巴黎高等電子與電工技術工程師學校 ,又譯:法國高等電子工程師學校( ESIEE Paris ),是一所5年制工程師大學校(grande ecole)隸屬於ESIEE集團,其法律性質是一個受國家工業部主管的公用事業機構。
學校始創於1904年,由Amans Falguière和Charles Schneider先生創建,初始命名 Ecole théorique et pratique d'électricité。 原始的校址在巴黎的 81-83 rue Falguière. 因為breguet家族的 Louis Charles Breguet 先生是校董,同年,"Ecole théorique et pratique d'électricité" 改名為 "Ecole Breguet"
2014年,ESIEE Paris建校110周年,培養了眾多著名人士。2007年學校加入巴黎大學(東區),同時成為ESIEE Paris 為巴黎大學(東區)組織董事成員之一。
英文名:École supérieure dingénieurs en électronique et électrotechnique de Paris
巴黎高等電子與電工技術工程師學校(法語:École supérieure dingénieurs en électronique et électrotechnique de Paris,簡稱"ESIEE Paris",又譯:法國高等電子工程師學校),於1904年創立的法國工程師大學校,創立時校名為“寶璣工程師學院”。它是一所由寶璣家族創始的教學、科研機構,由法國工業部主管。高等電子與電工技術工程師學校
十九世紀末的電力算是高科技,在Breguet家族財政支持下學校有了很快的發展。並且迅速有了較高的社會認知度,Ecole Breguet學院在機械界也可以和arts et métiers相提並論(註:ESIEE已無機械專業)。 1922年,學校的教育被國家認可,1926年起文憑由教育部長簽字(當時叫做Ministre de l'instruction publique)。Un amphithéâtre de 200 places
1934年七月一個法律的出台,學校的教育從兩年制改為三年制,並且成為正式的工程師大學校。(lui confère le droit de figurer sur la liste officielle des établissements habilités à délivrer un diplôme d'ingénieur)。
1960年, 隨著寶璣家族的中落,Ecole Breguet 被轉給了CCIP巴黎工商會Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris。寶璣手錶轉讓給瑞士Swatch集團。
2018年12月27日,由French-South African Institute of Technology(F'SATI 為ESIEE在南非建立的一所合作分校, 隸屬於巴黎工商會)團隊開發的名為ZACube2的衛星成功發射。ZACube2為ESIEE Paris參與發射的第三枚衛星, 該衛星為二代納米衛星,該衛星國際衛星標識符為: 2018-111AH。
The Computer Science Research Center of ESIEE-Paris has been created in 2009, together with two other centers: the Microsystems, Electronics and Telecommunication Center and the Innovation Management Center. It hosts the research activities of the Computer Science Department and the Embedded Systems Department of ESIEE-Engineering, and some research activities held in the Telecommunication Department of ESIEE-Engineering and in ESIEE-Management.
It is composed of 31 academic staff members and 24 PhD students. A major part of the staff (17 permanent members) is also associated to the Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM), which is a joint research unit UPEMLV-ESIEE-ENPC-CNRS (UMR 8049) of Université Paris-Est. Two members are associated to the Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes de Versailles (LISV) and one member to the PRiSM laboratory of Université de Versailles Saint Quentin.
During the period 2008-2009, the center has produced: three books, one special issue, thirteen book chapters, three patents, 59 journal articles and 154 articles in conference proceedings. Sixteen journal articles are in submission. Fourteen contracts and funded projects were completed or are still ongoing, and ten PhD theses were defended.
The research activities of the Informatics Center fall into six main topics:
Architecture and parallel computing for imagery and virtual reality: real-time computing, parallelism, reconfigurable architectures, design methodology...
Mathematical morphology and image processing: theoretical advances in morphology, optimization in image analysis, segmentation, watersheds, applications...
Modelling and optimization: machine learning, system design, modelling for engineers, computational intelligence...
Real-time systems and networks: real-time control, scheduling, real-time embedded system design, energy management, wireless multiservice networks...
Signal processing: information measures, source separation, multiple-input/multiple-output radar systems.
Electronics Communications and Microsystems
Research Division in Electronics Communications and Microsystems
The Research Division in Electronics, Communications and Microsystems was created in 2009 at ESIEE-Paris, together with two other divisions: the Informatics Division, and the Innovation Management Division.
