比率分析(Ratio Analysis) 503
例題綜述( Summary of Examples) 511
專業名辭彙編( Glossary of Accounting Terms) 530
附錄重要公式與定則Important Formulas and Rules 533