






2004-09至2008-06, 吉林大學, 電子信息科學與技術,學士;
2010-09至2017-09, 中國科學院大學, 信號與信息處理,博士(碩博連讀);
2015-05至2017-05, 美國普渡大學, 電子與計算機工程,公派博士聯合培養。








4.基於多源異構時空數據融合的黃土區滑坡智慧型識別研究, 國家自然科學基礎研究計畫項目(面上),2022/01 至 2025/12, 58萬元, 在研,。
5.智慧黃河地學大數據集成與分析,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金, 縱向科研, 300102261404,2021-01至今,50萬元,在研,。
7..基於深度學習集成的高解析度遙感目標提取,中央高校基本科研業務費專項, 2019-01至2020-12,結題。
8.基於深度學習集成的高解析度遙感影像目標智慧型化提取, 地理信息工程國家重點實驗室開放基金,2019-01至2020-12, 已結題。
10.岩溶山區特大滑坡早期識別與監測預警,國家重點研發計畫,2018/12-2021/12, 結題。
13.中國自然資源航空物探遙感中心, 橫向項目, 211535200375, 督察典型區建築物自動信息提取與變化檢測, 2020-08 至 2020-12, 29.5萬元, 結題。


一、期刊論文 (註:* 通訊作者,Corresponding author)
(37) Jiangbo Xi, and Okan K. Ersoy, et. al., Parallel Multistage Wide Neural Network, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning systems, 34(8), 4019-4032, 2023 (中科院 1 區, TOP, IF: 14.255).
(36) Dashuai Xie, Zhe Zhao, Jiangbo Xi* et al., Hybrid Dynamic Neural Network for Resources Efficient Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (Under Review).
(35) Jie Wang, Binze Wang, Jiangbo Xi*, Xue Bai, Okan. K. Ersoy, Ming Cong, Siyan Gao, Zhe Zhao, Remote Sensing Image Captioning with Sequential Attention and Flexible Word Correlation, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 21, pp. 1-5, 2024.
(34) Siyan Gao, Jiangbo Xi *, Zhenhong Li, Daqing Ge, Zhaocheng Guo, Junchuan Yu, Qiong Wu, Zhe Zhao, Jiahuan Xu, Optimal and multi-view strategic hybrid deep learning for old landslide detection in the Loess Plateau, Northwest China, Remote Sensing, vol. 16. no. 8. pp. 1362, 2024 (中科院 2 區).
(33) Jiangbo Xi, and Okan K. Ersoy, et. al., Parallel Multistage Wide Neural Network, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning systems, 2021 (中科院 1 區, TOP, IF: 14.255).
(32) Jiangbo Xi, and Okan K. Ersoy, et. al., Scalable Wide Neural Network: A Parallel, Incremental Learning Model Using Splitting Iterative Least Squares, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Under Review).
(31) Jiangbo Xi, Okan K. Ersoy, and Ming Cong et. al., Wide and Deep Fourier Neural Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification, Remote Sensing, 14(12), 2931, 2022 (中科院 2 區).
(30) Wandong Jiang, Jiangbo Xi*, and Zhenhong Li, et al. Deep Learning for Landslide Detection and Segmentation in High-Resolution Optical Images along the Sichuan-Tibet Transportation Corridor, Remote Sensing, 14(21), 5490, 2022 (中科院 2 區).
(29) Jiangbo Xi, Ming Cong, and Okan K. Ersoy, et. al., Dynamic Wide and Deep Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, Remote Sensing, 13(13), 2575, 2021 (中科院 2 區).
(28) Jiangbo Xi, and Okan K. Ersoy, et. al., Wide Sliding and Subsampling Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, Remote Sensing, 13(7), 1290, 2021(中科院 2 區).
(27) Yaobing Xiang, and Jiangbo Xi*, et al., Open clusters identifying by multi-scale density feature learning, Astrophysics and Space Science 366(2), 1-11, 2021.
(26) Ming Cong, Jiangbo Xi*, Ling Han, Junkai Gu, Ligong Yang, Yiting Tao, and Miaozhong Xu, Multi-resolution classification network for high-resolution UAV remote sensing images, Geocarto International, 2020.
(25) Jiangbo Xi, Yaobing Xiang, and Okan K. Ersoy, et. al.,Space Debris Detection Using Feature Learning of Candidate Regions in Optical Image Sequences, IEEE Access, 8, 150846-150877, 2020 (中科院 2 區).
(24) Ming Cong, and Jiangbo Xi* et al., Two-pathway anti-interference neural network based on the retinal perception mechanism for classification of remote sensing images from unmanned aerial vehicles, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14(2), 026511, 2020.