The Research Division in Electronics, Communications and Microsystems hosts the research activities of the Electronics System Department and the Telecommunication Department of ESIEE-Engineering. It is composed of 29 academic staff members and 28 PhD students.
A major part of the research staff (18 permanent members and 24 PhD students) is also associated to the Laboratoire d'Electronique Systèmes de Communication et Microsystèmes (ESYCOM), which is a joint research unit UPEMLV-ESIEE-CNAM (EA 2552) of Université Paris-Est.
Two permanent members are associated to the Laboratoire de Micorélectronique ENSICAEN-NXP Semiconducteur (LAMIPS). During the period of two years 2008-2009, the research division has produced 167 publications: 44 journal articles, 13 patents, 107 articles in conference proceedings and three book chapters.
7 PhD theses were defended and 32 contracts and funded projects were completed or are still ongoing.
The activities of the Research Division in Electronics, Communications and Microsystems fall into 3 main areas:
· Sensors: Multiphysics components, micro- and nanotechnology for environment sensing and life science.
· Communication: Architectures and components for RF and optical communication.
· Electronics: Electronic systems.
ESIEE Management research programme centres
The ESIEE Management research programme centres on innovation and change management issues.
The research is conducted at theoretical and empirical levels. Some projects involve specific disciplines yet many crossdisciplinary studies have proven to better inform understanding of the innovation dynamic in companies, in all its aspects.
Research themes
Disruptive innovation and growth markets.
Innovative project management.
Entrepreneurism and financing innovation.
Technologies, usage and companies.
Outlooks on globalisation and institutional changes.
Key Areas of Application
ESIEE Management has developed specific expertise in advanced technology, particularly ICTs, materials engineering and biotechnologies. The five research interests span a variety of applications. They are equally relevant to management science (finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, strategy, project management, etc.) or economic and social sciences (industrial economics, innovation economics, international economics, spatial economics, etc.) as « hard » science (theory and practice of information science, materials science and life science), including leading sectors like nanotechnologies.
The lecturers and researchers at ESIEE Management work in various laboratories:
The Institut Francilien Recherche, Innovation, Société (Ifris) coordinates and develops research on innovation, governance of science and technical democracy. The partner members of this scientific interest grouping are the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), the University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEMLV), ENPC ParisTech, the French Institute for Political Studies (IEP), Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP)(ESIEE Paris) and the French Observatory of Science and Technology (OST). ESIEE Management plays an active role within the Ifris on areas relating to scientific, technical and economic intelligence.
In the framework of an agreement with the LATTS research group on technology, territories and societies), ParisTech Graduate School (ENPC, University of Paris-Est), three professor and a research engineer are participating in the work of the TIO (Technology Innovation Organisation) team.
In the framework of an agreement with the Methods of Industrialisation Study Centre (CEMI) of the School for Advanced Studies in Social Science (EHESS), one professor is conducting research into economic theory and international and industrial economics with this laboratory.
A team of three professors has joined forces with the IRG-PRISM (Innovative Services Management Projects) team of the University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (University of Paris-Est).
A cycle of seminars in entrepreneurial finance has been organised by a lecturer at Advancia, with the support of the CDC, in the framework of a partnership agreement with Advancia/Negocia.
A team comprising four professors is participating in the research project in entrepreneurial finance, which was proposed by the Entrepreneurial Chair of Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with HEC, ESCP-EAP and Advancia/Negocia :
12 ENTREP - L'analyse de la performance des start-up : de la trajectoire de développement à la valorisation - Sheet poster - Poster
A professor is leading projects on company demographics in partnership with the ERUDITE Laboratory of the University of Paris XII (University of Paris-Est).
A professor represents ESIEE Management at the CIRPP, the laboratory supporting and approving the educational study and research programmes of Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In 2008-2009, papers were presented at international conferences (e.g. the Laemos Colloquium in Brazil, the fifth Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat at the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec). Publications were featured in peer-reviewed international journals (e.g. Research Policy, International Atoms for Peace, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management). Jean Redis, Professor of Finance, is publishing a book with De Boeck, in the Small Companies and Entrepreneurism collection, entitled: « Finance entrepreneuriale - Le créateur d'entreprise et les investisseurs en capital » in autumn 2009.
Composition of the research entity
10 research lecturers are involved in research activities. A research committee is responsible for research orientation in addition to discussion and validation of the projects in the framework of seminars.
法國現行的頗具法國式特點的國民教育制度不同於任何教育體系。所謂法國式的,即不同於其他,有標新立異之意,富有創造精神,這正是法蘭西精神的體現。當今的法國高等教育為學生提供了兩條並行且相互補充的學習途徑:一為大學制,它與西方各國的大學制相同,學生一旦取得了高中會考的合格文憑,便可直接進入大學學習,無須經過選拔考試,這使得大多數高中畢業生獲得進一步拓深學業的機會;另一為重點高等專科學校制,這些學校聲名遠揚,學生為進入自己理想的重點高等專科學校必須經過嚴格的考試選拔,成績優異者方有幸進入這些學校學習、深造。作為重點高等專科學校,高等工程師學校通過嚴格的入學考試,招收能力更強的青年男女,為他們提供更好的學習氛圍。同其他重點高等專科學校培養目標不同的是,ESIEE鼓勵學生進行課題研究,在高等教育和研究領域培養優秀的人才,而其他重點高等專科學校則培養專門人才,如工程師、商業人才。參加高等工程師大學校入學考試的學生在獲得高中會考文憑的基礎上經過5年專門的培訓準備後獲得碩士工程師學位(BAC+5,master)。與中、英、美不同,法國高等教育體系十分獨特,實行雙重高等教育學府制。一類是綜合性大學(universite),另一類是專業大學(les Grandes Ecoles),中文直譯為“大學校”,包括商校和工程師學校等,由拿破崙親自創辦。前者寬進嚴出,專業齊全,更注重理論研究。後者入學門檻高,嚴進嚴出,培養專門型高級人才,更注重理論實踐相結合,畢業生更受知名企業青睞,在歐洲認可度高。
· University of Tokyo(Japan) · Nanyang Technology University, NTU (Singapore)
· Tshingua University (China)
· Ecole polytechnique de Montreal (Canada) · Université française d'Egypte (Egypt) · UC Irvine (US) · Princeton University (US) · IMEC (Belgium) · Manilla University (Philippines) · More than 25 universities in Europe : Karlsruhe University (Germany) - Ulm University (Germany) - Southampton University (UK) - Chalmers University (Sweden) - EPFL (Switzerland) - Brno University (Czech Republic).
Degrees awarded: Master of science in MOTIS. This programme has been accredited by the prestigious "Conférence des grandes écoles", which is an association of the highest-level French business and engineering schools.
Aim : this programme is designed to equip its graduates with the necessary skills, competences and vision to manage advances in technology in the form of ideas, goods and services. Students will develop the necessary technical skills along with expertise in strategic issues and project management in order to manage information systems in diverse contexts.
Degree awarded: Master's degree - Diplôme national de master - Accredited by «Ministry of higher education and research» and «Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur»
This three-semester programme aims to provide its attendees with fundamentals of both Computer Science and Embedded Systems, with applications in :
- digital imaging
- real time systems
Degree awarded: Master's degree - Diplôme d'ingénieur ESIEE Paris - Accredited by «Ministry of higher education and research» and «Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur»
Aim: make the attendees expert in the fields of image processing and embedded systems. Graduates are able to design advanced autonomous systems, where embedded systems and computer vision may work jointly.
Two options : Wireless Communications / Micro-and-nano-systems
Degree awarded: Master's degree - Diplôme d'ingénieur ESIEE Paris - Accredited by «Ministry of higher education and research» and «Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur»
Aim: the International Master of Electronics aims to train engineers and young scientists with a high technical added value in the field of electrical engineering toward a broad range of topics. Two options are proposed: Micro and nano technologies, Wireless communications.
Students build up their own track among covered topics which are: integrated circuits, communications systems, photonics, RF and microwave, sensors, MEMS, microfluidics, nanomaterials, biomedical engineering, etc.
Degree awarded: Master's degree - Diplôme national de master - Accredited by «Ministry of higher education and research» and «Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur»
Aim: trained students after graduation can enter the field of sensors and sensor networks or electronics