(23) 邵振峰,孫悅鳴*,席江波*,李岩.智慧型最佳化學習的高空間解析度遙感影像語義分割[J/OL].武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2021.
(22) 姜萬冬,席江波*,李振洪等,模擬困難樣本的Mask R-CNN滑坡分割識別, [J/OL].武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2021.
(21) Jiangbo Xi, Desheng Wen, Okan K. Ersoy, Hongwei Yi, Dalei Yao, Zongxi Song, and Shaobo Xi, Space debris detection in optical image sequences, Applied Optics, 2016, 55(32):7929-7940
(20) Jiangbo Xi, Desheng Wen, Zongxi Song, Wei Gao, Dailei Yao, Shaodong Yang, Rapid star extraction and high accuracy location in star image, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2015, 12(8): 2929-2937.
(19) Jiangbo Xi, Desheng Wen, Zongxi Song, Wei Gao, Menghua Kang, Jiao Mou, Peng Pang, Hao Lu, A Maximum Projection and Particle Filtering Algorithm for Space Debris Detection, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2015, 12(1): 161-169.
(18) Jiangbo Xi, Desheng Wen, Zongxi Song, Wei Gao, Menghua Kang, Jiao Mou, Hao Lu, Peng Pang, A Frame Correlation and Kalman Filtering Algorithm for Space Debris Detection, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2014, 11(15): 5317-5325.
(17) XuerongChen, Chaoying Zhao, Jiangbo Xi, et al. Deep Learning Method of Landslide Inventory Map with Imbalanced Samples in Optical Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 14(21), 5517, 2022 (中科院 2 區).
(16) MingCong, Jianjun Cui, Siliang Chen, Yihui Wang, Ling Han, Jiangbo Xi, Junkai Gu et al. Enhanced shuffle attention network based on visual working mechanism for high-resolution remote sensing image classification. Geocarto International, 1-36, 2022.
(15) Tianjun Wu, Chenfei Yang, Jiancheng Luo, Wen Dong, Ya’Nan Zhou, Yingpin Yang, Wei Zhao, Jiangbo Xi, and Changpeng Wang. Land Geoparcel-Based Spatial Downscaling for the Microwave Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Product. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19: 1-5,2022 (中科院 2 區).
(14) Wu, Tianjun; Luo, Jiancheng; Gao, Lijing; Sun, Yingwei; Dong, Wen; Zhou, Ya’nan; Liu, Wei; Hu, Xiaodong; Xi, Jiangbo; Wang, Changpeng; Yang, Yun, Geo-Object-Based Vegetation Mapping via Machine Learning Methods with an Intelligent Sample Collection Scheme: A Case Study of Taibai Mountain, China, Remote Sensing, vol.13, no. 2: 249, 2021 (中科院 2 區).
(13) 楊耘, 王彬澤, 劉艷, 席江波, 柏涵, 王麗霞, 吳田軍. 基於時空最佳化 LSTM 深度學習網路的氣溫預測. 徐州工程學院學報: 自然科學版, 35(2):44-9, 2020.
(12) Yue Sun, Yitong Cai, Ji Chen, Ya Gao, Jiangbo Xi, Long Ge, Yi Cao, Junhua Zhang, and Jinhui Tian, An evidence map of clinical practice guideline recommendations and quality on diabetic retinopathy, Eye, pp.1-12,2020.
(11) Tianjun Wu, JIancheng Luo, Yanan Zhou, Changpeng Wang, Jiangbo Xi, and Jianwu Fang, Geo-Object-Based Land Cover Map for High-Spatial-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Change Detection and Label Transfer, Remote Sensing, 12(1), 2019 (中科院 2 區).
(10) Yue Sun, Ji Chen, Shuzhen Shi, Long Ge, Yoxiang Bu, Jiangbo Xi, Jinhui Tian, Are paediatric clinical practice guidelines trustworthy? Journal of paediatrics and child health, 55(9), 2019.
(9) M Cong, Z Wang, Y Tao, J Xi, C Ren, M Xu, Unsupervised self-adaptive deep learning classification network based on the optic nerve microsaccade mechanism for unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing image classification, Geocarto International,2019, 1-20
(8) Xin Wei, Desheng Wen, Jiangbo Xi, Wenkang Deng, A star identification algorithm based on radial and dynamic cyclic features of star pattern, Advances in Space Research, 2019,63(7).
(7) Xin Wei, Desheng Wen, Zongxi Song, Jiangbo Xi, Wenkang Zhang, Gang Liu, Zhixin Li, A Systematic Error Compensation Method Based on an Optimized Extreme Learning Machine for Star Sensor Image Centroid Estimation, Applied Sciences, 2019,9(22),4751.
(6) Xin Wei, Desheng Wen, Zongxi Song, Jiangbo Xi, Star Identification Algorithm Based on Oriented Singular Value Feature and Reliability Evaluation Method, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, 2019,62(5),265-274.
(5) Fei Cheng, Kai Liu, Maoguo Gong, Kaiyuan Fu, Jiangbo Xi, Robust visual tracking via randomly projected instance learning,International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics,11(52), 2016.
(4) Dalei Yao, Desheng Wen, Jianru Xue, Yuehong Qiu, Jiangbo Xi, et al., “The degree of polarization modeling with different shapes of the satellite,” Optik, vol. 127, 2016.
(3) Dalei Yao, Desheng Wen, Jianru Xue, Yuehong Qiu, Jiangbo Xi, et al., “Detection ability analysis of ground based imaging polarization detector,” Optik, vol. 126, 2015.
(2) Jiao Mou, Wei Gao, Zongxi Song, Jiangbo Xi, et al., “An Effective Fusion Based on Compressive Sensing” , Journal of Information and Computational Science, vol.12, no.11, 2014.
(1) Hao Lu, Zongxi Song, Hongwei Yi, Qi Wang, Jianbo Xi, “A new method of efficient measurement for sub-pixel image motion of space camera,” Journal of Information and Computational Science, vol.12, no.2, 2015.
二、會議論文(註:*通訊作者,Corresponding author)
(12) Jiahuan Xu, Dili Zeng, Jiangbo Xi*, High Resolution Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation Using Bayesian of Hyperparameters and Improved U-net, The 5th China Symposium on Cognitive Computing and Hybrid Intelligence, CCHI2023, Nanjing, 2023.
(11) Bao Liu, Yuhui Zou, Jiangbo Xi*, High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Captioning Using Group Convolution and Attentional Mechanism, The 5th China Symposium on Cognitive Computing and Hybrid Intelligence, CCHI2023, Nanjing, 2023.
(10) Zhe Zhao, Jingwei Chen, Jiangbo Xi*, Wandong Jiang, Dashuai Xie, Siyan Gao, and Jie Wang. Lightweight Target Detection in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images. In Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems (ICAUS 2022), pp. 3252-3260. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
(9) Binze Wang, Jiangbo Xi*, Xingrun Wang, Jianwu Fang,Wandong Jiang, DashuaiXie, and Yaobing Xiang et al. Remote Sensing Image Captioning Using Transformer,2021 International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems (ICAUS 2021).
(8) Jiangbo Xi, and Ziyun Yan et al. Continual learning for scene classification of high resolution remote sensing images, The 12th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP2021).
(7) Jiangbo Xi, Dashuai Xie et al. High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification Using Hybrid Ensemble Learning, 2021 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Control, Measurement and Signal Processing and Intelligent Oil Field (ICMSP 2021).
(6) Yaobing Xiang, and Jiangbo Xi* et al. Space debris detection with fast grid-based learning, 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Safe Production and Informatization (IICSPI 2020).
(5) Longwei Li, and Jiangbo Xi* et al. Multi-scale Fast Detection of Objects in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images, 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC2020).
(4) Jiangbo Xi, Zongxi Song, Wei Gao, Sub-pixel location method with phase transfer function for star trackers, 8th International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation, Chengdu, P.R. China, 2012.8.8-8.11
(3) Dalei Yao, Desheng Wen, Jianru Xue, Zhi Chen, Yan Wen, Baotan Jiang, Jiangbo Xi, “Design of a multifunction astronomical CCD camera,” Proc.SPIE 9631, 2015.
(2) Hao Lu, Zongxi Song, Wei Gao, Qi Wang, Jiangbo Xi, “A multi-focus image adaptive fusion method based on comprehensive index,” Proc. SPIE. 9284, 2014.
(1) Peng Pang, Wei Gao, Zongxi Song, Jiangbo Xi, “Compressed sensing based on the improved wavelet transform for image processing,” Proc. SPIE 9284, 2014.


3.國際學術期刊IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Knowledge-Based Systems,Remote Sensing,Applied Opitcs,Experimental Astronomy,Earth Science Informatics, The journal of Supercomputing, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,IEEE Access,Sensors,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,Applied Sciences審稿人;《武漢大學學報(信息科學版)》、《吉林大學學報(工學版)》、《計算機學報》、《無人系統技術》期刊審稿人。


